Dev blog: The Goo must flow: Everything about Refineries and Moon mining

I have a toon in a wormhole with a Rorqual that can fly to a POS jump out and do other things.

The Rorq cost about 4 billion including a couple of excavator drones and sometime next spring, as a corp, we will have paid for it. Saving for a Fortizar would take a lot longer but I can’t see the point in buying one as risk vs reward for a corp of our size makes it not worth the outlay .

My Rorqual character - not the ship but the character - will be 90% of the time off-lined in a safe spot. That character will be prevented from playing EVE and my main toon will no longer have a scouting alt.

Not right yet, no. That said, with the next Structure Improvements, ore drilling from moons in Wormholes (and 0.5 highsec) will be possible. Check out the EVE Vegas presentation on Upwell Structures for more info!

So pos’s are being phased out? I asked several players and didn’t get an answer. Too lazy to read dev blogs…or perhaps disinterested.

POS are going to be phased out eventually, but not right away. The only aspects of POS functionality that are being retired in the Lifeblood expansion are moon mining and reactions; the rest are not being touched at this time.

Or, they could have a ledger ingame for it so anyone in the corp can access it instead of relying on 3rd party tools :stuck_out_tongue:

Any rough ETA on when “the next Structure Improvements” will be? Other than soon™ of course. :slight_smile:

Just wondering how long us wormholers have to wait to be able to play with the cool moon lasers.


Q1 2018 if nothing changes

Thankyou that’s nice to know, even though it’s highly depressing all the same.

@CCP_Fozzie and idea if we can get a list of all the new bpo cost related to the refinery … ie… moon drills, reactor’s and rigs please please…?

I think he already mentioned it …look up

there you go

Nope… i see that i need moon drill, all the reactor’s and all the new rigs… maybe even the mining crystals… but the service modules for the refinereys are more important having structurce without them is a waste

Any news on being able to fly the Rorqual to an Astrahus and dump the ore into the structure without needing an industrial to move the goods.

This is something we can also still do at a tower.

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@CCP_Phantom Am I correct in saying, yes you can use the structures to create belts to mine but they don’t have any moongoo, only minerals/ores.

Good question, I recall hearing about a hope that one day we might be able to access a hanger while tethered outside of a structure.

@CCP_Fozzie here is a really good question… Siphion units going to be done away with now ??? osrt of cant use the with refinerey at least not on test… didn’t work… prices of moon drill and reactors and rigs bpo’s would be greatly appericated…

I thought I heard talk of including .5 systems in moon mining, arbeit without the moon goo part. Is this still on the board and, if yes, when?

In upwell 2.0 at the start of the new year

The whole idea of null ore being given to hisec moons is a tad fruity, but I have no choice but to play along. As I said to someone, If it’s only malfunctioning slightly, leave it! Putting moon mins in wh space with quality depending on their class would have been better.
Maybe less new-player friendly. But perhaps this is overdoing it. Just an opinion.

No specifics on what ores will be available in 0.5 space or how the quantities and composition will break down there or in wormhole space yet.

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Unfortunately A RUMOUR (not true) was moon minerals were being introduced to planetary rings in wh’s. But perhaps I’ve said too much.