Show me where I said we should be throwing as many candidates as possible at things to get the ‘vote for more candidates’ part of that, please.
I’ve got no problem with 1 vote per player, though. That won’t negate the advantage of organization, mind you. Nothing, other than ‘you can only get 50 (or whatever) votes’ will do that, and that kind of blows the idea of elections out of the water. Personally, I think highsec candidates should work to get organized as well.
But I do agree that CCP needs to find ways to put info in the game. Not just on the CSM elections, either. Events only show up if you know to look for them. Actual in-game storyline developments never get mentioned in the game. For example, ORE’s issuing their First Quarter economic report. That likely ties into developments with Upwell 2.0, or new developments that might be coming with haulers, miners, rorquals… who knows? Most of the player base has no clue.
Similarly, most of the players had no idea about entire fleets of heavily damaged Drifters hanging around stargates in highsec not aggressing on people (unless you have a corpse in the hold) and, when engaged, not firing the superweapon, and giving up on fighting back entirely after a certain percentage of losses was taken. They didn’t know that last winter, a deadly plague broke out in 5 locations all across New Eden, and there was a desperate effort (including the FF LARP) to find a cure.
Getting more info to the players in-game is a huge issue. It’s one that goes far beyond the CSM elections. But it does definitely touch on them, as well.
If there was a double like button I woulda used it, thanks Arrendis.
And for the record? What goon representatives I worked with in CSM were reasonable folks. Though I Sion DID called me an anarchist . . . he was right so no harm done.
Show me where I said we should be throwing as many candidates as possible at things to get the ‘vote for more candidates’ part of that, please.
Sorry wasn’t very clear. What i meant was we would end up with more unknown candidates giving the few popular names (those on ballots for the groups who can organise) a far easier run to a seat.
If you have 20 people on a ballot and 5 of those are well known/popular, who’s going to win the 5 available seats?
To be honest, I believe getting more info into the game is EXACTLY the type of thing the CSM should be focusing on as a side project. Along with a number of other things that would only improve the game for players.
The agency has potential, if only CCP had the foresight to put it to use. Instead, as usual, they concentrate on adding half finished items into the game at the expense of quality.
Well, that’s just it: unknowns will always be at a disadvantage against those who take the time to organize first. You’re never going to change that. It doesn’t matter if you’re talking about the null blocs or leaders in the FW militias. If Highsec wants to get their people to win a balloting process, it doesn’t matter how many votes there are per player. It matters how well the HS candidates can get their message out, and that takes organization.
And that will always be the biggest issue - Getting the message out.
Currently the biggest organised “highsec entity” is pandemic horde, a nulsec alliance.
Getting the message out - How exactly does a group of individuals “get the message out” about a good CSM candidate?
Highsec doesn’t boast dedicated websites for members that need to be joined to be in highsec, it doesn’t have “a voice”.
I think we can both basically agree, the CSM is a sham group that is in no way representative of the Eve player base - And worse, nothing about that can or ever will change.
After discussions with the CSM, we decided to go with XXXX - Sends chills down my spine. It tells me CCP knows this will be an unpopular/bad change/addition but the CSM signed off on it so like it or not it’s coming. Like CCP is going to not release something they have put time into developing simply because a CSM member points out the (often obvious) flaws in it - That’s what the test server is supposed to be for and Devs pay no attention to feedback from there either.
So why do we have a CSM?
Seriously WHY?
It will never be representative of the Eve player base so why have it?
Just because we have for so long, really isn’t good enough. It needs a complete overhaul or to be trashed like an old outdated piece of software.
I don’t actually agree there. I think if highsec candidates make an effort to get their message out, they can have pretty good reach. Among other things, they should talk to the null blocs about getting the message out. Be a consistent presence, be a visible presence, talking about the issues in highsec, talking about ideas for game balance.
I think if the HS candidates put the work in, the CSM can be a very representative body. As for being a sham… no, again, I very strongly disagree. The CSM isn’t there to do things, it’s there to provide CCP with expert advice. From what we’ve been hearing, that’s what they’ve been doing—and not just on issues of nullsec. Go read over the feedback posts on the Feb patch, you’ll see @Jin_taan talking about how the CSM had pointed out problems with RW and the FOBs that were borne out (as did Sisi test-players [not to be confused with TEST players]), and issues with the implementation of the Agency, as well.
The CSM’s a focus group. That’s it. They can only offer feedback on the issues CCP decides to work on. They can suggest things to work on, but it’s on CCP, not the CSM, to listen to those suggestions just like it’s on CCP to listen to all of the other suggestions the CSM makes.
And they have listened, on a number of matters. Just not on all of them, or (usually) on where the priorities should be. So no, I don’t think it’s a sham. I just think it’s not perfect, and it has no authoritative power, so it’s always going to fall short of what people might hope it can accomplish. But those hopes, in the end, are seriously over-reaching to begin with.
If you wanna abolish the whole thing, that’s a perfectly valid perspective… but I’d rather some things got caught and fixed ahead of time than none.
It would be great to use the in game broadcast tool like seen for CCPs o7 show or other random times. At least as a low effort start. Every 6 hours ping the whole server with a reminder to vote, I’d love to see in game voting and player profiles of candidates in game. So people could see who they are voting for.
Funny thing is though, the same issues Jin’tan was talking about had been pointed out for months by others.
I think it also funny that some players attempt to contact CSM members to discuss issues, like FOBs, RW’s, The Agency and just don’t get acknowledged.
I realize a lot of the issues facing the CSM are related to CCP’s inability to see the water for the sludge floating on it. CCP usually “listen” to the CSM when player outcry reaches worrying levels.
I would rather see the CSM become more representative than see it abolished BUT if it can’t adapt then it needs to be gone.
I don’t think CSM is bad for the game. After 15 years, blocs and this game have already formed a symbiotic relationship. This relationship is now critical for the survival of the game. Blocs’ voice must be heard. However, I would like CSM to be rectified as CNM - Council of Nullsec Management, to reflect what it actually represents.