Dev Blog: October Balance Pass!

500mn hictors are not used by wormhole groups to roll holes, we almost exclusively use 100mn hictors. The reduced fitting allows for more tank in case you get caught, the AB doesn’t nerf your capacitor into the ground, and the AB lets you jump hot even if you’re scrammed. The 500mn lurch hic is used in gate camping, and is rarely (but occasionally) employed by wormholers.

Actually a good idea

I know I don’t blame you - you were my second choice across all my ballots (my Null sec alts are in INIT.)
. TBH wh space should have got its act together and voted in a more coordinated way as the Imperium did.
I don’t believe these changes were about in game politics it was the lack of knowledge of how WH mechanics work coupled with CCP’s quite blatant disdain in the dev blog of WH space in general that caused the issues.


RIP Caldari, you’re dominating the game too much…lol



This argument makes no sense, and has very little basis in reality afaict. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a nullsec group try to roll a wormhole with a HIC. Maybe once before Alpha Clones were introduced? In every case I can remember, they use alpha Sigils (and occasionally mallers, ravens, and even an Osprey once) that can just self destruct on the far side because their medclone is set to a system a couple jumps away. The 3m isk lost in the cheap sigil is irrelevant compared to the time to get home, and nullseccers don’t have to worry about that.


Except that still smacks cruiser and smaller droneboats around, like the Algos, and leaves them more or less neutered. The odds there is no solution to the problem of ECM that won’t unfairly impact someone’s play-style, in part because those playstyles evolved with the current conditions of ECM.

Does anyone care about VNIs blowing up? They’re Doritos, man. Blow 'em up! Please!

Except that we know the intention is for HICs to be able to run their bubbles and prop mods simultaneously. We know this because that’s why the HIC’s bubble effect reduces mass: to offset the horrible effect it otherwise has on prop mods. Now, there’s a totally legit question in there of ‘If you were going to offset this crap, why did you put it into the same damned module in the first place?’ and I don’t think anyone would deny that.

But they did. So we know they want it to work to some extent. I just think while they’re doing this, it wouldn’t take much effort at all to add a bubble generator script that puts all these navigational effects back in, while not putting a bubble up and disabling the prop mod’s activation (since the idea is to remove the infinite agility interplay, while not removing the ability to go out super-light and come back super-heavy).

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The wormholers in this thread appear to disagree with you.


I’m not sure if they can implement this in such a way that it shuts down an already-in-progress module, in much the same way that cloaks don’t shut down an already-in-progress MWD. Unless they can apply a self-scram effect of some type, which I’d be all for. This is one my preferred solutions to the problem, if it can be made to work correctly.

You mean like a cyno instantly brings you to a stop even if your MWD is on, as long as you’re below a certain speed?

Yeah, I think they can do it.

Edit: or, as Nevyn says, make it also a self-scram. Bam, MWD’s shut down, mid-cycle.

If a script can make it an infinite point I’m sure a script can make it not generate a bubble. If nothing else generate a 1m bubble. Now it only impacts your own ship. So you cant warp while rolling a hole as easily. Even keep the risk…

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I have gone through that entire thread, and I was able to find one reference a person using a 500mn HIC for rolling: “The amount of people abusing the 500mn HICs is probably significantly lower than the amount of people using them for rolling on a daily basis!”

Speaking as someone who has used and killed several rolling HICs, and has seen the fits for those belonging to other corps, I can assure you that most WH groups of any significant size use 100mn HICs for rolling, not 500mn.

No, what you asked was:

Not a single word on target lock there, but all about ‘muh tackles’.

Yes, exactly I can lump it in there, and it fits. That is a problem. Glad we agree on that.

It shouldn’t because…

…it’s not the only tool, but a massively overpowered one.

The reason I wouldn’t have ECM break target lock is because of the issue of retargeting and being able to use the targeted modules that do not impact the targets hp or cap. That and tackle.

There’s a difference between changes in max speed (cyno, cloak) and activation/deactivation of a module (scram). I’m sure they could make it drop your max speed by a certain percentage. I’d be totally fine with a script that did -80% mass -90% velocity -99.9% radius so you still can’t warp, can’t lurch onto people to tackle them, but can still use it to reduce your mass for rolling holes.

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Sigh, I told you, Interdiction nullification was a bad idea from the start. What we don’t need is a safe travel ship. You still don’t get it and keep it on the fastest and most useful ceptors.
Think about the role of fleet and combat interceptors before you #balance them.
As for me, I still think that the role of combat interceptors is to intercept those fleet interceptors, so combat interceptors should be the fastest in the group, but close range, as fleet interceptors are long range but slower. And f-k nullifiers.

p.s. don’t forget you nerfed them several times after you made them immune, so fix it back when you are going to remove the immune.

The person being jammed already has a counterplay… they can fit a sensor booster and an ECCM script.


dont forget implants amd racial skills


It’s not. Warp Core Stabs, for all the FW groups hate them, only help against one or two enemies. Fit an ECM burst, and you potentially knock off the locks of all of them. And that’s the other piece of this: ECM is only sometimes effective. Nothing’s been said about changing that. Nothing’s been said about making it an ‘always takes effect’ module like every other EWAR in the game. So if you’re going to try comparing it to other things and go ‘see, it does too much!’… well ‘When do they all fail to do anything when they’re on?’

Targets modules that do not impact the target’s hp or cap, including tackle, still affect the target. HP and capacitor are not the be-all, end-all of what’s in play. And I think you know that.


Think about the roles of all of the ships, and how those roles interact, or you’re just going to keep running face-first into the wall of unintended consequences again and again and again.

So you are going to screw ecm why? cause some folks get butt hurt over dying? Explain to me why getting killed by a falcon jamming you is any different than being killed by a curse nueting into doing nothing but sitting there waiting to die? Oh right at least against a falcon if you are lucky you can warp away against a curse you can’t do a thing. Unless you are planning on screwing all ewar you should have kept your nerf bat in the locker. In fleet engagements it is a nothing gesture (they are primary and die fast anyways). In small gang you just made sensor damps the goto ewar. In solo gang nuets will rule.

Old: hmmm sensor damps or ecm New: sensor damps only (small gang)

Old: hmmm nuets or ecm New: nuet only (solo)

Nice job killing off an entire class of ships. who talked you into this? whomever it was I hope it was as good for you as this is for them.


It’s not though. The server does checks when mods are activated. That is it.

It does not keep track of how many times a specific ship has been jammed. Nor does it time how long it’s been since attempted jamming was started or stopped…imagine the server putting an extra and individual timer on every ship in a fleet.

Mate. It’s not happening like that.