Devblog: Introducing a new tech demo - EVE: Aether Wars

It doesn’t matter now, ccp already took the ad off the launcher. No one else is going to know about it. It could have been a good PR stunt…

has a date and time been announced yet?

March 20th, according to Rock Paper Shotgun.

That would get me to quit Eve in an instant. Spent way too much money and time on my characters to have it destroyed. I’m sure I am not alone in that sentiment.

Hmm … in 2015, I have already killed my character that I have had since 2009.
Not a drop did not regret. :ok_hand:

Wonder what results will this experiment yield

True enough. But in order for there to be fights there has to be players. I have been in the same pipe for years - it used to full and even when it wasnt full there was plenty of folk heading back and forth across the pipe to get into null sec. Those days are gone. And this is not the only area that has been turned into a ghost town. Moreover, there is simply no reason to engage in small scale fights anymore. maybe you get one group looking for a fight meeting up with another group doing the samething every now and then but the days where people were actually doing things in systems like belt ratting are gone, so we have lost all of those organic fights which came about because people were actually living in and doing things in a particular system. It would be nice if CCP actually turned its attention to breathing life into systems instead of giving people more reasons to stay docked or enter instances.


Yeah. So now when Jita burns it won’t be such a cluster F.

You didn’t find these guys in jita local i hope.
Sounds to good to be true

no time for the feature we need but all the time and resources for that stupid ■■■■

So…I take it the test and event set a new low below even Guardian’s Gala?

Like I said; it was Fyre Festival under another name. “Slapdash it together at the last minute and hope for the best.”

Sorry, old man here had to look up the referral…got you now.

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You know that “x” in the top right hand corner of Discord? If you’d clicked on that it would have stopped all them spam.
Like your rating of the demo, your opinion of it is worthless because you didn’t participate.

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Your opinion is equally worthless. I would have taken part, if CCP had done their part and actually enforced order. Instead they allowed it to descend into chaos.

They deserve everything they get. They don’t even try. Pathetic. Disgraceful. The only reason I’m still here at all is to make sure at least one of their number acknowledges that fact.

I liked it, though it was not what I had expected.
Looked like Elite Dangerous with rockets everywhere. Also I killed a lot of ships. :slight_smile:

However, for such an amount players everything ran unexpectedly smooth (graphics settings weren’t very high, though), no lag at all (but some explosions just didn’t occur or rockets fired weren’t diplayed, but all way better than tidi!).

I’m not sure how relevant this test really is regarding eve production servers, on tranquility there is a lot of stuff going on besides n-1000 people fighting (trading, ratting, more people fighting, etc.) but if it could be like this (performance wise) in a large fleet fight you can count me in.

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Gameplay was mostly smooth, so props for that. The render distance was quite low though, so even though the simulation may have been on the scale that was told us the players weren’t able to see it.

Issues I ran into:

  • Several crashes while trying to work with the client (some during gameplay, reports have been sent)
  • Some serious rubberbanding during gameplay. From what I’ve been explained the simulation worked with a system similar to grids in EVE (chopping up the simulation in separate areas) and when switching grids I noticed very bad rubberbanding.
  • At some point I was unable to kill things (or I was just being terrible, also possible, but after firing 8 missiles at somebody I had expected them to die ^^)

However, overall the gameplay was reasonably good and I hope enough data was gathered to make improvements where needed!

@Calando You seem angry, would you mind sharing your thoughts after taking some rest? Because they might be more able to fix issues if you point them out calmly.


Removed a couple of posts that violated the forum rules.

Alan_Artemisa that pretty much sums up my experience too

was pretty fun all in all

It was a unique experience. At first I had 2 game crashes early on, but after that it was 20 minutes of non stop gaming with no crashes at all, so I’m guessing the crashes came from connectivity, ass we spiked the server when one announcement on Discord said GO GO GO.

I’m not that good at FPS and battle royals, mainly because they don’t hold much meaning for me, and thus I don’t play them, making me not as good at them. That being said this was a fun experience, and my final score is small but quite good for somebody that isn’t used to the genre.

16/8 is pretty decent for me and I’m quite happy about it…

My gaming rig is starting to get old, but has some life in it. I got 8 fps in the heavy missile area and up to 28 fps in more distant places, mostly around 22 fps. while dogfighting. It wasn’t the best, but it was really playable . The Ping wasn’t the best but as I ', in south America I’m used to it.

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