Devblog: Introducing The Activity Tracker

@CCP_Psych how can I achieve Tech 2 copies?

I guess get your hands on one of the T2 BPOs.

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Use a Tech II copy original to make a copy.

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Sounds like feat of strength…

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Whelp, the activity tracker isn’t picking up research agent missions. You can run them daily for almost no gains whatsoever, so I only do them when picking up my datacores every 2-3 years.

Can we have “system I’ve visited” from map merged, at least? This one is truly an achievement, rest of tracker are just arbitrary numbers to collect.

Why are T2 originals still in the game?

Is it such a big deal to set all the T2 BPO’s to convert to a BPC of equal me/te, slap on 100 runs and say “Hey, you guys got a good run, now its over, sorry, time to do inventions like the rest of us” or is the threat of discontent on non-ccp forum threads like reddit going to cause that much of a backlash?


Still feels a waste ship skin rewards would still be nice if the nodes are maxed to V so one can actually show it off or get something.
Maybe skins that have a V that is for the ship most used for that activity.


Tracker reseted with new beta launcher.

Yup same here and it doesn’t count anything I do. Level 0, at everything sorry but this is totally :psyccp:

Yup made a long series of jumps through LS and gate camps and got zero credit; thank goodness I don’t use this feature much.

An activity tracker should be the most resilient bug proof feature if you want it to become a thing players can boast about as far as achievements.

I think the tracker came 16 years too late to the game and it doesn’t even work.


What are you talking about? All im missing is a stat on how much time i spent looking at my Activity tracker.

This issue was fixed.
In the event of such an occurrence, your data in the Activity Tracker is still being tracked and stored, its simply not making its way all the way to your client, where it updates the UI. So dont worry, no data is lost :slight_smile:

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