Desolate Asteroid Belts Now Available for Testing

Anyone know if the rock geometry is collidable or is it like the large decorative asteroids in event sites that have no collision/decloak boxes?

People like finding and exploiting ‘secrets,’ but that fun one went away, with the expansion of grid sizes. CCP did not move a single rock in the belts, but after the grid size change, any player could see the farthest rocks, that only ‘insiders’ had known about before.

Game designers should add some mystery back; Seed random asteroids at random off-grid distances. No beacons or signatures - true grit exploration: pick a direction and burn. Maybe players could occasionally scan down NPC miners, to find some of the new rocks. And of course, once a player is out there, they could also be scanned down.

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Ok so obviously you guys at CCP can see that people arnt happy.

Null sec is ruined and you CCP kestrel how does it feel knowing how these updates are going to be met and still trying to sound positive about it? Are they all honesty that delusional in that office that they believe they are doing good here?

Null sec is pointless at the minute, terrible mining, terrible BRM bollocks and as you know of you go roaming in null it’s either dead because the bots sock up or you get blobbed.

The game is no longer holding everyone’s interest anymore and this is not the way to regain it. Branding stuff CCP broke they now fixed as an update is just out right lazy development.


You did it! Another victory after the Red Dot.

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No more Guristas CTA?

As others have said, please don’t make this yet another beacon.

Can we get some clarification on why the old belts can’t just be added back? Can you not control the types of rocks that spawn, therefore you don’t want the belts there? That’s what people suspect, but total radio silence on the topic is a touch annoying.


Because it’s partial solution to a small part of a far bigger problem (ore distribution, in this case in null) that is embedded in still more problems with the implemented changes of the last two years.

Beacons are the new red dots :red_circle:

I feel a little bit sorry for the folks at ccp, who came up with this (and by extension any csm member involved). We seem ungrateful, true, but in the current state of the game, what is requested is a thorough evaluation of player sentiment and ensuing overhaul of extremely unpopular changes of the last couple of years - in this case ore distribution in all its aspects.


Why would we appear ungrateful when we simply point out bad ideas for what they are: bad – in a forum that was setup to do exactly that. The game has been suffering from the implementation of bad ideas for the past 8 years, and it is most evident where this led us. We do not need more bad ideas implemented just because CCP wants to and has no better ideas.

What we actually need are good ideas raised and developed. We do not need window dressings (useless fake asteroids), we need actual asteroids and exploration content. For instance, people have been asking for ring mining for over a decade now. Tons of systems in EVE have gas giants or ice giants with rings. Put Ring Resource Fields on these planets that people can discover by probing with Survey Probes (that would give these probes an additional use besides moon survey and would meaningfully augment their usage) or core probing a new signature type (bring back Ore signatures that have more/specialized/valuable/otherwise regionally unavailable ore in them). This survey work could be part of a profession that leads to normal warpable belts after a few hours or days after discovery (accessible via right click, not beacons).
In systems without ring planets, ore signatures can spawn around barren planets or ice planets. There used to be an amazing planet in Curse with 30 belts scattered around it. That made this planet feel like it had actual rings full of resources, and it was fun moving between the belts to find NPCs or the belts with the best ore.


Please reconsider:

  1. The choice of the beacon overview iconography instead of something unique – or the actual asteroid belt triangle circles icon
  2. The fact it doesn’t show up in the right click menu under “asteroid belts”

that was too easy fix for CCP. Lets ■■■■■■■ add more garbage to the game.

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Hahahaha new name for the next dev CCP Bandaid, absolute joke of a company.


This is finally the long awaited content.
Totally worth the extra bucks.


Can I have your stuff? Plz contract to Lodemai

Thank you Brisc!!!

Not sure this is a good thing

But trading the bad change above for the good change now seems like a worthy tradeoff

And add the nullsec ore to them. It was fun to stumble across the regular solo miner or small group of miners and right now it doesn’t look nice. Much better the announced fix

I will merge this into the allready existing Disscussion about that.

Strictly speaking, this is better than the current system - so it is a positive change.

That said, I’d really rather have the old belts back before they were ruined in 2019 - its not like the trivial amount of ore they spawn could really upend the economy anyways at this point.

We also need ore asteroid fields for NPC sotiyos to work properly, and this new beacon has no mineable ore whatsoever.


@CCP_Kestrel My statement here should not be taken to be personally about you, but about the direction the company has taken in this instance.

Look at what you have done. Just look at it. Take a long, hard look, and understand why you cannot ever do something like this again. Ask @Brisc_Rubal, he will confirm it. He will tell you 100% you cannot allow this horrible travesty to ever be repeated.

You have made @Mifune_SwordGod right about something.

CCP, that is not allowed. Please, for the love of god, do better.


With CCP’s past track record of “fixing” things, I don’t whether to laugh or cry at that statement.