Enjoy the fatal funnel gate gameplay.
The game will open up nicely when ships can do system to system warps on their own. Until then, it’s raep cages online.
no. when in their alts, they are just like us. they pay like us and all that…
Good for you guys! Walking on eggshells around everyone all the time has to suck. Play with us!!
@CCP_Darwin, I’m happy they’ll play. There are things in this game that fresher devs might actually want to fix immediately once they realize that they irritate almost everyone. Like drone passivity while in aggressive mode
This. It bugs the snot out of me when I’m running an escalation and my drones decide they’re going on a break while my tank is straining.
This is the first time I have posted on forum in 5 years of active play. “leroying a gate” had mad me laughing so hard it’s been worth the years of subscription . Thankyou and good luck to the devs
thats funny i was thinking the same thing… dodixie’s glare from the sun damn near makes me grab my sun glasses…
I am ahppy about the Devs will be joining us as long as they play by the rules like everyone else, the more the marrier
So the only change now is devs won’t have to report to the internal affairs department when their identity becomes known. This whole process was probably put into place because dev(s) were actively doing things within their powers to benefit the old Band of Brothers alliance in game. This all came to light, CCP swore this was the ONLY time something like this has ever happened (yeah right, the only time you got caught). And then this whole Internal Affairs arrangement was probably put into place when a dev’s identity was found out so the company can monitor bad dev behavior.
Taking this process away returns things back into trusting the devs to always do the right thing… yeah right, if that was the case, then the whole Band of Brothers thing would never have happened.
so either it needs to remain the same or COMPLETE transparency needs to happen. I.E. a dev played character needs to have their name marked so ALL people can see that this is a DEV controlled character.
I think collusion would be a better word - CCP has a history and if as you say company representatives playing the game can’t be a part of scamming, spying or corporate theft etc - There aren’t many corps left for them to join.
Guilt by association - CCP’r joins corp, corp proceeds to rob alliance and hand over all assets to enemy alliance - CCP’r/CCP now guilty of aiding in the destruction of an alliance via legit (but not allowed to CCP member players, as stated ) game mechanics.
I wonder how thoroughly CCP though this through, do they not think there are those out there who will do what it takes to out a CCP player and use it to create disruption and mistrust?
The first time a CCP player is involved, directly or by association, with something a little controversial will be interesting.
I think CCP internal affairs are going to have a busy time with both real and assumed issues relating to outed CCP players.
#OhdearBobshe’spostingagain (tl;dr)
I can completely see how it happened years ago. A successful game, a lot of dev worship, bigger dev egos with far smaller brains. The PVP aspect of EVE made this a more derisive circumstance than in most games, and the fact that it wasn’t confined to just one dev made it all the more alarming.
There’s what I’ve always called the “The Big Five” when it comes to devs participating as players: no making “free” money to infuse into the economy, no breaking any part of their employment NDA, no using back-end tools to gain advantages over rival players/clans/guilds/corp, no customized assets used during play, no participating in any player event, ever (several games go as far as to not allow them to judge competitions involving their player groups). No clue if CCP uses these but I’m sure they use much of 'em and always has…they simply didn’t police the policies in the past.
If internal keeps a close check on activity audits, there’s generally only a pattern of isolated incidents. A very small (I said less than 1% when I first posted) of devs would risk paychecks for a few moments of adoration, and no company of any kind needs those risk-takers, anyway.
There’s no way to retract the damage caused by dev dishonesty, so if CCP is going public with this, we’ll hold it to them to keep activity audits running constantly on those characters.
Finally, it doesn’t matter if we know who the devs are in advance - and it’s not fair to them if they genuinely wish to be in the game as a legitimate player. Let them be anonymous, let’s not accidentally breed that ego-versus-integrity environment again (which, as much as by devs, is nursed by players).
But I agree wholeheartedly that CCP must stand behind a rigorous set of checks and balances to be sure these devs “do it right” this time around. Since they’ve declared their intentions, I’m happy to wait and see how it goes.
The impression I get from all of this is that a couple of prominent Dev’s got “made” and this is just a way for them to admit it. I don’t think most will and I don’t blame them!
Eve is all about Ego’s, it has been for years and you can be pretty sure that if someone wants to go out of their way to out a Dev and cause issues - This is exactly the right game for them to do it in.
Eve has an amazing community that will stand together for a good cause but when it comes right down to it, many are as toxic as Chernobyl and will go to any lengths to achieve their goals.
NB; I have no problem with Employees of CCP playing the game, I’ve said many times that if Devs were able to actually play Eve development could do nothing but improve.
Just don’t for a second think others won’t try to cause issues for CCP players.
- I’m not questioning the integrity of CCP players, just trying to highlight that it may not be as straight forward as the guidelines seem. Other players or groups attitudes/egos or whatever you want to label them could be damaging to this change.
Are we allowed to pretend to be developers? If not, then are developers allowed to pretend to not be developers?
If no to first but yes to second, bias, GM favoritism.
Sounds like a good, transparent way to be on the whole. If CCP devs play already… not having to hide who they are (and fear discovery due to the old rules) is probably a more enjoyable way to be. And if CCP devs can play in a more enjoyable manner thanks to these new changes, then probably more CCP devs will play more often, which can only be a good thing for future game balance changes. One hopes. But yes, please… avoid any repeats of past issues whenever possible. Long before some of our time but still legendary in the playerbase rumor mill.
No thanks… my graphics card already lags from the gas clouds we have and can’t even handle some of the newer fireworks. Yes, it’s old, but just 6 years old or so… so many graphical changes already.
IF they were to add something like that, we need the long-anticipated-but-never-delivered “gas cloud checkbox” on the graphics effects panel alongside effects, drone models, missile trails, explosions and such… the gas clouds are the main reason a lot of peops like me play on low shader 95% to 99% of the time instead of high shader these days.
Or drone aggression while in passive mode (and assigned).
Seriously, though, in PVE fleets (and I presume PVP fleets as well) with an assigned drone bunny, even passive drones will begin to misbehave… i.e. attack random targets (well, probably not so random, probably targets that either have spawned/warped in freshly or targets that have shot at the drones’ owner or the drones themselves) in between receiving fresh orders (guns firing, webs or TPs activating, etc. etc.) from the drone bunny. It’s pretty annoying in the incursion OTA VG site where the eysturs respawn infinitely and drone swarms go over and start killing eysturs (instead of staying on target on the niarjas, tamas, augas, and deltole BS each wave) if the drone bunny dares to not re-steer them every 2 seconds with a fresh input.
I can only think this is a good thing, providing the controls are in place to ensure they don’t distort the game - this gives the devs a true game-play experience, and by walking in our shoes they might develop things to improve what we experience everyday.
There is so much work to do.
We need renovation and updating in almost every Career and Sector of EVE.
So what exactly are you suggesting? There’s too much work to do so let’s not bother doing any… or, that there’s loads to do and they need to knuckle down?
Either way if by being allowed to play the game they rekindle their passion for it or they just get to experience some of the less desirable aspects of the gameplay then I don’t see why this is anything but a positive move. I mean every other whinge post is about the “devs not understanding the game” or “not understanding the impact of the changes they’ve made” - how can they understand the impact if they operate in a silo and don’t experience EVE like a player?
Oh good, I assume this means you’re bringing back the T2 BPO lottery as well?
I think this is wonderful. I could not imagine being a dev or CCP employee having so many constraints on me partaking in the most immersive and in depth persistent MMO that human beings have created. I am very happy for the CCP employees that can now play unconstrained.
The down side for them is that they might get jumped outside Jita just to shine some KB. It’s happened to me, and I can say that it does change how I play when traversing hisec. Let it be known CCP folk, you will not find any corner of New Eden safe… Well at least until the novelty wears off a bit. Welcome (for real) to New Eden CCP Capsuleers! Hopefully I will see some of you in wormhole space!
It’s absolutely, positively forbidden to use our developer access in any way remotely like that.