Well mate, I wouldn’t say eve is pay to win anyway possible, I explained how the economical environment fluid and the game environment they build, each roll of us participate in to perform the fluid which is so called sand box.
Pay to win is actually an incomplete term to describe an act that simply couldn’t be adjusted to fit to any in game system find its roll of function.
If the game is incomplete somehow with its mechanics, like the simulation scope was laid too close to a particular reality joint like traditional games, for instant street fighters, if paying items that simply extend the damage of a punch or buying items reducing each damage and such, with better cash input, the items go up with tiers therefore, it reduces or extending more damage, theoretically, if you paying certain amount of cash, that wouldn’t be a fair match at all than the fellow next to you nuded.
But if you extend and try to dig deeper on the concept why a item can reduce or extending damages, what does it require to manufacture it, what cost much make it prior to their regular glove size and such, you realise you need better materials or manufacturing conditions that requires more time And initial cost to set up the lay out, therefore the job that an other player to produce it is realised and next thing it needs is to link that manufacturing process to material collecting, therefore the street fighter go full live with a live economical environment and more positions have been filled as profession to support that combat situation, also the extended layout on how the items manufactured also suggesting the property that items appears, like how the weight of a glove pairs with the material of it to produce a more comfortable punch therefore delievering more damage, the larger and tougher the gloves are, the less lethal they become as offence but more effective and produce more defensive property to reduce the damage of an incoming punch, you know just to form up a feeling the environment of what those gloves are and what they actually do as glove hanging there, with all that feeding back and mechanics produced by those property. the combat environment started forming up and so the property of a fight is. It seems like how the game environment was formed by mechanics as an approach, and in that environment players can manage to drive it to expansion anyway they need.
Pay to win is a simple action, and it alone doesn’t have proper meaning to any problem it suggesting, but a tag that implies a game needs to dig deeper on the concept it stands and the meaning to the simulation it trying to lay out, just you know reveal what does it mean as it was proposed essentially so it can stand as a joint of mechanics rather than an object skipping everything around out.