There is no win or lose condition, I can’t see what can be added for this case… Sov has enough issues, lets not try adding more to war decs.
You cannot give reasons to people who DONT want to fight, this has been covered many a time…
This would be interesting to see…
Can’t see this happening, too much work behind it and even still, were bring logi inhouse and people will still moan and not fight.
No one should be allowed to opt out of wars, this is Eve Online, It even states in the new player FAQ thatyou cannot avoid PVP in this game.
Stated many times and many times countered, as said most don’t login, leave corp etc… If you raised it were just use our alts to gank people instead, 100m war dec or 30 - 40m in thrashers
Honestly I feel people need to try doing what we do before suggesting possible fixes, if you did you would realise none of the above (other then fixing hunting) are remotely helpful.
Here is the issue summed up : People don’t want to be forced to PVP, Eve Online forces PVP as seen below.
OK, I missed those, but just to mentiion it, a new player still is not a PvEr. It’s a new player.
Now for the part on why CCP doesn’t adds new missions although it’s a long standing, loud (for PvE standards) and notorious demand on the cheap and conservative side of development, do you have anything to say?
If its no problem bringing your suspect logi in-house, I dont see why you are against it.
Its one less thing people can use as an argument to “moan and not fight”
Wanna know why RW fail in the first place? You build them for new players. When you start to segregate players (no matter how racist it sound) you will fail. It is a sandbox, either you build content for everybody or for no one. If you start to lead by hand every new player that comes to EvE you will fail, because that players will ask you for more guides in the future and sandbox is not about that. When players don’t know what to do here, consider them lost. They are not benefit to the game and your income. Best way to teach new players? “Undock button is here → (. ) (.) when you undock you may lose your ship”. And that’s all (simplifing ofc).
After second reading the minutes I think there are serious communitacions problems and CSM is not enough to fill the gap. There are problems within CCP, CCP<->CSM, CSM<->playerbase, CCP<->playerbase. Butchering community team didn’t help with it.
So biggest thing. War mean dick to null sec. Literally not even a care in the world. Any null group worth a damn has neutral logistics routes that won’t raise any attention
Second on that same topic wars don’t need to me added to null they already have SOV and I would never argue that they should have it.
Let’s talk opt out. Currently there are several ways to opt out of wars. Drop Corp, stay in npc corps, reform corps and swap out during wars. The list goes on and on. Are they opting out of PvP altogether no. As you said they can still get ganked or wander into low or have rats kill them.
Now I have been in wars, I’ve been on both sides of wars. I just realize that the status quo is strangling eve player retention and killing the game as a cancerous mechanic. Changes and concessions need to be made on both sides in order to get a system that actually works.
Concord and etc this is actually a pretty simple fix but was nearly unanimous that in wars out of Corp logi was an issue.
Don’t assume you speak for all as you too should view things from the other side. Some people dont want to fight, so you just want them to quit eve all together? Maybe they move to low or null and become something. I started as a miner and eventually became an AT captain. I ran a high sec alliance and watched people quit eve over wars because they couldn’t play the game. We would form up to fight in t1 mallers and not a single time were we ever offered a fight by the aggressors. I have videos of war deccers running away from a fair fight. Against my 7 man maller fleet.
Simply put when considering changes take your own advice and gain the perspective of the other side. I have and I continue to talk with the other side to insure I have their understanding and that they have mine.
As far as war costs. Your logic is not great. As. Your assuming the value of a bank is equal to the potential value of a war in total kills. 2 most mercs treasure their killboard too much to have the ganking ships on it as losses. Then again if be hooked too if for 48 cents I could bring a hooke… for a week.
Now these are rough ideas they need shaping and polishing. Or to be scrapped that’s the beauty of the conversation. I’d love to hear your fixes to wars.
I don’t speak for all, i’m just a voice for my gameplay that i’ve been doing for many many years.
My hunting was taken away and linking wars to structures only goes to further kill what we do.
Ganking effects player retention, are we going to play around with this too?
So my question is, if there is several ways to opt out why is this such a big issue? How does this effect player retention if they can so easily avoid the mechanics, we don’t follow these players around consistently harassing them with war decs, we just pick random entities and put in the wars.
Playing the wrong game unfortunately, whether they like it or not they will have to fight. Eve Online is a sandbox after all.
I do see it from the other side but wars have there place in this game, no one should be invincible in high sec and with so many ways to avoid wars I can’t see the major issue.
To be honest, most merc’s would quit, I have already said along with others if these changes come in to destroy war dec’s then we would turn to ganking.
My suggestions for fixes wouldn’t line up with what people want because people think it effects player retention when it really doesn’t, as I posted above merc’s have massive amount of issues and in the last 6 months has got progressively harder as people have got wiser to wars.
Yeah, got one of those, there was absolutely no reason to waste any more time and isk getting others. The pricing was almost designed to ask “am I stupid to do that!” You would need to be terminally brain dead not to work out how wasteful in time and isk that was.
I’m right there with you Linking to structures would truly suck. Ganking has been addressed several times over the years and is arguably in as good a place as it gets
I’ll continue on this later where you talk about the sandbox as well but here’s why its a big deal, When someone is given the only options if I’m going to die anytime and always because all I have trained in mining barge 3 and strip miners and my opponent is in a t3 proteus with a high-grade slave set yea they are going to opt out of that engagement. and think the mechanic and by extension, the game is broken. thus :Tableflip: and leave after 3 weeks of being denied the ability to play.
Let’s talk retention people don’t just leave corp they leave eve. which is a greater problem. I don’t care as much if they left corp because odds are they found elsewhere to move to and might still be playing. leaving eve you want to see a charge of how many people leave after wars and unsub? All accounts that were removed stopped playing in weeks leading up to the dissolution of the alliance. a period in which we were war deced for nearly a month straight. for no other reason than a “Random” wardec that lead to a missioners ship dying because they just wanted to play. then the war continued because the blood was in the water. not because we wronged anyone but because we had newer players that made mistakes in avoiding the fight. that “randomly lasted a month” are you beginning to see how this might make people want to leave if they things they want to do they cant do nor do they have any way of ending the war itself even if they do fight? What options do they really have then? We will come back to this.
And we are back. with a why its good to let some sandcastles build untill they get pimp smacked by the bigger boys in the sandbox. In null we are seeing the stagnation of space for various reasons including that there really are not any up and coming alliances. they are not allowed to grow to a stage they can move or create income levels to grow. This causes what we see now.
let’s also talk about a fundamental issue of the game. Eve as a sandbox. now you say pvp is the way of the game, what do you say about those professions that never need a spaceship or leave station? are they playing eve wrong? I’ll bet a channel full of Eve marketeers that’s not the case. some peoples play styles might be to avoid conflict all together, never being 100% safe but staying to themselves and just running high sec missions with friends, is the not valid gameplay in a sandbox? hunting the helpless is also a valid playstyle but even that ccp has said to a limit (ie rules on ganking in newbie systems)
I do see it from the other side but wars have there place in this game, no one should be invincible in high sec and with so many ways to avoid wars I can’t see the major issue.
(player retention see above) @CCP would be cool to see some numbers on war effects on player retention.
it’s not supposed to be easy. of course, the people are going to wise up and avoid the ■■■■ if possible. ■■■■ even I wised up and moved to null packing an entire alliance up in the process. because I didn’t want to deal with that ■■■■ anymore. The only way to win was not to play so I moved to a place where I didn’t have to play with the mechanics of that part of the sandbox. now I’m happy the corp is thriving and we are rolling in cash.
well, lets come up with a system that doesn’t require blanket decs allows for hunting. and gives reasons for actual fights to happen. and gets people undocking a shooting at each other not at structures … for god sake not at structures…
Whether CCP adds 5 more missions or not, will not influence your decision to run missions, nor will it influence my decision to not run them anymore, nor will it add significantly to the length of time before a new player stops running missions and does something else, nor can they communicate 5 more missions to ex players and get any sort of return effect.
The only difference it will make is to blitzers spreadsheets, ie the new missions will go in the reject column or the run column based purely on how valuable they are per minute.
Why can’t they communicate them? They also communicated FOBs and RW. And considering how many people still run missions because it is what they enjoy there should be potential for less negative feedback (unless it is unimaginative design like some older event sites). Since they do not want to risk their ships in unrewarding fleet activities, telling them that CCP introduces more of what they like and will do so in the future has definitely a more positive effect than bugged “New AI, new content” things that literally 10 people out of 300,000 run.
Nullbear: cool moo-poo mining!! let’s shoot all moon-mining citadels so NOBODY HAS MOON POO AND EVERYTHING COST 3489573957675896257896257826 GAJILLIONS SO OUR BOTS MAKE MOAR ISK.
highsec bear: Ima got wardecced by incompetent blobbh muppets that only can blobbh and they are very, very good and warping away when they meet real pvpers.
merc: we must kill highsec and are totally surprised that nobody wants to “fight” our u8567z389526z7956247956234789564795623478956 proteus with 254289052489057890477894679698278925 guardian that ■■■■■■■ NOBODY CAN DEAL WITH.