Dev blog: Reactions redefined - New industry opportunities for you!

You will buy reaction formulas which act similar to BPOs. I tested this on SiSi today, it’s very simple … except learning all the new ores and minerals.

No Reactions can’t be research.

You mean besides replacing it with a HS unique PvE activity (Resource Wars) and announcing an upcoming future HS unique PvE feature in FoBs as well as intending to bring Moon Mining to HS eventually as noted at Vegas.

Yup, nothing to do with HS here, all Nullsec.

They also have the option of increasing how much can be mined in a shorter period of time by making the ore smaller if it becomes a massive supply crunch.

Reactions are not reasearchable. They have a base ME and TE. But they cannot be improved.

But even if you can mine it faster, that does not increase the amount that is spawned. So not a supply increase. CCP would have to increase the amount of ore that is spawned relative to hours the drill is running to increase supply.

it indirectly does. In that more yield per player hour will incentivize more players to bother doing it, meaning more moons get used for mining.
If every moon in the game is running at capacity and there is still a supply shortage then yes CCP would have to increase the ore the field produces. But while not every moon is used, then CCP can increase effective supply without changing the total available.


Right now alphas ‘can’ do reactions but can only train the skill to level 1. This limits the reactions they can perform to Synth boosters only. Considering that gas huffing is viable for alphas (they can train into ventures alongside lv.2 gas harvesting), shouldn’t the cytoserocin they mine in large null corps be able to be used by them as well, because right now they can only use the mykoserocin from lowsec. Allowing Alphas to react their own Standard boosters from blueprints found from agents in gas constellations would be a good source of income that is already limited due to the number of Reaction jobs they can do at once (1).

All-in-all, will Reactions level II become available for alphas in the december skill changes or even sooner? Thanks.

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