Devblog: Security Update - Q1 2019

And I do not care that you can not play differently, you only know what you see or someone told you and you got used to it.
If NS works as it should, why is the market and the whole economy in the game slowly becoming pointless for new players?
After all, how is it not affected by ratting in NS?
80kk ticks in VNI on your 3 alts loot + guristas or deadspace items have no impact on jita market?
Of course it does have an effect, but what are all those botting alpha accounts included in? Small one-man corporations or big alliances?
So you can not categorize all alpha accounts as bots

How funny is that? :smiley:

It should be added that the market prices for plex are not low and people who play and want to play come from different countries with different levels of earnings, so the game is getting a little bit for those a bit richer, making the rest look for other solutions.
And so the unhealthy attitude of the richer who stand and keep the game and those poorer who use bots to play and earn money for themselves in real life

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Muhahahahahahahahaha ā€¦

Tell that to all fired ccp employees :joy:

To me, it seems like more advanced botters are using Omega accounts, to mine. Multiboxing those is perfectly legal. If thereā€™s enough of those, it defeats the purpose of Alphas. My assumption is that they massively mine and sell that for isk, using that isk to buy PLEX. Thereā€™s also a bunch of ratting Omega bot accounts. Their purpose is only to seed isk into the market. If scaled up properly, one could raise the price of PLEX and gain control of the market. Now, with PLEX unaffordable to most alphas, RMT is made more available.
Itā€™s more isk/PLEX than a trial player might be able to compete with, putting them off. And this is bad. The priority should be in making the game more engaging for Alphas. Donā€™t confuse engaging with accessible. Reasons to spend PLEX should still exist.

There was this ā€œBurn Jitaā€ event, to get rid of all the isk that amassed over time and fix the economy a bit.

Burn Delve next?

Might gimp some mining/ratting botters. Also, if information like this becomes available on more frequent basis, players will be able to look easier for valuable killmails (and each other, whoever wants to PvP).

As for methods against botting;

  1. Delay between button presses should be measured, with ping taken into account. If their duration or delay between them is too similar, thereā€™s a bot suspect. No warnings/bans need to be issued, just cancel the click server-side and continue monitoring the suspect.
  2. < I forgot while writing 1ā€¦ Might edit later. >

And about alpha multiboxing - Ainā€™t that against EULA? Well, if itā€™s not, it should be. Even if someone has an Omega; Alpha accounts are for trying the game, not for ā€œend-gameā€ players to gain further advantages. If they want that, theyā€™re free to upgrade more accounts to Omega.

Not to dilute my previous, long post TOO much, I decided to state this idea in anotherā€¦

We (CCP and the playerbase) should look for ways to spend PLEX other than the subscription time. Current F2P is kind of a failure of a concept if people are happy playing as perpetual Alphas. The ones who are after isking PLEX are outclassed by ratting multiboxers/botters.

Hence the hate for Alphas. (which is yet another reason putting them off)

Another bull****. I play from a country you mentioned, subscription is huge chunk of my income that is why Iā€™m plexing my accounts. I was subbed for first 6 months then find my way to earn Isk and since then never spend a dime. It is possible to earn billions in HS. Just because you donā€™t know how or it is not your gamestyle doesnā€™t mean CCP should consent. Learn to play or go away.

And here are some more reasons why an Alpha might quit the game before even trying hard enough (listed in this post):

  1. Itā€™s expensive to buy PLEX, considering the countryā€™s standard. (WoW is a decent quality and cheaper MMO alternative)
  2. People donā€™t learn how to play before reaching the restrictions imposed on them
  3. Playing by the playstyle you like might earn you only a fraction of income compared to some other methods. Worst case scenario, you barely break even.
  4. Hate by Omegas. The ones who PLEX their accounts with isk see themselves as superior in some way and the ones who pay for Omega time are jealous of players who play the same game for free.
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At which point the botters add a random delay to their code to defeat your test.

Simplistic nonsense, just like your ā€˜reasons Alphas leaveā€™ in the post aboveā€¦

Itā€™s still an improvement. One that doesnā€™t gimp regular players, but does gimp botters. Actually, no measures have to be taken at all. Just detecting them is fine.

How random is ā€œrandomā€? If you detect it client-side to many digits of precision, it WILL detect those who always have zeroes as the last digits in their clicks.

It IS simple-minded. If people have stronger reasons to play than not to play, they will play.
If not, one ā€œstupidā€ reason not to play might be enough. ā€¦ Then you end up with perpetual alphas or quitters.

I still think RMT is the core reason many people leave this game. Alpha or Omega.
It needs monopoly on isk, which is best achieved by multiboxing+botting. No matter if botting with Alpha or Omega accounts. ā€œIf you canā€™t beat them, join themā€ has another option here. ā€œLeaveā€.

I think putting any content behing omega has little efect against botters. A bot account cap make a plex in a week in the wors secenario I can imagine.

A good solution would be putting a CAPTCHA in every warp to cosmic anomalies and signatures, so simple, and will not hurt to much to humans.

principle is the same



Captcha would make people furious.

How about something like a Project Discovery sample, instead? And not on EVERY site. Once per leaving the station or system entry. Only happens when warping to a site and even in that case, 10-20% chance. Not too tedious of a problem for your common player. But imagine it for rat farmers with 5+ multiboxesā€¦ Botting would become annoying.

Fynny guy returns :smiley:

6 months of plexing account must be a huge stress to Your RL wallet, thatā€™s sadā€¦

I have ISK, maybe more than you ever saw and be able to pay for subscriptions to 3 of my accounts for 10 years from my RL wallet.

The thing is that itā€™s hard for new players to get in game ISK ā€¦
Because before they try for good games in all its taste, all their attempts end in failure.

mining - ganked ā€¦ 2-3 times 20 milions barge, 0 ISK = quit in 1-2 months or less, end of story for that guy, sad.
Salvage - got yellow blinky = blowed from the sky in seconds ā€¦ RIP Tristan few times = quit.
Missions Security L1,2,3 exept of epic arcs, rest is garbage ā€¦ standings loss, CONCORDED few times in other faction space = qiut.
Hauling = borring = quit
Joining the great corporation, bit better, but doctrine, cause that the person feels like someoneā€™s property. = quit
Joining the militia, cool, teach, later you find out from the CEO that giving away catalysts, people jump on alts just to fun for a few who started from mining 2 jumps from the place where he started, he was even in that way done and by the same ganking altsā€¦

I forgot about something?

They said it would be fun, they would say big billions ā€¦ yeah
Only they did not add that for the CEO because he is poor and has to keep hundreds of his altsā€¦
and what he is doing with all that billionsā€¦he opened a charity institution or RTMā€™ing?


Yeah, clearly EvE is not a game for you and others like you. Bye.

Dude after 10 years I know quite a lot so stop ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– 

The worst thing is that from the first day in the large corporation in NS they teach you how to setup sanderling ā€¦

This game have cancer, botting, people like you do not help

Luckily for me the cooler part of the game was exploration so I never played in bots because I did not have time for it and even better because after I told the teamspeak that I do not want to, they exclude me from the channel on this subject

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Boters like me? Wtf you talking about?

do not worry, I forgot about ā€œ,ā€ there

Ad. 1 plex price is at the same level for years in RL money. If you want to upgrade into omega, sub or plex via ISK. Buying plex from CCP is more expensive to use by yourself
Ad. 2 learning curve is hard but there is no difference between flying for example alpha astero and omega one. You still get the exploration sites. Do you want to get better ones? Sub or plex.
Ad. 3 it is sandbox player driven economy game. Some activities pays better than others. If you want to earn isk learn how to do it. No, minerals you mined were not freeā€¦
Ad . 4 there are no such thing. EvE is not free. It has unlimited trial. Alphas already were given to much.

It depend a lot of the CPATCHA design, and everybody except botters and renters will benefit. A properly designed CPATCHA you can complete in 3 seconds while warping designed like an coordinates input, if you make it correctly you land to the signature, if not you land to an empty grid, like happens when you warp to a fleet member while he is warping. And like you say it can appear arbitrarily once per system or percentage or whatever.

Let say you are runing combat sites in Hisec, youā€™ll see the CPATCHA like 2 times per hour or less, In null a lot less as it tackes longer to run sites.

Another question I`m thinking about in this moment is. If CCP manage ro erradicte botting activity, this would be positive or negative for their business? This is a question for a dedicated tread.

Why bother in this anyway? EVE Launcher can be tool to constantly check CRC of the EXE file or any of the dll files, also scripts or registry entries can instruct operating sysytem to check running program in search of injection of unwanted code to the game files or running programs in background. There is tons os posibilities to find 100% botting computer without user to know even about this and I belive it is happening.
Problem is that bot programs are updated, even with DX12 where is more control over the program via desktop window manager.
Data miners and reverse engeneering it can discover security and handle it effectively.
Such protection works only for the time, as well as CAPTCHA.
Perhaps python is a source of easy ā€œintrusionsā€ and should be replaced.

64b client will remove 50% of bots designed in 32bit and old suorce code

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Sorry but it seems to me that you are thinking in factory haked microsoft operating system mode runing the eve cleint with admin privileges.

A botting software do not need to touch a sigle bit of the eve client, and the eve client do have to know nothing about other binary runing in the system.

Anyway the scenario you show is an infinite war CCP can not win, a good CAPTCHA is not bottable IMO