only need to fit those on ships without dps now…everything that deals damage just gained 1-2 midslots honestly the dumbest change ive ever seen in 12 years of playing eve. (though i welcome other dumb ideas ccp have come up with that are more poorly thought out than this one)…roll call!
No we are not just going back. Nullification still exists just on one fewer line.
It was not intended for entire fleets to be immune to bubbles. The intent was for there to be a way that fleets could catch other fleets using defensive bubbles. This is why it was given to interceptors. They could go ahead catch a fleet hiding behind bubbles or using bubbles to retreat and hold them till the main fleet got around them.
This is only the first step today, but the declared goal is to remove it completely. So we either go back to 2013 because fleet ceptors are not viable, or if they are, they get the nerf too, and we go back to 2013 a little later.
yep - it seems this forum exists to let us feel like someone from CCP will say “actually you’re right this is a terrible idea”, or “thats good feedback, and an interesting way to change it lets do that instead”, but looking at this thread with 2431 replies not a single response from any CCP devs, lots of responses from a single CSM with an agenda to push.
Also this - “we want your feedback” - there is rather alot of NEGATIVE feedback about this change - which not a single ccp dev can be BOTHERED replying to.
NO IT IS NOT THEIR GAME - remember if they have no paying customers, they dont have a damn thing, and it seems they are quite happy to ignore us (paying customers).
Feedback? haha Sorry ive sold all my rooks (i had 6, 3 different fits). which are all now redundant in solo pvp as the ecm jammer…doesnt jam anything does it? and the ships havent received any buff of any sort have they?
i imagine alot of solo rook pilots will have done the same, or best case scenario just removed the ecm and added another invul etc, because literally the only thing the rook has left is that it doesnt show on d-scan. This change is terrible you helped usher this in (i assume this because you are the only person from csm replying), and honestly i hope you are proud of yourself. You have completely killed one aspect of the game for some pilots.
I imagine the main feedback will be the data showing that people just dont fly this ship at all anymore.
“Hi Brisc Rubal here, the people at CCP asked ME to ask YOU to go out there and fly those ecm ships that they just made totally useless, because we need data on their usage, and no we will not be replacing any losses, HAVE A GREAT DAY”
Then why nerf them at all? If they do not make an impact, they can very well keep their nullification. Why give them more risk if they have no impact anyway? Thank you for confirming this, but you don’t make sense any more.
You are getting aggravated over this. The continuous lying is getting to you, isn’t it? Maybe you should let someone else take over the role of the GSM speaker.
With regards to the colorful language: I have been in Delve again yesterday: The number of titans on gates bosoning the living hell out of your own people is very funny. It is also a direct proof of my concerns: You are making null sec safer with the nerf to combat ceptors because it will become ever harder to get to the rich hunting grounds. Say thanks to Sir Terati for that proof.
True solo targeted ECM (except drones) will be history. But wasn’t that one of the reasons of the change? ECM should be a fleet thing IMO. BTW, all the “solo” pilots will not be affected by this change either, if they keep their backup ECM at proper range.
I’m more concerned about the discussed buffs to ECM and ships, because being able to keep target lock on the ECM ship means less than you think, if you can’t reach or hit the ship.
True aka not true…the rook has no place on the field after this change IMO. Falcons sure, because they are all about jams and being at range, the rook is all about being up close, which is even more suicidal than it used to be.
haha well you saw the announcement, there arent any buffs, and im sure if they do plan to add any it will slide down the list you know like shield slave implants we were promised 3 years ago did. So im not sure why you are worried at all.
Yeah, Rooks are ■■■■ now, not that I’ve seen many in space before… mostly Falcons today anyway.
ive been working on various fits for several months, to make them more viable in solo and small gang roles (you know like a 5 man gang of rooks, that sort of thing), which this change just completely shut down. Sold them all last week before the price bombs
If this was the case they would just increase the sensors of the fighters. This change actually doesn’t help that much
I generally think we are on the samr page on most issues, but i must disagree with you on this statement.
My experience in cap hunting in a blops gang is that you generally want 2 falcons with mwd. Once you land you immediately burn in a direction away from the site towards a celestial. Stay on zero means death if the carrier is competent and recalls and launches fighter every so often to break locks on his/her fighters.
This new change means that you know longer have to be “good” and knowledgeable about ecm and can just welp anything on grid.
That’s an old tactic. After carriers learned to pull their fighters and manage their mwds better it became much more consistent to use t3s (that can tank up to two carriers with 2 logistics anyway) and use ec drones on each of your ships. It actually lowered the fleet size needed and if you did have the ppl let you put 2 more into dps. This change doesn’t affect this to any meaningful degree
Even if you still wanted to use falcons you just need to spread them on opposite sides of the carrier. If the fighters go for one jam it with the other.
You may need to add a third falcon you be safer with cycle times but do long add your positioning is solid and your falcon pilots are on point you will be fine
Sure it’s a old tacticb but plenty of carriers still die to bomber fleets. While you are correct to some degree, this will effect smaller and lower sp groups from getting as many successful kills which is more of a concern for me as its easier for larger groups to adapt then smaller ones.
Why not using a form of dimishing return instead of making ECM absolutly useless as a 1on1 mechanism.
Regardless if offensive or defensive.
It was more a stun than a taunt…
Its the larger groups that use the bomber strategy though lol. Smaller groups tend to be the ones that need to rely on using the more expensive and sp risking t3s to kill caps. now big groups also use large swarms of t3s as well but those will certainly have no issue killing caps.
And like i said the falcons will still work.
Thank you for your reply.
We will have to see what happens. Only time will tell.