Devblog: EVE 64-bit & DirectX 12

apple only supports metal, so they would have to support 2 flavours or rendering engines - DX11 (and 12) + metal…

Only, and only if Apple would support vulcan besides Metal, only then can one just use 1 rendering technique to provde linux, macOS and Windows a native client.

So imo doing bootcamp or running stuff like paralells will be the go-to points if you wanna run it natively…

Java is a really clean language, unfortunately it has a lot of overhead, but is a great language to start out for beginners. C# is great too, the programming environment is one of the most intuitive. Too bad it’s not portable like C++, as you said. Even tho C++ was created decades ago, it was designed with incredible flexibility. A disciplined team can easily write objects that has some of the nice functionality that Java has like a “built-in” garbage collection, but more efficient. The cool thing is that most of the surviving languages all have their strengths.

They can do Vulcan and just use moltenVK for the Mac. This has been discussed many times in many threads.

67 bits and DirectXY 39 and again just a skin on hollow body :rofl:

What kind of new game mechanics will be able to be introduced into the environment by having a 64 bit system?

Will there be new advantages for players who run multiple accounts with the 64 bit system?

No, if anything it’s a bad thing for multiboxing, 64 bit is likely to use a tiny bit more memory per client.
What it will do is stop the client crashing when it goes over 4g of ram needed, which means also that they can afford to load higher res textures or other things that put load on ram.


And there are times right now when the client crashes due to high memory use.

They tend to be larger fights, but not always.

Eve was one trick pony, but noone care any more :joy:

So how did it go last night? I was going to login but i had to go out…
any reviews about the 64bit client?

my computer is 10 years old. it has 4 cores, 2000Hz processor frequency, 6 gigabytes of RAM, 1 gigabyte video and carefully tuned Windows 7. This is quite a powerful computer for my city and I was happy when I got it. I can buy a new powerful computer, with my salary … Let me think … Never!

we have the last 10 years in the city the average salary is 180 euros per month. Any serious purchase is made on credit, which is given over the years. What kind of upgrade can we talk about. That Windows that is already quite expensive. And I must say that in Russia there is not one such city, and not even 10. If you need to keep subscribers from Russia, updates requiring upgrades are undesirable.


I know I would have to buy you a computer for that, if not internet, and for you to get a better job or become a doctor because I have to buy a computer and internet for my fiancée too, and I get interference against it from society here enough, to make it worthwhile for me to go to Germany and to get a sociology degree from University there to solve the social problems created.

She will first need an internet connection, and , that is while she is in a big city in Russia, because, when she moves, it will be harder…

But you don’t need to change anything to be able to play on that machine. Probable not even need to use potato mode.

I really hope so, now I can run 2 windows and it suits me. I heard that the new program would require another direct X, and it would require a newer version of Windows, so I went into this topic. And the person writes that “all the same, after all, Windows 7 will not be supported, an upgrade is needed.”

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A ten year old Window 7 PC will run 64bit applications - and it’ll be faster than it can handle 32bit applications.
Windows 7 supports Directx11. CCP are not dropping Dx11 support (read the blog), but targeting it as a minimum requirement with Directx12 preferred. Dx9 support is being dropped; but hasn’t been a target for a while.
The minimum memory requirements are changing from 2GB to 4GB as part of the move to the 64bit client - for good performance reasons - if that becomes a bottleneck for you then dropping another 4GB in an elderly PC is both cheap (relatively) and possibly the best upgrade you can go for.

Windows 7 end of life is, wearing my security hat, a problem, but it’ll still run as an OS - Microsoft won’t fix problems after they end support. But CCP aren’t dropping Eve from it - heck, they only dropped XP support in the last year or so. Not Supported means “no guarantee it’ll work” not “won’t work”.
They don’t support Linux, but I’m happily running Eve on Debian Stable on a modest 7 year old PC.

You shouldn’t have a problem. No guarantees of course (I can’t), but I’d be very surprised if that PC won’t be good for a few more years of Eve yet.

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They said somewhere that with limited dx12 support coming on win 7 (thanks to WoW) it will be sufficient for EVE. Thats the reason why they chose dx12 over others like vulkan.

Please please please, incorporate mGPU into DX12, be one of the few titles out there where is actually works for two graphics cards in the PC world not using vendor drivers to assist,

  1. It’l bring attention to eve from much of the enthusiast PC sector if you can properly test mGPU at DX12 Levels. (So little titles are doing this!)

  2. Even though most people don’t need it, anyone running in a crossfire config means you cant connect outputs to the slave card thus no second GPU usage and when your rendering across a large amount of monitors with full detail+aa enabled (Im running 4), one card at full utilisation is silly while the other ones snoring next to it, its purely for splitting the load rather then making eve run fast.

  3. Perhaps an enthusiast level benchmark to push hardware, ray tracing features ect, its a little out the box for CCP to do things like this i’m sure, but if it shows off the game within the test, then players not interested in eve may think differently and again, along with point 1, it’l attract attention from PC enthusiast’ mainly because it’l be one of the only DX12 MGPU benchmark tests out there, just a random idea!

I hope you take the time to consider these requests!

Thank you wery much!

The important bit is “shouldn’t”. I can’t guarantee it, I don’t know your system or CCPs plans, but if I were you it wouldn’t be worrying me too much.
Happy flying.

Instead of the client, you have to fix your interface from the nightmare.

And asking for some other plsforms ???
What about cosoles ???

I know I know, you wil say “Eve is niche game”, and result is NICHE income :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

My knowledge here is on the weak side.
If I understand correctly, running 32-bit applications on a 64-bit system results in added workload to the CPU.

I’m currently encountering a CPU bottleneck when running three clients. Will the move to 64-bit improve this, or is it time to start thinking of upgrading?