I’m gonna say this right now. I am a VNI ratter. I hunt for the Maze escalation. If for any reason I can’t still do that in may (my birthday month) I will be unsubbing EVE which is shame because I love it and have only been here for a couple months. Thats TWO monthly subscriptions paid in REAL LIFE $$$ gone. I hope you all follow suit. Yeah your trying to ■■■■ bots over. I am always at my computer don’t ■■■■ me over…
don’t call is balancing when its a %50 nerf.
You should be fine hunting for mazes unless I missed something. As far as I know VNI dps will remain the same the drones will just be slightly slower. Also keep in mind there are other ships in the game that deal way more damage that you can work towards.
Tend to agree with others. You’re going to have to adapt a bit, I switched out two mods and had no problem scoring 35-40 mil tics last night in angel space–and I’ll probably get a bit higher after I tinker the fit and priority of engaging the waves a bit more.
when are we getting the update I mean is it graphics and everything going to be steady and normal and we won’t have flickering or crashes in x we’re trying to enjoy something with each other and tranquility. cuz I’m up in the high stack and I’m trying to just reclaim what I’ve lost over connection issues on the Eve tranquility over in ask characters and I’m really trying to be not confusing to a lot of people here will try to do any undermining of my communication. Because I’m talking to blog or development people. and I’m trying to be okay with everybody and not become Blake is sky who was probably a troll as so many people have claimed before that’s all. I got into it because maybe I’ll give science fiction a chance. Otherwise what is the purpose of supporting something and not getting a chest be at conventions and seeing some of my famous people I deal with when they stream. YouTube and twitch.
Vexor Navy Issue
- Bonus to Drone Maximum Velocity removed
- Signature Radius increased to 145 (was 135)
- Adjustments have been made to the respawn rates of certain nullsec anomalies. These adjustments are part of a gradual ongoing process that will see further tweaks for this type of content.
VNI full fitted for haven 75 millions . give me another ship that do more damage for only 75 millions
Use some of that ratting isk to invest in a more expensive ship? Perhaps consider that you had it too good and the game needs that ti change for balance.
ah well summer coming closer time to unsub and enjoy the sun for few month and then read through the other bs patch notes that ccp going deploy it fun ride but eve becoming more like a job and I not putting more time into getting more accounts for it to be nerf later down the road
The Gila is an effective PvE ship, so yeh, you’re going to screw with it. Why don’t you just openly define the perfect large corporation-based player you want in Eve then the rest of us can find something else to spend time on. I’ve mentioned the Gila because it’s happening now, but the pattern over time is similar. Who does PvP in a Gila? Very few, so why screw with it and make isk an even slower, more repetitive chore? You guys suck at customer relations and your focus is too narrowly focused. There are many more ways to find it worthwhile logging on when possible than being a clone to some corporation CEO, but you seem determined to eliminate them.
ccp just like to nerf ever ship that people use in game they not trying to get more people to play it they trying to get less people to play the game and when less people are playing the game they be like oh it the summer time people are enjoying the sun it noting that we did just like fozzier sov when a lot people quit of the stupid sov changes that ccp still thinks it works
On reflection, it’s hard to gank a Gila with a CODE or some other fleet so maybe that’s the problem. More whining large corp PvP fleets complaining it isn’t fair that they can’t blow up everything they want to with impunity. Let’s face it, your goal is always large-scale PvP.
everytime we have large-scale PvP the server shits itself maybe ccp could work on making playable for large scale pvp instead of the turn base game it becomes when a big fleet happens the large fleet pvp is really shite
I think that is exactly their intention.
What? Killing gilas is easy. They don’t scale up well.
I mean solo against fleets of frigates or destroyers, 10 or less.
Have you actually read the Gila changes. making isk is not slower. Your dps is not touched. What changes is you can’t afk and ignore things shooting your drones, they actually can be killed by some of the more normal anomaly NPCs now.
I get that, but augmented drones are expensive. But the bigger point is simply why do this, who gains from the change?
Everyone who builds a different ship which the Gila impacted on. CCP when trying to balance content. Gila users who are able to compensate for it via cheaper Gila hulls.
Oh, and everyone gains because of the impact on bots.
Also… Don’t lose an augmented drone by paying attention? Rather than afk ratting.
Okay, maybe I over reacted in some sense but having played this game solo for a number of years I’ve yet to see a balance update or any large change to the game that has been made to make the game significantly more interesting for solo players. I don’t afk, have no bots and enjoy PvP, but it’s expensive, esp. when isk is time-consuming and, unless you like spending hours completing the same task over and over again, now mostly tedious. With the Gila as it is now I can, for example, complete 2 Guristas 5/10’s in a session (yes, I don’t have a lot of time), but usually it will be one. That’s 100mil to maybe 500mil each day I can log on. This change will likely might it slower. When is enough boredom enough, when I have to do them in a Worm? (I used to do sites up to 4/10 in one, but it’s slow) Okay, I guess I’m just moaning but for me there is no doubt that this game has deteriorated over the last 5 years, and continues to do so. I could go back to a Rattlesnake or some such, but they are so slow it’s painful. Anyhow…
The dps is the same. All you have to do is manage drones to make sure they don’t die. Which mainly means keep them close, and do good damage yourself.
Yeah, god knows Abyssal Deadspace went in totally catering to large fleets.
Taken together, Tuesday’s patch will see some significant long-term impact. But that impact will take the ‘long term’ to really be seen.