As a small to medium group you get to become a new type of pet.
Great, so your concept of “random” means that the null sec cartels will still have the same, if not MORE, economic resources within their existing domains?
Define, precisely, what your parameters and restrictions that will be applied, please.
No, within those domains, and outside of them. Spheres of economic influence.
New Eden has already seen several types of this since the introduction of structures, for example the trade hub drama wars. Maybe it’s clear now why those spots are not just for the broker fees, but for logistical & asset zoning. High sec as an example is carved up in this way already, it’s just low sec which isn’t yet.
Bingo. You nailed it.
In a nutshell, running a huge organization that now has to have some element of nomadic operations is a logistical nightmare. The goon propaganda artist can lie all he likes about how the goons would become like that locust race in Independence Day (I just retched in my mouth thinking about that movie), but the fact is that no organization, especially the big ones, can migrate from place to place constantly.
It wears out players too much.
Randomized resources does not work well for hegemonic groups like goons. Smaller, more mobile groups benefit.
Randomized resources does not work well for hegemonic groups like goons. Smaller, more mobile groups benefit.
So, how is the smaller group supposed to out-scan us, when we have several orders of magnitude more manpower?
This is nonsense. This change will do nothing to help smaller groups. For the simple reason that they now cannot mine the materials at all. At the moment, they can drop a tower and maybe bigger people don’t care because tower shooting is annoying. Then, they may be able to drop their MEdium Refinery but mining the actual belt will be impossible because anyone knows that it’s mining and potentially even exactly when the time for the asteroid belt spawn comes.
In other words: scheduled perfect drop targets for those who now cannot hold big moon empires any more and a waste of massive funds for smaller groups. Great work.
This is nonsense. This change will do nothing to help smaller groups. For the simple reason that they now cannot mine the materials at all. At the moment, they can drop a tower and maybe bigger people don’t care because tower shooting is annoying. Then, they may be able to drop their MEdium Refinery but mining the actual belt will be impossible because anyone knows that it’s mining and potentially even exactly when the time for the asteroid belt spawn comes.
In other words: scheduled perfect drop targets for those who now cannot hold big moon empires any more and a waste of massive funds for smaller groups. Great work.
So, are you volunteering to scout every medium refinery in Eve to look for drop targets?
This may be the case for some areas, but it’s not going to be universal. I never said that this is going to be a small-group renaissance, but some chance is better than the contemporary situation of “absolutely no chance whatsoever, uninstall and go play PUBG.”
I am in a smaller group. I am in a smaller group that currently has 32 towers. I am in a smaller group that will be mining these new moons. I am in a smaller group that will be pvp’ing people who come looking for miner kills. Please stop crying that smaller groups can do nothing, its untrue. A “good” small group can do plenty. If your small group can’t, find a new one. Or work with several other small groups until you can.
Any update you can share with how the issue of having multiple refineries on a moon will work (ie which one gets to mine it)?
Also, will the NPC mining fleets deplete these new asteroid fields?
So, are you volunteering to scout every medium refinery in Eve to look for drop targets?
This may be the case for some areas, but it’s not going to be universal. I never said that this is going to be a small-group renaissance, but some chance is better than the contemporary situation of “absolutely no chance whatsoever, uninstall and go play PUBG.”
Organisational scale always works for deeper impact than absence of scale. Aside of that, rest assured people will be sharing, stealing, copying and collecting data - both within and outside of the big agreements. And most of the almost-top dogs have their own feeder groups who will be tasked.
Mapping moons is going to take at most a week or two. After that comes people occupying them, using them, and then waking up to reality.
Finding small groups using what where isn’t going to be a problem either. Give it time for the pressure on Crest elements to work. Also, map data, predictability of people, even just the simple use of throwing your weight around.
Oh hi little neighbour, say you like that moon stuff? Good ain’t it? So yeah, we need that area done, you can handle that right? Wouldn’t want anything bad to happen between us. Ok cheers mate.
Two weeks later. So yeah, we’re 20 times your size, and a few thousand of us are a bit bored, but some others need XYZ at say 20% retail value. We also have some close friends that live near ya with special needs. So how about it.
The rest is optimisation, result is status quo enlarged and enforced. With just the same amount and type of rub as before, and that’s it. It will only look like there’s more niches and groups, which is nice to playing with statistics, whereas the actual state of affairs is again a lot less one of emergent behaviour. Anything but.
But yey, statistics is so much fun. Nice charts, all looks awesome.
Admittedly when I first read the blog, I was a bit annoyed about the changes; however, after a little additional reading and thinking… it could work. I do like that the changes will give smaller groups the ability to break into the moon mining game while at the same time rewards groups that are organized and can scale operations. Currently the most expensive moons are mostly controlled by a few select elite blocs. These changes seem to allow smaller entities at least a taste of the goo game. That’s a good change. I am a bit worried about the possibility of lack of scarcity though. We have limited reason to invade new regions besides “hurr durr content” as it is. Be careful not to overload regions with resources.
That’s no big deal for a group with 30k members. It’s also not a big deal for a group with 3k members surrounded by smaller groups. It’s also not a big deal because after a short amount of time you know where the structures are and which are worthwhile. It’s also not hard to setup tools to monitor the timers.
That’s no big deal for a group with 30k members. It’s also not a big deal for a group with 3k members surrounded by smaller groups. It’s also not a big deal because after a short amount of time you know where the structures are and which are worthwhile. It’s also not hard to setup tools to monitor the timers.
All of this stuff requires manual scouting, and requires you to endure jump fatigue.
Organisational scale always works for deeper impact than absence of scale. Aside of that, rest assured people will be sharing, stealing, copying and collecting data - both within and outside of the big agreements. And most of the almost-top dogs have their own feeder groups who will be tasked.
Mapping moons is going to take at most a week or two. After that comes people occupying them, using them, and then waking up to reality.
A quote from a man who has never done moon scanning, or participated meaningfully in moon affairs other than “sieged green and hit F1.”
Alts’r’us. Pet mechanisms. Distributed control. The rest is affirmation of the traditional organisational doctrines.
As far as i know ccp have already stated you can only anchor 1 refinery per moon that should negate the problem you mentioned
Alts’r’us. Pet mechanisms. Distributed control. The rest is affirmation of the traditional organisational doctrines.
Verbally masturbating about a vignette with perfectly logical actors is about as productive as masturbating physically.
You have no experience with the things you’re talking about.
CCP I sincerly hope you guys are working on a different defensive mechanics for these refineries else. You will almost have stifled any conflict in eve over resources in game in a single swell swoop.
“Moongooium Ore”. I like this name. I think this one should make it into the final release.
A quote from a man who has never done moon scanning, or participated meaningfully in moon affairs other than “sieged green and hit F1.”
Verbally masturbating about a vignette with perfectly logical actors is about as productive as masturbating physically.
You have no experience with the things you’re talking about.
Awww did someone catch you in a bad place?
How smart to try and catch someone with frames while having absolutely zero clue on who / what / where past & present
Look, it’s ok, I get it. But don’t confuse an avatar on a forum with an identity. Don’t make assumptions in general, alright?
As for masturbating, please don’t take it the wrong way, but would you mind getting your own tissue? I’m not going to get it for you.
I’ll have you know that when the first moon mining drama came, I did four regions on my own because back then people hadn’t learned organisational doctrine yet. Made a killing selling the data, both the correct and the tainted data. Then when the map changed, another race. Then when the distribution changed, once again. But let’s not get stuck in grandfather Thug’s tales of the past shall we?
Now with that out of the way, you can either engage in more of the same, or be open for an actually constructive discussion.