Devblog: Spring Balance Update Incoming!

Who chose it? The devs? The players?

Keep in mind that the majority of nullsec did not adopt the new style when it went in. It’s only when it became painfully obvious that the early-adopters were pulling massively ahead that they began to adopt it… and even now, they really haven’t taken to it in real numbers. The amount of moon goo in the game increased… but T2 prices went up. Why? Because most of null isn’t mining the majority of their moons with any regularity.

Which data in the 15 previous years was going to predict that? Which data was going to say ‘increase the amount of moon goo for T2 production, and T2 prices will rise’?

The more complex the interactions, the less reliable your predictive models can be. Especially when personal politics and interactions outside the game can have an influence, both in terms of people getting along and people not getting along.

The changes are complete ■■■■! Reduce everyone’s effectiveness to give HS blops pilots more ways to kill NS pilots because we make way to much isk? Its not a balance just a nerf because HS cry babies hate having to actually skill into anything remotely big to get big isk while ratting. Not cool CCP and ffs start actually making the game better rather than worse with the nerfs. In a carrier you do not make any more than a L4 mission runner other than the rare occurrences that you get a decent spawn and if you hadn’t have ■■■■■■ up wormholes too there would still be more people playing the game.

You are dropping the ball and when you changed whs we went along, ok we make isk differently. When these changes hit I’m going to be hard pressed to find a reason to play. You keep kicking the guys making in game isk because you want people to buy plex which only comes when people want to play. I’ve paid you for 10 years now but even tho I subbed this too for a year it doesn’t mean I’ll keep playing even halfway through my sub and its like you just don’t understand. Yes I currently sub 3 accts because I had thought it worth it… now though I am pretty sure that the cash faucet from me is getting turned off and just like the isk faucets you keep turning off I think it just fitting that you keep it up, destroying the game and why in the ■■■■ would you sell out your clients to some other corp when we were good with how it was before the take over you money grubbing goblins. I know not a nice thing to say but I haven’t had my fix of isk raining down on me since c5 ratting in a couple of dreads and its worse running L4 in a Marauder not to mention a Carrier, hell even with moon goo you guys are dropping the ball. Rather than do the nerf may as well just shut the server off as its starting to sound like you CCP hate the game and want it to die.

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The only reason for you to play is to make isk?

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But it seems to be the effect?

CCP, agree on most but changing the network sensor array and changes to affect super carrier ratting is a bad idea. Why would you do that and hurt many of your veteran players. The game we all love is already losing players, why do this and mess up that part of game play? Make it even riskier and also cut down severely on isk generation?


There can’t be an effect when the change hasn’t been implemented yet. We’ll see what impact, if any, the changes have when they’re in the game. For now, this is all just a lot of speculation and emoting.

Try as I may, I cannot get behind this patch. Making sites have timers earlier this year cut out the majority of my ability to rat due to how many people run them, now the damage application is getting hit too. Now, rorqs are getting smacked around more? Kinda makes me glad I got out of a Rorq and into PI, but I have to wonder how long itll be before Goons & co whine about that until it gets a nerf too. At the rate this is all going, starting to think the first real break I’ve taken since 2010 is about in order. Not terribly enthusiastic about the direction CCP is taking since the changes this winter.


well his way to Play and since he Pays ccp for ist valid…

Best thing to do is remove the CSM. Make your changes and ignore the player base. Catering to the “masses” are people from major alliances being told to get on and bitch about thisnfor quality of life in our space. Also, when voting happens, what stops players with alts from voting more than once? Anyway, make these changes because you know they are good. Nerf the rorq because you know its Good. Ignore the cry babies that say “im leaving the game now”. Let them leave and rorq mining should have never been a thing. Make the game healthy as it was back in 2012-2014. Do what you need to do CCP. Make eve great again.

P.s. whats up with all the frig sized null holes in wh space?


Which major alliances do you think are telling their people to come ■■■■■?

Nothing, they’re supposed to. I think that’s kinda nuts, but that’s how it is.

It was actually a lot less healthy then, it was just easier to mask the symptoms. But sure, let’s go back to those mechanics, where a thousand carriers can bounce across the entire game in seconds, drop sentry drones to murder absolutely everything in sight, and have remote reps going to make themselves well nigh invulnerable.

They’re so we can spy on you.

60k people was healty AF. It also made for a non static game. So yes, lets capitals jumps around. Better than what we have now. Make 10/10 rare again (stop the faction bpc drops). Remove rorq mining, bring back isk for WH, buff macherials to their former selves, introduce a decent isk foutain to LS. Nerf capitals application to sub caps. Especially hacs.

As for the frig hole comment. I was referring to why so many frig to null holes. Why not medium, large, ect. Seems yo be 90% frig.

There’s a lot more than game mechanics at work in the PCU count. A lot more.

For one thing, there’s the entire mobile gaming industry. In 2012, the state of mobile gaming was… what? Tetris? A few other, relatively simple games on your Galaxy SII? Game Boy? Then there’s the rest of the MMO and FPS markets, which have not stood still either. People who want PvP have a lot more ways to get their fix, quickly, easily, with good quality, against a decent number of people. The fact is, people have more choices now, and those choices matter because…

We’re older. People’s lives have gotten busier. Someone who started uni in 2012 and had plenty of time to play is out in the workforce 7 years later. They’ve got expenses to meet, probably a relationship eating up some of their time, maybe even kids.

And on and on. There’s more factors at play than those, probably more than I can reasonably list. And all of those factors are completely outside CCP’s control. It’s not just CCP and EVE, either. World of Warcraft, for example, was revealed last year to be down to about 3.4M subscribers, from a high of 10M.

So, no, rolling back the mechanics doesn’t convince all those people who don’t have the time, whose living situations have changed, or who just have something they like better to do with their time, to come back. Looking back is not the answer, especially when you’re looking back with a kind of weird myopia. What do I mean by that?

You want to bring back those old mechanics, but…

In 2012-2014, the ‘wrecking ball’ fleet composition of carriers + supercarriers could obliterate subcaps, including HACs, AFs, T3Cs, all of it. No problem. You got into range, you got hazed. The counter was sniper sentry-domis, and even those didn’t do much. The only real hard counters were a)titans, titans, and OMG that’s a lot of titans, and b)bubble them and make them so bored they give up.

As for why the scaling of WHs… there’s more of them. Just like there’s more frigates. Weird, huh?

GILA Drone Stack HP Now Inferior to All Other Drone Boats

Before NERF - Gila Drone Stack HP
2 + 500% = 12

After NERF - Gila Drone Stack HP
2 + 250% = 7

Other Drone Boats Stack HP
5 + 50% = 7.5

(excuse me for my bad english)

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at the moment. Making isk to be able to afford to PvP be it in HS, NS or Wormholes as is the only reason to ever make isk… thank you for crippling pilots yet again


You say you need to make isk to PvP, then you say there’s nothing for you to do at the moment.


Eve “balancing”



While that is true, the HP of the individual Gila drones is still more than twice the HP of other drone boat drones. Which means that if NPCs or enemy players start firing at your drones, you have more time to pull your drone back alive in the Gila. And on top of that, the Gila drones still have more HP/s because of their bigger shield.

Even if the drones might die, the Gila can bring a lot of drones, so what exactly is the problem?

Sure, the Gila got nerfed, but it’s still a fantastic drone boat.

lol walking in stations just what we need … oh wait

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Capital have become an all-in-one answer to most of EVE’s obstacles.

Where precisely capitals are used other than in large scale PvP in nulls and carrier ratting? The rest of the game is totally dominated by subcaps with T2, T3 and faction cruisers and frigs being by far more popular than the rest.
I was on the brink of buying cap and carrier skillbooks (after bringing engineering and drones skills up to scratch), but now that CPP are determined to nerf those into dust…
Not sure what I’m going to do. Shame its impossible to suspend subscription so I don’t waste training time. At least CCP saved me a billion on books with this timely devblog.