Please bring back the agent finder… The agency is useless if you have standings with agents for a certain level mission vs the rest of a corporation. There is no filter for if you have enough reputation with an agent for a mission. It only shows faction standing. I lost track of what missions I can do without it. If anything… if you want to make “The Agency” better, allow the mission search options to work the same as agent finder did… I found the agency worthless in comparison, and never used it to find missions before this change. This will drastically affect older players.
Can someone point me in the direction of one of the functional third party tools? I find i’m in need of finding agents…and this hot mess just isn’t doing it…
It’s pretty good. You have to do some homework yourself, such as what corporation you’d like to do a storyline for, as an example, but at least it’s available and useful for mission running and corp standing work!
The old agent finder did all that better, faster, easier to understand, and it did not hide information from you or show useless information despite filters.
I am sorry to say this, but the agency agent finder ist still very poor.
Still not able to find storyline agents.
Still poor display of agents - e.g., when I ask to be shown “highest available” within a faction (it was Thukkers), I got level 1 and 2 shown, even though I can do lvl 2 for all corps that are in that faction. Then why do level 1’s even clutter up my display?
When I click on a certain level to be shown, there is (apparently) no way to see if I can actually get missions from these. (In above example, I only knew I could not get level 3 missions because I knew I had only enough standings with ALL corps to do level 2’s. And as I said, “highest available” also showed me level 1’s.)
Agency agent finder is poor, and ridiculous, and disappointing.
The old agent finder was apparently perfect. It should return. Or completely implemented into the agency. Why not just “link” to it from there?
So, something I just noticed today… The Agency Window does not stack with other windows. Since The Agency is replacing the Incursion function of the Journal, I’d very much like to keep it where I used to keep the Journal, in my “Top bar”, where I have all important windows stacked into one. The Agency is a bit of an outlier ther and that is… mildly uncomfortable
The new agent finder is really useless, 12 maximum results?
I was going to leave the corp I joined as the nearest agents shown were over 16 jumps away no matter the filters I selected but then we found it only shows 12 results and you can’t even filter it on things like system security.
While on a manual search we found agents just 1-2 jumps away.
Why would you replace a working, well optimized tool with a glamorous but broken, inneficient and handicapped tool?
CCP appears to be all in on the agency, damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead.
No developer will come here to address this issue, give an explanation as to why the agency is a GREAT IMPROVEMENT over the old agent finder, or why putting the old agent finder cannot be put back in.
This has been a complaint since the TEST server and CCP does not care one bit that these changes place a handicap people that have the wits to do things for themself, and instead force them into the same class as the dumbest newbie.
I do use that 3rd party site.
It’s just a shame CCP took out a functional, easy to use tool from inside the game, replacing it with an abomination of a dysfunctional, resource and GUI hog and somehow considers it an improvement.
Still waiting for a dev to tell me why I’m wrong.
" Hello this is CCP customer service,
If you have a complaint, please contact the Complaints Department Manager.
That would be Miss Helen Waite.
If you have a complaint, go to Helen Waite."
Its not just you. The Agency window is laggy as hell, just like the Industry window. The shiny new stuff is much much much slower than the old (fully featured) windows.
Apologies if this has already been addressed. Whilst I find the agency quite useful, it has come to my attention today that it is limited to only showing a maximum of 12 escalations at any one time. This I find very unhelpful/un user friendly (if thats a phrase). To improve functionality it either needs to have additional pages for escalations or, my preference would be for an ability to dismiss escalations in much the same way you can decline missions, as at present the only way to say get your 13th escalation is to run an existing one or wait for older ones to expire, at which point the next one will populate the list. So although its technically possible to have more than 12 escalations, you can only see 12 at any one time