There’s a lot more than game mechanics at work in the PCU count. A lot more.
For one thing, there’s the entire mobile gaming industry. In 2012, the state of mobile gaming was… what? Tetris? A few other, relatively simple games on your Galaxy SII? Game Boy? Then there’s the rest of the MMO and FPS markets, which have not stood still either. People who want PvP have a lot more ways to get their fix, quickly, easily, with good quality, against a decent number of people. The fact is, people have more choices now, and those choices matter because…
We’re older. People’s lives have gotten busier. Someone who started uni in 2012 and had plenty of time to play is out in the workforce 7 years later. They’ve got expenses to meet, probably a relationship eating up some of their time, maybe even kids.
And on and on. There’s more factors at play than those, probably more than I can reasonably list. And all of those factors are completely outside CCP’s control. It’s not just CCP and EVE, either. World of Warcraft, for example, was revealed last year to be down to about 3.4M subscribers, from a high of 10M.
So, no, rolling back the mechanics doesn’t convince all those people who don’t have the time, whose living situations have changed, or who just have something they like better to do with their time, to come back. Looking back is not the answer, especially when you’re looking back with a kind of weird myopia. What do I mean by that?
You want to bring back those old mechanics, but…
In 2012-2014, the ‘wrecking ball’ fleet composition of carriers + supercarriers could obliterate subcaps, including HACs, AFs, T3Cs, all of it. No problem. You got into range, you got hazed. The counter was sniper sentry-domis, and even those didn’t do much. The only real hard counters were a)titans, titans, and OMG that’s a lot of titans, and b)bubble them and make them so bored they give up.
As for why the scaling of WHs… there’s more of them. Just like there’s more frigates. Weird, huh?