Dev blog: The Handover Of Serenity – Thank You & Farewell

I realize out of game RMT is a something hard to combat, but here is a thought on how to combat boting.- Just Follow The Money (or Isk in this case). Segregate people into groups (individual, Corp, on at same time, whatever makes sense) and determine how fast they make ISK.

We have two Datum to follow, How Rich they are and How Fast they make ISK. Obviously there has to be a point at which they make Isk faster than “Normal”. Normal being a variable that is calculated for each Person/Situation/etc.

You don’t have to even do these calculations for everyone in the game. You start with the entity who has the most Isk and/or the Higher Isk Rate and work down.

This is not a fully fleshed out Concept and there are many details to be worked out. The final result may not look like anything envisioned now, but that’s the basic concept. Now CCP could use this internally (or may be using it already), however I have a better idea (or at least in addition that.)

The data calculated above could be made available to the player base in some sort of rating system. They can use the data to determine who is deserving of their attentions, lol. This could be something similar to bounty hunting, or more appropriately Head Hunting. You not only have to work to make the ISK but you now have to Work to Keep Making It. We all hate rich people right? and want to tear them down right? Stick it to the man.

I can hear all the pilots out there just rushing to tear the idea down, I bet most of them are rich guys/groups. But before you do - Give it some thought… I would also point out that if its properly done then there is a good chance that Bot’ers and RMT guys would float to the top of the list. (again remember your not rated on IF u make lots of Isk, but if you make it faster than “Normal”) - or-we could go without that and go guns a blazing.

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The saga continues: Dev blog: The Next Step For EVE China - Publishing With NetEase!

OMG… truth on official forum? It something new here :глаза:
Anyone - like you post :+1:

My corp joined a Chinese alliance (Fraternity). Periodically, we get emails and alliance channel posts about corps or individual players that have been caught and dropped for botting. Sometimes it includes a description of how the botting was spotted. Maybe CCP should develop a guide on how to spot botting and provide it as a feature in the corp section of the Neocom? Have the corps and alliances get in on helping to police the botting?


Dont Know where you came up with that logic. Free to play isn’t bad for eve. Skill injectors and everyone fly end game ships to mine/rat their ass off is whats killing eve. Supers ratting brings in stupid amounts of isk and rorq mining is the broken other half. This doesnt have anything to do with free to play. Skill injectors is what caused this.

If people were able to vote them not goons to the CSM

I mean, 2 years for them to figure out their current business model has problems with the Chinese market and they just let the game freeze for 2 years? Without ever saying anything until Tiancity’s term ended? Glad they come up with Project Galaxy anyway.

I heard players on serenity suicided hundreds of supers and biomass ed their chars in protest in 4DQ.

