Devblog: Spring Balance Update Incoming!


Change: Increase explosion radius for all fighter attacks by 15%. Reduce explosion velocity for all fighter attacks by 30%.

Reducing ticks. Again, designed to reduce income.

NSA & Warp: Designed to make it easier to kill a Carrier. Great for Bomber’s Bar etc, but…

Carriers already pay badly. The Insurance was the winner. And that is about to go.

I can see us flying less Capitals in the future, not more. Is that the whole point? EVE is hard, but making it too hard means… Fortnite :confused:


PS: Guess what my earners in Null are.

as for NSA - people just fit it of and take 2-3 sensor boosters

Which still only gets you half the lock speed and reduces your tank/ticks.

You’ve got the humble VNI pulling 16m ticks after Tax, or there-abouts. ~600 dps. 150m for the hull.

A carrier with moderate skills pulls 25m ticks. ~2000 dps. 1.7b for the Hull.

VNI’s are better bang for buck than carriers already. And those ticks are not big ticks.

Spot the problem.

Carriers are already applying badly. This nerf is a mistake IMHO. A step too far.

Having slept on it.

Ishtar Ratting. VNI vs Ishtar.


Carriers are now in proper danger of falling away. I do still believe that this is a nerf too far.

I hate to be THAT guy…if you are getting only 25 million ticks in a carrier - you are F%$&*()# doing something wrong.

NGL I’ve been playing Skill Training Online and little more for the past…way too long, so my knowledge of ingame mechanics is rusty at best, but while I like earning ISK as much as the next guy, the tears in this thread alone can probably sustain me indefinitely.

Even if it’s a 30m ISK tick ( after Tax I hasten to add ) it’s still bad for a 1.7b ISK hull.

Skills at level 4, not 5.

People are all over carriers like a rash, and it’s all about those dank killmails.

Which is fine if you’re a bomber pilot, but with each tick getting smaller there will be less ISK to be made.

Less ISK being made means more likelihood of Rule 1 kicking in, and if that happens then bye-bye kill-mails too.

The drone bug stops Ratting Ishtar. I can by-pass that bug with a Myrm, but not an Ishtar.

So it’s VNI or Myrm.

Yeah, it’s clearly just to ramp up the drone-deaths and ruin the tick.

All this XXXX Balance is cheap trick to make impression that CCP doing something, time will tell how successful they are in today Cut-Throat market

Every MMO does balance passes. Just look at warframe, just did a big balance pass.
The only ones that don’t are the ones that power creep every month so it doesn’t matter because your old gear is always useless no matter what it was. And the new gear is always OP.
And even they do class balances.

Not really if you target and fire at the battleships first. You’re losing a couple seconds per spawn. Yes it’s a loss but like 0.1%?

So this is the response we get?

This is not a discussion forum, its more like a “We will do this, get over it” forum
None of the good ideas / constructive criticism presented in this post were taken into account.

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Run for the CSM

I think it is hypocritical to advertise a “sandbox” game where you can band together and create “Empires” (this means generate wealth also), yet all of the balancing seems to do just the opposite. Your ads show mining in groups, yet you “Balance” the crap out of the ships that do that. The struggle here is not capitals. Those of us who field large fleets will shrug off these changes and adapt. Instead of two 200+ fax fleets on field you have one 100+ fax fleet with multiple spares to feed the frenzy. You just change from the blob you have on field, to the one you have in reserve.

I have been playing since 2008, I like EVE and I am not going to quit. It is disappointing to see a wonderfully creative team that was forward thinking with growth and expansion for their game like worm hole space, reduced to bandaids and single instance sites such as abyssal space. (Lets face it CCP was never the same after Incarna, you lost your drive!) Pre-Incarna CCP would have made Abyssal space an extension of known space for capsuleers to explore and conquer in mass…now its just PVE arenas with “concentual” limited PvP.

I’d have thought that CCP would have learned from Phoebe as well. When you completely crush a popular play style, people leave your game. If the largest and most active groups are using a mechanic to their benifit (and funding your game), you might look to something else for your “satisfy the unwashed masses” fix.

I don’t think EVE is dieing, I just think it has lost its ability to be aweinspiring and grand on immense scales, and the devs are focusing on the wrong things.

(…except the UI/UX team, they are doing great things, kudos where they belong.)


You’re outdated and therefore incorrect. A fully fitted ratting carrier is in range of 1.3-1.4 Bil, not 1.7. These are not blinged but still good and fully functional ratting carriers. Just check zkill for last few days. Sure there are the ones that are more expensive too, but those pilots are just wasting ISK when there is absolutely no need to. Regular ones are much cheaper.

If your ratting carrier is more then 1.3-1.4 B you’re doing it wrong.

Then on top of that you have to take into account insurance which is still way too OP despite the nerf, bringing total loss numbers way below any well fitted sub-cap and often even just the hull costs alone, like marauders for example.

All this needs to be streamlined.

CCP you have little all the half-empty 0.0 with your new changes to ensure that they are completely empty. PVE players will leave. PVP players will leave behind them.


Probably because they weren’t good ideas or weren’t relevant ideas. Or would have taken months of man hours to code, because “simple” is often not with computer code.

ECM fix or replacement anytime soon?


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I enjoy the game for the moment if after the patch I don’t enjoy the game anymore, well bye bye CCP