Dev Blog: October Balance Pass!

Did you read my post? I only assumed that the hole is not already critted, nothing else is required.

I dislike this change because it’s half-assed. It should be part of a much larger evaluation of where each and every piece fits together, and CCP needs to give us, the customers, an idea of what that puzzle looks like so we can understand what changes they’re making, what the big-picture effects they’re hoping to see are, and whether or not the actual effects (because time and time again, the players have been about a billion times more accurate than CCP about predicting those) will in fact move the game closer to the image CCP has for how it should work.

I do think bubble-immunity in the current landscape is unbalanced. I don’t necessarily think it needs to be removed. Maybe the solution is to make interceptors unable to be insta-warp ships (see above where I said ‘non-insta-warping combat ships that are bubble-immune’ was fine). But as it is now, the combination of getting into warp before the server can register a tackle, plus bubble-immunity, produces gameplay bad enough that the vernacular for the gameplay and the counterplay of smarbombing blops lokis (to be blops-bridged all over) is ‘CancerClaws’ and ‘Chemos’
 even among many of the people who use the Claws.

People don’t call something they use ‘cancer’ because they think it’s amazingly great for everyone. They use something they call ‘cancer’ because it’s the only tool that’ll do the job. That part of the equation needs to be fixed, too: interceptors should not be the only viable option for roaming into hostile nullsec to go hunting. If anything, the potential disruption should be increased.

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 but wouldn’t that have downsides for the goons and other null seccers? Is it not clear which direction they are obviously intentionally heading?

If it was a one-off thing, sure, I would not write this 
 but it is not! The october changes, as a whole, make null sec safer yet again! They also make a lot of other people safer thanks to ECM suddenly, magically, not needing to be a cancer anymore. Is it, because the newer generations of players simply have no way of actually defending themselves, maybe even because they never need to learn in the first place? I don’t know

 what I do know, though, is that it makes zero sense to assume “stupidity” where one can find clear evidence of “malicious” intent.

I agree almost entirely. wow. are you sure your the same arrendis that was defending brisc?? more talk on the patch and how bad it is, and youll get no complaints from me. start praising the intentions, and it forces my hand. the intentions of this ‘pass’ are obvious, and taken as a whole, do nothing positive for anyone other than ns bears. that is my opinion, and there is evidence to support this; null bears benefit from these changes. the ppl killing those same bears will have to be inconvenienced at the least. we both kno this. told you that earlier, but you deflected. glad we are coming together now.

the only logical reason I can see a person supporting the ecm changes would have to do with their ignorance to the counters one can employ to harden themselves against jamming.
perhaps its ccps failure to tutor new-bros effectively enough that they don’t ‘grow up’ to be 30yr old infants (eve version) crying because they don’t Kno HOW to succeed.

As imp news announced. Removing it from combat ceptors is just the first step for them. They want “to look after nullification more closely”
 If u dont want that compromised and gone completely one day and delve even more safer that it already is, dont let that happen. Not a quarter. Dont nerf ceptors. Dont make small People even weaker. Dont remove content and make 00 Space even more secure for afk isk generators.

So? It would also be things we can use to disrupt our enemies. I’ll put our level of organization and ability to defend our miners and ratters against anyone else’s, no problem.

The intentions of the pass are to fix problems. The execution is bad because the methodology being applied is bad. Don’t make assumptions about peoples’ motives. You just end up looking like an idiot.

The people who’ve been doing the most killing since November are the same people as the null bears.

Or do you think the Order of Celestial Knights is what’s been suppressing ratting and mining in Deklein and Branch for months?

this x 1000%

I knew we’d get personal eventually; that’s what ppl do when they cant stand on their arguments alone. OOCK isn’t responding to you. I am. and who’s making assumptions about who now?

and don’t worry about how I look. if you spent even 1/4 of that wasted time instead worrying about how You look, perhaps we’d disagree on trivial ■■■■ less, and agree on relevant ■■■■ more?

Ok, let’s look at what was actually said, and how it compares to what you’re claiming it is.
First, no, it’s not ‘personal’. The reference to your group is because you’d clearly know that your group hasn’t been the ones doing that. So it’s an obvious ‘you know this is not the case’. But since you clearly didn’t understand that, let’s just spell it out.

Since November of last year, there has been a deployment of the Imperium’s Special Interest Groups to the north. The most frequent groups coming into Delve are NCdot, Pandemic Legion, Darkness, Pandemic Horde, and other nullsec groups, almost all of whom have their own miners and ratters who we’ve been suppressing.

Thus, the people doing most of the killing, including in Interceptors
 are the same null bears you’re whining about.

They are still very fast, very maneuverable with high alpha. They will still have a role.

Ik ik, goons do everything, just more. but I wasn’t interested in talking about goons. nor what the rest of ns does. idc. what I care about is piss-poor ‘balance’ that breaks more things than it can possibly fix. that’s not balance. you have called me a number of names; something I generally TRY to refrain from myself, tho no one is perfect. sometimes labels are deserved.

bears are not known for running clear from south America to 
Kansas was it? and then murdering things before running clear back hope to Guatemala. bears are known, stereotypically for rummaging around looking for honey, and only get particularly violent/lethal when they are tampered with. if you need help with other definitions/clichés/stereotypes/etc just let me kno.

Claws have high alpha. Stilettos, not so much. Everything else, even less.

Of course you can argue both ways and I am not denying that. I am not trying to be anti-goon/anti-null, but it is hard not to come across as such. From my perspective you’re not considering an important variable, which is money.

Pleasing the null sec emperors, who promise fun and wealth to carebears (pretty much the virtual equivalent of Bread&Circus), which themselves are well known for having a loose wallet, is simply the most economic decision to make. They even literally admit that ■■■■■■■ over a much smaller part of the player base is absolutely a-okay in their perspective! And the best part is that they’ve been doing it to that same group over and over and over again, and sometimes it was to the direct benefit of 
 guess whom 
 the people in null sec!

Think about that! Do it! Stop reading and responding, actually spend time thinking about all the words you’re reading. It is unreasonable to ignore the most important pattern in the last years, which is that null sec is where the real money is.

And never forget: before null sec it was high sec. What never changed is that those people who are being catered to, are not seeing that they are being catered to. Instead they will argue around the most obvious fact we have, which is that a company pleases those most from whom they can squeeze out the most money.

They’ll happily screw you too if they decide, or notice, that “you” are not “the money maker” anymore !

They are still very fast, very maneuverable with high alpha. They will still have a role.

just not in places where bubbles are in high proliferation. more implying that this fixes something that wasn’t broken while not breaking something that Will Be Broken post patch.

Idc if you keep this game up, just say it. at least once. so the lemmings don’t wander around thinking what your saying is Actually what you Mean.

Don’t waste your time, Steve. This guy is giving us all a master class in paste eating.

Did CCP hire some new people who don’t know what they are doing?

How can you be so sure it’s the interdiction nullification that’s the root of the problem?
If it was then shouldn’t we expect to see widespread use of ALL combat inties in this way and also other ships with this option (e.g. T3s)

My concern with this change is (as the CSM dev blog admits) that it’s actually part of an “agenda” to remove interdiction nullification from the game because the CSM think it’s a bad idea in principle. However, I’ve yet to see any arguments or evidence supporting this claim. It’s just the opinion of the CSM. Now whether you agree with it or not, is this a good way to go about implementing changes?

This combat inty nerf seems odd and somewhat arbitrary precisely because it’s part of a larger strategic change to gameplay which isn’t yet being considered or discussed (at least, not outside of the CSM).

[EDIT: Just to add I do agree with much of what you wrote]

yes, pearl abyss + csm

That’s not a role, that’s a sales pitch. And it’s a sales pitch to nowhere, either. You can’t sell me a Jeep 4x4 if there’s no mountains to run around in, and I as a customer am asking what in the world would you expect me to do with this thing you’re trying to sell me? Listing it’s engine rating, fuel mileage, etc, doesn’t help when I’m asking you the purpose of this thing you’re trying to sell.

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