Devblog: Vexor Navy Issue and Alpha Clone Drone Skill Changes

Did you mean to type +10 speed?

(It’s not faster if you drop its speed by 10 m/s.)

Why on earth would they not want players to go Omega.
Alpha is supposed to give a taster of all aspects of the game, if you like it enough to carry on playing, pay for it. If you can’t afford it, then that’s life, you can’t have everything for free.

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@CCP_Falcon - If this solves the botting use of the VNI, full steam ahead. Do it!

Why are Alphas permitted to use anything other than Tech 1 ships/drones/modules/etc? This makes no sense.

Alphas are an intro into EVE, not an EVE lifestyle.

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I pay a sub for my accounts, when I have no time o little time to play, I just go as alpha cause I don’t want to waste money when I can’t play, I don’t think I am the only one that do that, so, “You literally don’t pay for it” is not true.
This changes just are the proof that they can’t even think in a right solution or they give a sh… about finding a solution to this problem.

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If you’ve dropped to Alpha then you are NOT paying for it, so you do not have a claim to carry on using your Omega SP.
Eve runs on a monthly subscription model that players fund in order to play. Plex are not generated in game by any means other than someone at some time handing over cash to CCP for them, so even players who plex accounts have still had that game time paid for by someone else.
There was a time not that long ago, before Alphas were a thing, that when your subscription expired, so did your ability to play at all.
So, Aplha gives you the ability to carry on playing with no subscription, you have no right at all to the “paid” portion of your SP. if you want it all, pay for it, otherwise stop whining and enjoy what you have for free.


good point, which i also noticed in the quote above,

I don’t consider alpha subscribers. I’m an alpha, i don’t consider myself a subscriber since i don’t pay a montly subscription to the game.

The point is that CCP marketed the use of these alpha injectors. Opening up the ability to sink real money into it. Just because someone was able to afford to inject one month does not mean they would have the money to inject the following month. Those players should still be allowed to play the game in the way that they invested their money in. Sure you can not log both of them in but who are you to question someones play style? Maybe they are serious on their omega and chill with other buds on alpha. The point is we have no idea how everyone handles their play style. CCP should not be taking potentially paid for skills. If you really think that the solution to the bot problems is taking a few skills away then I guess eve is fixed now.


Oh heavens, you miss the point, like so many others.

If you pay for an omega account, you are paying for being able to play the game without limits.

If you pay for an alpha injector, you are paying - very, very specifically - to acquire skills over the Alpha normal training limit. This generates real money for CCP, which is why they introduced it - to get a bit of money from players who want to go beyond the true “free to play” alpha model, yet do not want to subscribe to become a full-fledged omega. As several of us have said above, it is in practice an Alpha Plus modestly paid-for model.

Oh, and how many people have bought alpha injectors who intended to upgrade to omega anyway? That would be insane to spend money on alpha injectors, then spend the cash on a subscription that would have allowed one to train the skills anyway. Alpha injectors - CCP’s invention, not ours - are very clearly an alternative to full omega, but still not playing for free.

CCP Falcon - what view, if any, have your lawyers taken on a system whereby you take payment for a very specific reason - to grant an alpha additional skills - then subsequently demand a further payment (Omega subscription) to be able to use said skills? I can think of several ways of describing such a scheme, none of which I would think would fill any half-decent lawyer with joy, always remembering that basic consumer laws trump any TOS or EULA claims that CCP can do what it likes.

I assume, that is, that you have actually run this idea past the lawyers? You could not possibly be lining yourselves up for another epic legal fail as per recent false allegations against a member of the CSM?

Oh, and CCP Falcon, delighted that, in your best style, we still have no come-back from you on any of these points, two days into tis thread.

What was it you said at the end of the devblog?
We look forward to discussing all aspects of these changes with you on the forums!”

Come on, let us hear your thoughts to the paid-for alpha injectors! Discuss?


Alphas are more than just an intro. They fill a much needed niche by bringing more players into the game. This helps the markets, the lower level pvp, getting ores and minerals to the markets, even supplying T1 ship fittings. They are an Eve lifestyle. If they were only an intro, then after 2 weeks or maybe a month, their accounts would have to be converted to Omega or cancelled.

It seems that everyone on here believes that their way of playing in the sandbox is the best way or the correct way. Its a sandbox, play your own way and allow others to do the same. I don’t do a lot of pvp, but I understand its a valuable part of the game. I don’t try to tell CCP that those who pvp should not be allowed to have mining ships. I understand that there does need to be a limit on what Alphas can do in the game, but personally, I think they should be able to train any skill they have the pre-requisites for, even if they can’t use the skill because they are an alpha. They can at least have the skill ready then when they pay for a sub.

You are right. No one is claiming the right to an omega skill. They are claiming the right to what is currently an alpha skill. If I am a alpha player complaining about the balance on a t2 ship then I should just stfu and stop, however people are complaining about a skill that they already have.

Why do people insist on saying “well alphas used to be even more limited or no existent to hush” well that’s awesome but its not the past. its 2019 and there has been marketing campaigns specifically designed around plex and alpha injectors.


because they do not remove the alpha accounts at one time it seems that they do not like to have them there if they do not want new players this well there are many games that can try the new ones before paying for a game that you do not know what they want as their events more and more bored with no gain or advantage as their game more and more routine all day doing ISK to pay your ship or omega account but those who are veterans has supercarrier earn 1 billion in just hours it does not matter to them or strive are omegas of good life is my humble opinion withdraw the alpha account and see how their game falls apart when they break to see if the veterans like to lose everything

Alphas are cannon fodder for Omegas…I heard that in null sec and laughed until I couldn’t breathe. Whoever you were, very accurate and thank you for the long laugh. I still think of that every time I see the word Alpha.

Don’t degrade an effective ship upgrade the defective ships.

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Or upgrade NPCs to resist more DPS that the VNI can deliver? That solves both issues. Please leave the VNI as-is, make it unavailable to Alphas and buff the NPCs. Problem solved.

you may wanna read that.

Also, the injectors are purchasable in game as well. and if you are gonna tag ccp falcon at least do so correctly @CCP_Falcon

based on your tiny argument, i’m surprised you are not complaining that if you go from omega to alpha, we should keep all skills that we “bought” as an omega.

That question is purely academic at this point.
Fact is CCP gave them access and took cash from players via injectors so they could have those skills.

So CCP is too clueless to know who would like to retain a paid-for benefit? Seriously that’s your position?
How about everyone with just half a brain who was not born a complete sucker?

if they would reallocate those skill points to the pool in the character sheet, everyone could decide for themselves if they want to spend them on something different or if they would like to upgrade to Omega and spend them on those same drone skills again.
Not really rocket science is it? Just basic honest business practice.


Doesn’t matter, legal covers that. Remove Alpha T2 access period.

Going from Omega to Alpha is a decision you make for yourself fully knowing the consequences skill-wise.

Having skills (you paid for) deactivated by a nerf is an action imposed on you and completely out of your control.

So the best and the only ethical decision is to make those skill points available again.


Nobody is making the argument that people that bought omega skills should keep their skills as an alpha. People are making arguments that those of us who paid real money for alpha skills should keep the alpha skills we paid for or to allow those skill points to be re-allocated into other skills. So something you paid for isn’t locked behind another paywall.


Any lawyer will tell you that consumer laws, to protect against fraud, override TOS/EULA.

As I have said before, CCP chose to sell alpha injectors, for real money, to grant alphas additional skills beyond the “free to play” model.

If they then remove alphas access to their paid-for additional skills, they are likely in breach of said consumer laws. Dangerous territory.

Do not lecture me on childish issues such as “tagging”.

Read what I have written above on the difference between access to paid-for alpha injector skills, bought for one purpose only, and the more general concept of an omega subscription. As others have written, yes, CCP have a basic problem with their different models of play/pay - but that is their fault.

With all due respect, if you have nothing better to do than snipe from the margins, then do us a favour and make space for CCP to argue back if they can be bothered. Your opinion counts for nothing in this regard - I want to hear from them. Preferably once they have had a little chat with their lawyers.