Dev Blog: October Balance Pass!

I got impression that even Brisc waits for rebalance of the ships as a resolution to problem. You cant blame him for everything CCP is not capable of.

Actually he wrote to me in one post here above, that he asked CCP about rebalance of ships. So I remember correctly.


well right now the combat ceptors need something done to give them something other than basically being a crappy faction frigate; theres nothing that sets them apart or above anything - not even a t1 frigate.
And ecm ships like rook and navy griffin specifically need something done with them.

Personally i would change it back and maybe change the claws align time or slot layout/damage bonus.

ECM didnt need changing, its a force multiplier of course when used in 1v1 situations nine times out of 10 it will come out on top.
This isnt an issue, lachesis, huginn and curse are also very powerful when used in 1v1 situations.

confirmed; brisc alt ^^ rofl :rofl:

we would talk about brisc’s arguments, and HAVE, many times… the Problem with his arguments, is that (depending on the post) they contradict his previous arguments, again and again. you should seriously re-read all his posts in this thread. in fact re-read the WHOLE THING. you will walk away with a greater understanding of why we are long past discussing his ‘arguments’ and instead spend our spare time ‘attacking’ his false premises and contradicting statements.

all that aside, what part of ecm got fixed with this change, and which are broken? make a list of each, and compare the length of the two. you will (maaayb if your not as dense as you appear thusfar) understand why there are a pile of objections to these changes.

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isn’t calling a person ‘insulting’ by definition an ‘attack’?

by your logic, you are breaking the same rules you accuse others of breaking. are you doing this on purpose? or are you Really a brisc alt? here to troll us further under an alias??

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no no first post ive read from him literally said eve was full of retards

then goes on to flag other people that reciprocate the same behavioral dialect.

Im still amazed people do this tbh i mean on the internet and all…

its a brisc alt bro, 9/10. even trolls get sad when no one defends them for being a troll. the only thing left for them to do, is defend themselves! too funny.

anyways, I noticed ccp killed the link to the ‘new’ feedback thread for the October pass. just like all the other scrub updates, they are sweeping the crap under the rug. this is just the beginning of PA ownership. here we go…down the shitter… :persevere:

correction, its not ‘killed’, just hidden. the patch notes no longer has a link to the feedback thread. the old page remains + link intact. you have to look for it tho. and its not seen a new post in at least a couple days. currently, techzer0 thinks he’s won all his arguments I guess?!?!!

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ah ye this was to ‘discuss’ the changes i guess; it was discussed… but nothing was taken on board.

and now there is a feedback thread to discuss the changes after theyve gone live.

I dont really know what they expect tbh cant get feedback on ships that arent being used and you cant take anyone seriously when they say YEH its all working great… when theyre not using the sh*it or using it vs subpar opponents.


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yw :smiley:

I can fly the Arazu and Falcon, the Arazu can reduce the range of the Falcon to the point the Falcon can not target the Arazu. Yes losing your ship after it is jammed sucks but its always been part of the game (DEAL WITH IT). With this change ECM is now useless. IS CCP going to give me back all the training SP I have for ECM?

Can we get rid of the CSM now?


Is CCP going to give me back all the SP i trained for Titans because they removed the multiple AU AOE attack?
Is CCP going to give me back all the SP I trained so I could fly a Thanatos with sentries?
Is CCP going to give me back all the SP I trained so I could fly Kestrals with missile launchers that fit any missile?
Is CCP going to give me back all the SP I trained for the Moros with a drone bay?
Is CCP going to give me back all the SP I trained for the now nerfed command ships?
Is CCP going to give me back all the SP I trained now that they removed a low slot from my Machariel.

This could go on for hours.
Time to grow up and adapt.


you mean, time to learn the lesson and stop paying them?

I mean, they are practically Begging us to drop subscriptions, and roll around in alphas. im sure they are sure they can limp this game along with skin and extractor purchases right? no? nbd, PA is only bested in the monetization department only by EA. when I Really do decide to quit eve, ill be right along with the likes of you, kill the game, kill it with fire for all it matters at that point.

Adapting to game balance changes is a part of any game.
The only lesson to learn here is that games change over time to fix balance issues.

Adapt and stop whining about the recent balance changes or don’t.
Either way they happened.

another straw on the camels’ back.

just means one less toxic capsuleer in the game.

not likely. alpha’s are optimal as gank chars :wink:

…just what the game needs more of amirite?

Why? You still use sentries? You still use a thanny?

Do you just not use missiles now?

Same as thanny question really…

This one - if anything actually needs a balance pass its command ships - as they are basically garbage.

LOL - give me some more of these :slight_smile: “etc’s”

I dont understand why people are asking for SP back personally - but ECM in its current state is only useful to very large fleets and has VERY limited uses, i dont honestly feel that any of these examples relate? Recon skill still useful, for flying other non-caldari recons, ECM skill upto lvl 4 still useful for ecm drones the other ecm specific skills i extracted personally :slight_smile: personally i think the main issue with the ECM change is very simply:

  1. what do you use a rook/scorp/navy griffin for now? Falcon or blackbird is likely to be the ship of choice in large fleets anyway - rook / scorp / navy griffin dont really have a place on the field.
  2. what use is the Standup ECM module?
  3. ECM drones (which are REALLY the aspect of ECM that is very very broken, are still very broken, and still do exactly what they did before the change

I think I got over 20 strength on my Scorpion when I tried it, ECM drones should be a target break, if anyone hasn’t noticed that they still work as before they jam you and you cannot shoot web scram target paint ect
the ship that is attacking you.

Working as intended, you can target the ECM drone.
Applied literacy helps.