Dev blog: Moon mining revamped - There’s Ore in Them Thar Moons

Think Ninja mining will still be do-able as i t hin the guns will have to be manned i think(not 100% on that ) or the guns will only aggress of you aggress a player just like on stations. In such cases ninja mining is possible. Furthermore if you cant mine it all out when you frack it the left overs can be ninja mined

I never said it doesn’t include a lot of work. Maybe you intentionally misinterpret my argument here. Being an established power block in Null gives you exponentially better outcome of invested man-hours than anything else. To a certain degree forming groups or even large blocks should of course provide better rewards, but in many aspects it does so by simply being able to spread workload. A few extra perks in Null, I don’t mind, why not. But you basically get the more profitable end of everything already. Most profitable moons, most profitable mining, most profitable afk-ratting etcpp. There is a huge incentive to join large existing power blocks, which is not what the majority wants. Maybe because they are not happy with the toxic environment such an “Empire” necessarily breeds. I’m pretty sure GSF retention rates are nowhere near as good as the mechanics CCP creates in your favor would make us believe. The fact is that not by your form of organization, but mainly through sheer mechanics you and others like you get advantages that create such a huge imbalance in EVE, that other playstyles suffer and thus the whole game suffers. I’m pretty sure that one of the reasons for EVE not growing in members is that people realize not much in these existing constellations will ever change, thus leaving the choice of bowing to some shitlord or forever eating dirt. Moon mining in lowsec used to be a way out of that dilemma by providing the only reasonable income in Lowsec to pay for PVP. Taking that away will be bad for the game as a whole.

And I refuse to ignore your overtly condescending posts.

I stated that I do not believe that ninja mining will be a realistic possibility
I stated that I believe there should be a mechanism that supports such activity
I stated that I will wait and see how it pans out.

You threw a hissy fit at the thought of someone stealing the stuff you believe you are entitled to. Good work, well done.

Ninja-mining will not be a thing. You’d have to bring a reasonabe mining fleet into hostile territory to begin with - good luck with that. Then you are doing it in range of a structure that provides immense tactical and practical advantage for the owner. Lastly the owners will probably be online around the timer to mine the belt themselves and be ready to defend it with some form of PVP. So you need to bring a fleet and somehow in the middle of the fight manage to mine. Then find somehow a way to compress the Ore to be able to transport it away. The risk and effort vs. reward will make ninja-mining a bad joke. Other than for shits and giggles I don’t see anyone seriously trying that.

The moons in nullsec are identical to the ones in lowsec, save for the 25% fuel reduction that sov havers enjoy. (Whoops, that’s going away with refineries.)

You speak of the majority like you know what the majority wants. You don’t. All you can speak of is your own observations, tainted by your own bias. Don’t project that to the rest of the player base.

Accusing someone of condescension while simultaneously saying that they’re throwing a “hissy fit” isn’t a good look.

There is a mechanism that supports ninja mining. You need to endure risk to do it. You want it without risk. Sorry, not happening.

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Just like how siphons aren’t a thing, given that the POS has guns that can be manned to destroy the siphon?

There are tons of moons out there, and only a certain number of people who enjoy mining in the game at any given time. I don’t personally find the idea credible that all refinery owners are going to be 100% on the ball about hitting all those timers and hoovering up all the goo under guard before ninjas can have their chance. Particularly well organized groups may pull it off, but I doubt everyone will. I am almost certain that there will be free moongoo out there for the ambitious ninja miner who is willing to scout for it. I’m sure there will also be underprepared miners for those of us who might have something a little more piratey in mind. Not every EVE player is some kind of tactical genius who is also good with schedules and such, and there are going to be a whole lot of available moons to cover.



It is funny how it was you who stated earlier that Siphons never have been a big thing. But yeah, whatever feeds your current argument.

Anyhow, comparing Siphons and Ninja-Mining doesn’t work. First of, you could siphon at any point of the day, for Ninja-mining you have to show up at a time the owner will most certainly be present at the structure. 2nd: all you had to do was dropping a Siphon and going to empty it, a process which asked for only a few seconds of presence near the Pos. Ninja-miners have to spend a load of time near the structure. Plus, they won’t directly get Moongoo, but some form of Ore, which will most certainly be much larger in m3 than the Goo itself.

P.S. I don’t care that Ninja-Mining won’t be a thing, but I’d prefer if CCP wouldn’t present it as a viable playstyle, because it isn’t. I understand though, that you have to defend it, because you try to make this whole change look as if someone other than yourself will profit from it too.

I’m talking numbers. GSF is the largest alliance by members in the game. Compared to how many players EVE has overall, it is still a small minority. And the vast majority of players is neither a member of Goons or Test or another funny empire. Catering too much for the interest of these makes the game boring for many other people. And they leave. It’s sad. I’m not against Goons doing their thing, if you didn’t understand that yet. I’m just very much for other playstyles finding more support.

That does not in any way, shape or form mean the majority think like you.

You get passive tax income if you let people reprocess minerals in your structure, right? Not sure how these mechanics work, but if so I assume there may even be absentee refinery owners who just spawn these belts and encourage random people to mine them and use their reproccessing facilities.

Let’s not throw out the good in search of the sane.

If we are determined to be positive about the Great New Thing, and we are, it is not difficult to imagine two very exciting scenarios transpiring as we enjoy the new mechanics.

The first glorious adventure will be to jump into a mining vessel and try to obtain stuff that can be bought from schleps for pennies. This could become very exciting, with a memorable death, or it could be moderately exciting waiting for death that never comes. Or it could be hours of wild fun, counting efficiency timers and watching space rocks gradually disappear.

Alternatively, we can all enjoy the combat potential of the new mechanic. Loads of folks are going to sty undocked, allowing loads of other folks to try out their pimp fit T3 tank boat against the rock worshippers and copper rubbing freaks. Heroic sagas of blobbing miners to steal their stuff will be told and retold by a least three people. Because folks will not dock up when pirates filth enter local, pirate life will not be a sad roam around edgy systems trying to provoke bears into suicidal aggression with smack talk.

So there are two ways the new mechanic can thrill and amaze us all. I am looking forward to both experiences.

Even so, I have to wonder how long these awesome play mechanics are going to remain fresh and amazing.

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Did you read why I wrote or are you simply replying to his insinuation of me talking for the majority. I didn’t and I find it a truly cheap accusation, taking this whole argument away from the exchange of reason, facts and the occasional opinion, towards a game of trolling in order to avoid the realization of a very simple truth: Goons will profit from the change, many others will not, especially many others who have their hopes up right now.
To repeat: I stated that obviously most players are not Goons, are not joining Goons nor are they trying to be like goons. As we all know there is even a lot of hatred towards Goons - which I personally don’t share. The expression of hate of course doesn’t mean that the haters are right, but you will realize to find them being the majority nevertheless.

We will profit because we are better at organizing our manpower around a change while those who will lose are those who can’t organize man power around the change. They can all start organizing and start befitting from CCP change to the empire building part of the game or bitch and moan while asking for nerf that end up buffing us in relativity.

Yeah you are right. I’m looking forward for that as well. I do not look forward however to the further escalating situation in which Lowsec people find no way to retain their income, which is already far lower for the same effort than it would be in Nullsec. Of course from a strategical standpoint some people are happy about it and some people (like myself) are not. Doesn’t mean that the new mechanics are generally bad, but in the greater context of things, they further turn this game into Grind Online (for those who have nothing or are just starting out - while discussions like these probably don’t raise any true interest amongst the people who profitted from the so called “passive” income for years and years).

This train of thought doesn’t work. I don’t doubt there’s a contingent of folks out there that hate us, but that ignores the section of players who don’t know we exist. If you’re going to talk about a majority case in Eve, you need to talk about the case of players who don’t engage in the greater community in any shape.

Of course we will. How will others not profit? It’s not like we’re doing anything unique.

It is true that the danger is higher. However, so is the reward. Rather than stealing a small amount over time, and risking that the entire take will be taken from you or otherwise destroyed, you can slurp the entire belt.

This is about risk vs reward, right?