CCP set up a representative focus group for customer feedback. It’s democratic. One of the pitfalls of democracy is that organized groups will outperform the disorganized mob when it comes to getting their interests represented. This is why political parties exist. So, when you have focused advocates of large chunks of the player base who all have similar issues and all have similar solutions, it tends to reinforce things.
The things we hear often get greater purchase in our minds. Even if we consciously reject them, they’re still in there, influencing how we think. Sometimes it’s by being a persistent nagging whisper. Sometimes, it’s pushing us away from that idea reflexively.
Where high-sec PvP (and, let’s face it, all PvE) run into problems isn’t just in the idea that the null blocs are more organized and get their people onto the CSM. It’s also the fact that once they get there… they’re cohesive. That’s not because ‘screw highsec’, either. That’s because you’ve got a bunch of people who have similar issues and have had all the same discussions among their own people. They’ve even spent months calling one another idiots for proposing the EXACT SAME THING BUT GREEN NOT BLUE YOU FOOL WHY DID YOU WANT IT BLUE?!!?!?
The null blocs aren’t friends. But they are peers, and they do talk to one another. That’s something that seems to be very much lacking in highsec PvP. Do the merc groups have constant dialogs with one another about the issues in highsec? Do they commiserate about mechanics? Do they form coherent, consistent ideas about the best way to fix the problems after thousands of hours of discussion?
Or do they come up with tiny little solutions discussed for a little while among small groups in a half-hearted ‘that’d be cool, but you know they’ll never do it’ way? This is what I mean when I say we need to filter through the ideas we come up with and present the really good ones to CCP. Think of it like a labor union. You may have 90,000 non-union workers in an industry, but the 10,000 union guys, with a cohesive position and unified action… they’re the ones management responds to.
Highsec and PvE players don’t need to be part of some big in-game blue donut to work. But if they want to have the kind of influence their numbers should command… they need to at least present some kind of consistent position to CCP. Otherwise… you get the arguments over ‘make it more random’ ‘no, make it just exactly more missions just like now’ just like we’ve seen in just this thread. And that… that makes CCP sigh and say ‘ok, so we do either one, we’re pissing people off. Let’s just punt for now and see what we can come up with later’.
Edit: I’m not saying it’s a perfect system, either. In fact, I’m saying Churchill was right: Democracy is the worst form of government… except for all the others that have been tried.