Desolate Asteroid Belts Now Available for Testing

Did I misunderstand this then?

Exactly Franklin. Even ‘our’ solar system has an astroid belt…removing them was weird from the start.

The same gate rats that used to spawn on gates when there were asteroid belts will continue to spawn on the gates. They just won’t be reinforced by the huge numbers of additional rats that got lumped onto gates.

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I jumped on the test server, roamed a few systems, zero rats on gate or on beacon. Sorry but a single point for rat spawns IMO isn’t a great idea. I think the community can agree revert back to how it was in 2019. Bring the ore back, bring the rats back…ppl where happier then.

There have always been some gate rats. Lancers, the Edencomm and Trigs. They were never an issue. It was the addition of all of the belt rats to the gates, including the titan/dread/officer spawns, that were the problem.

They’re what’s gone.


Thanks for the response. I guess we can add another win for you then :wink:

Thank you :slight_smile:

Yet another band-aid slapped over a festering wound.

Rehire CCP Seagull, at least she knew her decisions were awful and stood by them.

Not sure they could afford her at this point.


Yeah, in my early career in Syndicate there were a group of three of us who would go mine hidden belts using Thoraxes (I know but less ships to choose from back then). We’d take the ore back home and use it to make what we needed, or sell it in HS to raise funds in a more interesting way than only belt ratting.

I tell the story because it gave a new small Corp a way to grow. We could have done it by joining the local Alliance and used the regular belts but we wanted to do our own thing and it was fun running back through the choke points. We were also hunting that Alliance.

Circumstancials point is well made. I think I remember the introduction of comets being mentioned in the past. Maybe these are loaded with a complete variety of minerals. I’m not a coder but the behaviour of weather systems in Eve is how I can imagine it.

Put my old corp to one side and consider small gangs having something to do, even in their own space. I guess we’ve all experienced logging in to find only three guys in the station and figuring what to get done as a group.

How about just putting the damn belts back? is it that hard?


Why can’t you just adapt to the new normal? Is that so hard?

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there are no rats on those beacons lol tipical ccp

do not touch wh we are fine ok ccp …lol

So to fix an issue that you created you’re going to create something else, not admit to making the mistake and reverting it back to how it was. Do you people really wonder why your player base is down?

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Any chance you can give this a different “Type” so we can remove only these from overview? This should also apply to all other beacon types like ESS, Jove Observatory, random NPC sites etc.?

Oh there are rats alright! Warped to a beacon, lagged to hell (thanks DX12!), warped out, warped in again, NPC carrier spawns :stuck_out_tongue:

A single site means more content for hunters. Located in one nice place

Could it be possible that this change has impacted somehow the rate of commander rats spawn in ls? Since the patch, and I have invested hours, I haven’t been able to find any from any pirate faction. Was the spawning rate modified in any way? I couldn’t find anything on the notes but it seems weird since this is something I’ve been doing every day for a while and not even on my worst worst luck week I’ve seen something like this. Or… may be I never actually saw my worst worst worst week…