Dev blog: Black Desert Online makers Pearl Abyss to acquire CCP!

there are a few ways this could go down
1: the best outcome
Both PA and CCP benefit and both BDO and EVE improve
2: the decent outcome
CCP stays independent and no real changes are made to EVE (that could be both good or bad, up to you really)
3: the bad outcome:
neither game improves and EVE takes serious losses in the player base and meets a slow death
4: the worst outcome
this happens

and EVE dies in a matter of months

and I was just starting to really get into the game

So basically the last year of game development has been sacrificed by cutting staff, boosting revenues and investing a bare minimum back into the game to make CCP more attractive to a buyer. Many of us called it. EVE is now officially dead. The only thing left is to remove your credit card information and unsubscribe.

The only thing I find more disgusting with this whole debacle is how certain CCP devs are “elated” with this. Of course, they weren’t one of the 100 or so CCP employees (many no doubt long-term employees who would’ve benefited financially from this sale) who were mercilessly cashiered a year ago to improve the books.

Fck you CCP. Fck you.


Nearly all of those Devs were non Eve related.
Aka sources to prove your claims of cut backs purely for sale or stfu with the conspiracy theories.

Yeah, you’re right. The entire EVE community team had nothing to do with EVE. Or team security, which went from something like a dozen staff to around 1.5. Completely my imagination, because I’m sure those two areas alone had little if any impact on the game. Ironic too how this was announced after summer holidays were taken (instead of improving the game, releasing half decent events o fixing any of the myriad of bugs) the “skeleton” staff that remained was focused solely on aquisition mode.


There were 3 devs cut from the community team as I recall.
Stop falling into the trap of exaggerating things then later believing your own words.
Team security I didnt keep track of, but I don’t recall any fact based numbers at the time like you are claiming. So yeah… Sources.

I mean sure any cuts aren’t great. But it certainly wasn’t a murdering of Eve like you are trying to paint.

There is no community team left. Souces? Go dig through Reddit to find the thread that detailed some of the drastic staff cuts to team security. The one about rampant botting.


Security Team is two staff.
Thats it.

They average a consistent about 2k/month suspensions/bans across the gamut of illegal activities.

Its unclear whether both handles all investigations, or they have different duties.

You can calculate the per member output, assuming a 40hr work week.
The pace is break-neck, and it would seem they are at maximum capacity/output.

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Security, community, seems like they keep two people because one have to be around when the other could be sick/on leave/vacation/drunk. So it can be only one person that is on duty.

That is bare minimum, two people, but actually only one sometimes. They dont do the stuff that the more sizable team would handle.


Unless they use tamed monkeys :monkey: :monkey: :monkey: to handle those duties. :monkey_face:

I expect the two-staff bare minimum also severely limits the teams capacity to investigate paper-trails for purposes of confiscating illegally generated isk/materials transferred to bank/storage/fence accounts, possibly through several transactions of different types to throw off the scent and “plausible deniability”.

So even if the botting accounts are removed, the illegal isk/materials generated are still accessible to the banned botter, and he can use those to fund re-starting the entire operation on another set of accounts.

The two staff Security Team consistently averages ~2000 bans a month (of ALL illegal activity, not just botting.)

Assuming a 40hr work week, thats 12.5 bans per hour, so 1 ban every ~5mins.
(Reduced by vacations/sick leave etc)

No way does the staff have time to chase paper-trails to confiscate transferred illegally gained isk/material at that break-neck pace.

This is self-defeating.

If the illegally gained isk/materials are not traced and confiscated, the botter will just use them to fund re-starting the botting operation all over again, and again requiring CCP to detect them, investigate and ban them, month after month, ad nauseum.


Wow, just wow. DMC outright defending bots as a good thing. I shouldn’t really be surprised by this.

The botting problem is not a one dimensional issue of just additional player numbers… Wait, why am I trying to explain this… WTF is actually wrong with you? It is not super difficult to understand why botting is bad for EVERY GAME and destroys content by completely devaluing it. And do you know whose favorite content they will destroy? Ironically it is yours DMC, they will utterly destroy the PvE in this game, all of it!

Since you have trouble figuring out why, imagine botting was legal, what do you think they would do? They would run missions, they would mine, they would do industry, they would trade, they would do PI, everything that can be automated they will do forever 23.5h per day without getting slower or needing sleep or a break or falling off the chair from boredom. They will run it so excessively that the amount of resources and ISK they produce is so huge that prices for the modules and materials they farm will simply be obliterated do to the sheer amount of them being poured onto the market.

And yes that means that EVERY SINGLE PVE CONTENT will be completely devalued, The ISK you get from those missions will not buy you any PLEX, because of the amount of ISK the bots generate it will be devalued to the point where it is basically worthless what you can create as a human. The same goes for minerals and mining, same for PI, same for industry.

And do you really think this will be a game people still enjoy to play and give CCP 15$ per month? Obviously people will leave, and once they are gone so will the bots because there is no market left for them to RMT their money.

This was an extreme example and in all seriousness I should not had to explain that because it is so obvious. Even the amounts of bots we have when they are illegal is devaluing the resources and you of all people should care about that. Less bots means more value for the miner, the mission runner and the industrialist, which in turn means more happy customers who are willing to pay CCP 15$ to play a game they think is fun.


Botting is the number one problem in EVE.

It undermines (no pun intended) everything in this game, and everyone.

Botters dont pay to play EVE.
That would defeat their purpose.
They do sink PLEX, but only to bot more, and harm the game more. They pay for that PLEX with illegally begotten isk/materials.

There is no scenario in which bots are of benefit to anyone except the botter themself and other associated illegal, harmful activities such as RMT which they supply with isk/materials.

Botting also encourages account-hacking, beyond simply stripmining the account. They then use them to bot, and the original “owner” is the first implicated should CCP detect the botting.

The higher PCU during the days of mulibox automation/keycasting was only harming the game, and flooding it with isk/materials which still to this day have not been sunk.

Even hunting/exploding botting ships is largely futile, as they have ALREADY been paid for with illegally gained isk/materials in the first place.

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Congratulations CCP because you could also pull the plug! Only the fact that Pearl Abyss EVE Online takes over for every user of EVE a slap in the face. As we would not have seen in Black Desert Online a pure P2W format.
One should have bake also in the last 15 years smaller rolls at CCP.But generosity comes before the case.Of course, everything remains the same, when I read something like course always the opposite.
For 425 million US dollars, CCP is settled, you do not have to say more.

Wow, now that’s definitely a wall of text.


So the reason for the massive inflation of market prices is due to CCP’s war on bots? Too bad it doesn’t increase mission rewards or rat bounties or the amount of exploration sites.

I’m not super space rich and I’d much rather have lower prices for modules and minerals then the extremely high prices that are currently in the market.

I think the actual issue is that by having subbed bot accounts, that would devalue killmails due to everything being priced low because of market surplus.

Anyway, this is getting off topic and I definitely don’t want to derail the thread. One thing is for sure, I don’t have any alt/bot accounts, I mainly only use this character solo in-game which is probably the reason why I’m not super space rich.

Yeah ok, so you just ignore all the arguments of why this will completely destroy the game and are simply in favor of it because of some self interest about module prices… WOW

Where do you think this modules come from? They are produced by miners and industrialists, and yes their labor costs more than that of a bot which will just farm and print it effortlessly. Try to think at least a little bit before you write…

I did not have a very high opinion about you before, but holy crap this just reinforces everything I ever suspected about you.


What massive market inflation?
Seriously go and check your facts. There is no significant inflation in EVE.
There are supply and demand fluctuations related to game balance changes and in a few cases major wars also cause a blip on the market.


Botters dont typically sell mats, they “mine them for free” as there is no opportunity cost involved in botting (cos you arent playing, the bot is). They then process them further and sell finished products, as their margins are much higher/wider then via added value.

DED/faction drops and items have taken a nosedive over the last years (offset now somewhat by module sink through mutations), due to botting.

They do however use bot gained isk to buy things, thus artificially increasing demand, raising prices.

Imo this is especially true regarding the PLEX market.

A bot that rats 1bil isk a day, will generate 365bil illegal isk in a year, enough for 243 subs via PLEX, at current ~1.5bil per PLEX sub.

Think about that for a moment…

Two hundred forty three PLEX subs, in a year.

Thats an enormous strain on PLEX market, from ONE SINGLE BOT, let alone thousands of them over years.

PS: Botters do NOT buy sub, nor PLEX, nor extractors, nor MCT, or anything else from CCP. They buy them in-game with illegally sourced isk, and revenue sale proceeds from illegally sourced mats which they process into finished products.

The harm and criminality of botting, especially as connected to RMT (which botting supplies) and account hijacking (which supplies bot accounts), cannot be understated.

Its fking EVE up, day after day, year after year.

This thread seems to have run it’s course.

Nothing but memes now. :zzz:

Or comments, questions that have been addressed

Personally I don’t care what you think and the feeling is definitely mutual.

Check it yourself, market prices are way higher now compared to years ago yet mission rewards and rat bounties have stayed the same.

Make up your mind, either they decrease value due to creating a surplus or they increase value due to limited availability.

As I said earlier, I don’t have or use any alt bot accounts. Hell, most of the posted replies in this thread say Eve is dead now so stop bugging me about bot’s and get back on the topic of Pearl Abyss acquiring CCP.

Yeah it is pretty clear now why you hate CODE. so much given your pro botting. Disgusting

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