Desperation of defeated Kybernauts

When we will take the Yulai system, we will recover the vessel and, hopefully, the crew if they are still alive.


I see that Triglavian lies still are strongly engrained in some capsuleer minds, eventually, they will be eradicated. The constant barking of triglavian dogs cant stop EDENCOM.

I know that if there is one trait that characterizes noble heroes, it is dehumanizing one’s enemies and comparing them to animals. Of course, it is natural for champions of the Empires to represent the values they fight to protect.

If fighting against genocide and slavery makes me inhuman, then so be it. Enjoy your sense of superiority.


your fleet comms tell a different story

this is the hardest spin on the niarja loss i have seen yet

again, your comms told a different story, how you stopped running sites, members complaining how noone wants to FC, and how your members paniced every time they saw catalysts

lets keep in mind that edencom loyals tried ganking first, in niarja
and failed everytime

or what about the gank tornados in a bunch of systems before niarja?
(usually lowsec/lim, dont wanna loose a tornado to concord now)


We will and are, your in-fighting with Caldari is proof.

[14:30:07] Szilardis > I’m pretty flabbergasted still by the active fit rattlesnake getting ganked while off comms.
[14:30:31] Immornheimer > 1 Billions ISK + Lost
[14:30:34] Szilardis > also the mach with the abominable fit that got ganked just prior.
[14:30:50] Sturmhardt EisenkeiI > well, I am glad we only cover costs up to a justifyable ammount
[14:31:05] Sturmhardt EisenkeiI > the ologi nestor was also funky
[14:32:30] Szilardis > I said he didn’t deserve 1 isk from SRP, he came back then and concordokkened on me mid fleet, thinking because I called it out I was on the killmail
[14:32:33] Szilardis > in a harpy
[14:32:38] Szilardis > shooting my praxis
[14:33:50] Verum Peto > i wouldnt have been SRP’d had someone in fleet posted the issue

p.s, the Ologi nestor, is the OP of this post.


All efforts to eradicate Triglavian forces are justified by how evil their behavior is.

Also only briefly disturbed EDENCOM soldiers returned to their duties and kept high morale after the terrorists were liquidated.
Cant say that about Triglavians and their capsuleer supporters tho. Their impotence must burn them with live fire each day they look how EDENCOM soldiers defend their space and defeat triglavian forces.
That can be heard and seen even here.

The destroyed vessels were in fact not EDENCOM property but only pilots own belongings, spare ships everyone knew they can replace. We have wealthy members and supporters of our cause, willing to sacrifice the highly automated machine for the lifes of many citizens. After brief indisposition the pilots returned or will return to action soon. To win again.

So you’ll be bringing more Nestors then?

Well thats propaganda lies.
You returned to system in an Osprey, surely if Edencom were supplying ships it would have been another Nestor. Also your organisation states that you get repaid 250mil MAX for a BS loss, with no special cover for advanced hulls, these being replaced at a T1 value. Surely if Edencom were supplying you ships, you’d have unlimited funds.
Stop the lies. stop trying to cover up your organisations ineptitude. Stop the lies about winning, you abandoned the Caldari yet again, and yet again blamed them for your ineptitude.
I’m glad Edencom isn’t to blame for the fit of the Nestor that was destroyed, there is at least some hope for them(Edencom).

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The fit was special tactics and aoperations fit, fairly cheap but effective in the action, as humanitarian effort vessel was not tanked to survive sudden terrorist attacks.

Also The Osprey was the choice as that is what Caldari tank primarily is. Shield. Saved many lifes.

Yes I will bring more Nestors, but they will be properly tanked in future to compensate for cowardly Pro Trig tactics.

Again nothing but lies and propaganda spin.
Please provide conclusive proof of those “billions of deaths at the hands of trigs”.
I’ll be waiting.

The only thing that is “desperate” about this situation seems to be the constant need to sell major defeats as victories.
Niarja was a major blow, but dismissed and ignored.
Meantime a minmatar system of little consequence is spun into a “major victory”.
The next blue Caldari system was taken in record time.

Trying to depict us as demoralised and shattered seems to be nothing more then projecting your own failures.
The masses are starting to wake up and pierce trough the blinding propaganda and downright lies.

It is not too late to change the direction of your Flow.
Zorya still awaits those who finally see the truth.
The Triglavian Community will welcome you and share our extremely high spirits to lift and renew your now broken souls.

Victory is near, and it taste like a fresh liminality in the morning.

Good to know, thank you for the intel.

Thats not an intel, thats the brave soul of EDENCOM pilot that doesnt have to fear any coward.

when your own side is confused about the fit, i highly doubt that. yet more lies.

This assumes it’s the Nestors, not the Ospreys, that EDENCOM is handing out. GSF has one of the most robust reimbursement programs in New Eden, but that doesn’t mean that someone flying a 3b ISK logi legion when the doctrine calls for a Guardian will get the Legion replaced. If they’re lucky, they’ll get the Guardian payout.

If they’re not, Atrum will publicly mock them for a week or so.

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We know this, Nana is trying to say otherwise. We’re just pointing out it’s ridiculous :stuck_out_tongue:

The SRP limitations are a matter of cost effectiveness. In a fleet, a battleship under the cost limit will be just as effective as one over the cost limit.
I will certainly concede that the Empires have done some seriously messed up crap. But your actions do not directly harm those Empires. Those that suffer most are the people planetside, and the capsuleers whose only objective is trade. If your lot was headshotting Empresses and other such overly influential people, it would be an act of karma cheered on by all four Peoples to at least some degree.
But that’s not what’s happening.

Obviously. And my actions have not harmed the empires or their populations.

No she’s not:

She’s pretty clearly saying the individual pilots decided to use those ships, and were capable of replacing them on their own.

The (admittedly short) history of EDI is one of independent operators coming together, not out of loyalty to any Empire or corporation or alliance, but as a group uniting to defend homes, their own and others. I regularly see capsuleers from all four Empires joining forces, not to protect the Empires’ interests, but the people who cannot help themselves.

What does the Collective fight to defend? Their only defensive actions have been to keep what they took in acts of aggression. Acts which have destroyed the livelihoods of many. You claim that planetside individuals are being adapted to their new ecosystem. If true, you have still destroyed entire ecosystems, and the businesses dependent on them. All for some vague concept of “change,” and a poorly executed attempt at the “death by a thousand cuts” strategy.

If your actions (the Kybernauts’ and the Collective’s) were truly effective, the Empires and CONCORD would not withdraw, not from systems with actual critical importance to those in power. They would be callous enough to throw trillions of lives away to cover their own arse. The Empires and the Collective are roughly equal in their disregard for people’s lives. You Kybernauts have no moral high ground, only petty personal grievances. Perhaps those grievances you have are valid, but that does not justify your actions.