Delay Local

An auto-refresh D-scan would mandate the elimination of Local.

It’s definitely worth considering, not least for the simplification of the UI.
Normal D scan use would be incorporated into the Overview. I’d suggest targets beyond 4000km not be identifiable ie would show Ship 11.9 au. Nor could you warp to them.

There’s a case for simultaneously nerfing the actual D scan so that identifying distant ships is harder. Big ships would be more easily identified. Directionality would be required to boost identification power (or range?).

You could also solve the cloaking problem at the same time.
Cloaked ships would appear on overview at 20km, not identified, not selectable. You’d need to use D scan to approach them with any accuracy. If cloaking is nerfed, gate camps would have to be nerfed in some way.
Cynos should probably appear at any range.

All of this will obviously upset the PvP balance. Tuning of the balance could be done with alterations to things like range on the new Overview, range of Overview identification, power of the new D scan etc.

Hopefully, it becomes easier for skilful gankers, but harder for bad ones who rely on cloak etc.

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