Well the Nazis in West Germany predicted the separation wouldn’t stay until 1960. They knew Soviet Russia lost a lot of infrastructure (and around 20 Million people) during the war and didn’t have enough ressources to build up East Germany anywhere as economically strong as the US could afford to do with West Germany, since the US lost about as much as they profited (for instance with American companies selling to the Nazis during the war). Also the East had problems to re-create social order, while in the West, the Allied forces simply let pretty much all old Nazis stay in their position. So they had high hopes for rather soonish re-acquiring the East.
It was not so much about the Wall though. The Wall was wanted by all sides when it was erected. The separation of Germany as a direct consequence of World War II and after that the confrontation of Capitalism vs. Socialism aka Cold War, made Germany into potentially hot territory. The Wall was the only way to avoid escalation of the War, something which most people didn’t want considering the availability of Nuclear weapons on both sides. East Germany simply came first to building it in order to have control over the demarcation line.
Later on the “West” of course pretended that the Wall was just the invention of “evil” east. Lol.
How people can believe the lies of countries (especially one) who pretty much started every war after WW2, mass murdered hundreds of millions, created modern day terrorism by building up the islamists in Afghanistan and supporting those in Saudi Arabia, waging war against their own population… this… this is mind boggling. Not the Wall coming down. This was just the consequence of Socialism and especially the inhabitants of East Germany being a bit foolish in believing that the two states could peacefully live together while accepting each others way.
2 years after the Wall came down poverty struck East Germany. People suddenly had to worry about how to get food on the table, how to have a home. The companies didn’t belong to everyone anymore, they belonged to the West. Let me tell you this: East Germans have been f*cked over by the West. They wanted more democracy in their state, not the cold-hearted brutality of Capitalism.