How exactly, pray tell, does ANYONE but CCP know you’ve had the 3 day ban then had it overturned, unless you tell them?
I’ve never really used them before I’ve always composed my passwords of several words from different languages that are only known to myself which follow a random order with some numbers thrown in, which made them harder to break.
I’ve also limited my electronic footprints so that I’m not possible to find unless its from payment accounts like this game and sites like ebay / amazon. You’d be surprised how many people post to much information up on facebook or other sites similar which open themselves up to being compromised more than they should.
Current lists may change, but screenshots to /r/EVE are forever. (because, Slayer, the discussion Paul and I are having is about hypothetically having a published list of ‘THESE PEOPLE WERE BANNED FOR BOTTING’, which means CCP would be telling everyone, so you don’t have to.)
Well, thank you for demonstrating my point about ‘people will ignore the evidence in order to uphold their previous beliefs’… but no, I’m saying ‘once you get this kind of mud thrown at you, you can’t get clean. Ever.’ There are no ‘tools to fight back’. There’s only the mob, and the mob doesn’t care about truth, the mob cares about its own visceral indulgence. Fighting back just proves you’re guilty, because if you weren’t guilty, you wouldn’t need to fight back!
Oh I see, I didn’t realise.
That is, indeed, really dumb.
Wouldn’t mind a lockdown feature that would protect an account (ideally on a per character basis) from having skills extracted, a bit like the biomass protection. Perhaps with an initial user configurable delay from 1 day up to 1 month?
It all depends on the situation. We do both depending on what’s up.
We do both manual and automatic detection (ironic right?) and we’re willing to explore all kinds of methods as long as they’re sane and likely to work.
Also, you and @CCP_Guard need to totally get into a heated discussion with those two forum avatars.
How about some of the lowest hanging fruit: those accounts on 23/7 running anything besides idling their character?
but no, I’m saying ‘once you get this kind of mud thrown at you, you can’t get clean. Ever.’
If you are permabanned there is no reputation left to trash… Publish those lists and the corp they are in too boot.
And the discussion was in the context of ‘wrongly banned and later overturned’. Reading comprehension. It’s a thing.
Nah, this is the future … in 10 years we will not play games anymore, we will watch AIs playing games.
That works
(I have several hundred accounts, spread over a similar number of sites. remembering that would be, umm, troublesome)
Can the Google Authenticator 2FA, which we can use when accessing our Account Details, be added to the Launcher (perhaps as an option) for the added security, for minimal extra effort, it would give when logging into the game?
That’s how I already feel watching you kids play EVE :(. And my knee hurts!
Thank you both on the policy statement. Its shows a willingness to the road of accountability. Players have their part and hopefully use sound judgment in doing so.
Markets bots is a concern to many. Have or will their be an inroads to their removal?
Well that’s a subjective debate…
A coin can land on either side,yet once in a while it does land on its edge.
Irony is that coin.
There is so much negativity, In a nutshell, We all support this game, we know the developers have a List a mile long of things that you want to look at, and always have to make choices as to which to do. and management is one step further removed from the player base, that makes it hard.
If you need to get a message kicked upstairs, balance is far more important than playing around with the UI, That annoys more than it delights.
and we are ALL looking at the roadmap, longing for that destination to arrive, Don’t let yourselves lose sight of that goal, It’s all that keeps us going.
Good luck, we are all on the same journey.
This post is a joke, sorry, but it is. Is it april 1st already?
I have personally used the report bot ‘feature’ more than a hundred times, and nothing, ever, has been done to these bots. I don’t even wanna go into the ‘maybe they aren’t bots’ discussion, because they are!
You’ve had your antibotting softwaare in place for years, and still you’re doing ■■■■ all. Pretend as much as you like, make your propaganda posts about how many accounts you banned, but we the players, who have reported these bots for literally years, know nothings gonna change.
Thanks and f off!
On the topic of naming and shaming, perhaps a different approach?
You’ve got metrics that you use to evaluate them anyways… produce a list of systems that housed botters and the type of botting.
For example, ratting bot in W-XYZ. Mining bot in somehisecsystem.
Might not help as much in highsec, but anywhere else (especially sov) new systems aren’t an option. Hunters are likely only too happy to attack botters, especially if the risk is lower.
Thus, when hunters see the index going up, they see the system was occupied by an alleged bot recently, they can go there for a near-free kill. Bubbles, logoff traps, all work to catch botters.
In systems where there are more than just botters present, non-botters now also have a good reason to report the asshole and keep them out of the space they’re trying to use.
Nope, doesn’t work. I tried that with the recent initiative (offline now), which wasn’t as well received as I hoped.
And the bots I reported are still happily flogging along.
On the free kills: Botters are learning, e.g. nullified Tengus are hard af to catch.