Devblog: Introducing the new EVE Online Forums!


Please remove the following:
Market place > Trade ads
Market place > auctions

The buy ads and sales ads are good enough of a place to advertise these threads. On the current eve forums, the want ads section is pretty much already dead. I feel like there is little reason to spread things out even further.

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Nice job, team. Really nice work.

Now, please make sure all official answers related to EVE Online posted on r/eve make their way here. In fact, make sure they happen here first, then you can link that reply over on reddit.


Please sweet space jesus, let replies create a sub thread

Reading the rules atmā€¦ Bumping is not allowed? Whatā€™s that all about? Still OK in the recruitment forum right?. :confused:

Duh, bumping leads to ganking, and nobody wants to see forum ganking.

There is a degree of threading, if you hit reply at the post level.

Or at least trackingā€¦ the inability to display a full hierarchical structure is one of the few gripes I have about Discourseā€¦ but you get used to it.

Looks like discord chatā€¦

Is there a way to make short replyā€™s take up less screen space?

Also, where is the ā€œgo to first Dev postā€ and the ā€œgo to next Dev postā€?

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Indeed, the posts and replies take up 3/4 of the screen and the last 1/4 is just for a scroll bar? Everything looks very smushed.

Would also like bigger character portraits, and better dividing gaps between posts. A more obvious quote button would be nice too, so you can just quote a whole post. being able to quote the selected text is pretty nifty though.

Yeah I did. I replied to my own previous post just to check. But as @Arrendis says it doesnā€™t create a visual hierarchy. Nothing different from the past, but it remains a weakness IMO

Iā€™m guessing bumps will be allowed in recruitment and market sub-forums, like they are now, and still probably limited to one per day.

if you reply at post level, it links the posts together, so you can bring up the immediate replies, or the replied to post.

I see how it works now. Thanks Steve. Damn, Iā€™m certified through the New Forum Experience but now need to shoot for the Advanced training.

@discobot start advanced user

youā€™ll need to skip the undelete with @discobot skip

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Waitā€¦ what? Cluttered? not really. The only thing I can see that is missing is the options to change the colours.

The white on black tends to blur and give the claustrophobic feel. That is my experience anyway. I prefer Black text on a light background.

ā€œThemeā€ Selection will make this a little betterā€¦ but that is just me.


Holy crap! Mobile friendly. Hello 2017.


Oh my

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Give it time. From a physiological standpoint, light-on-dark actually causes less eye strain. The only reason dark-on-light is more common is itā€™s an attempt to replicate the appearance of the printed page.


so now that this is new and good no more reddit yeah?

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