Different wormhole info text when it has 15 minutes of life left

EDIT: Something that would adjust my idea is not using a 15min warning timer but 1h one or 2h one. This way there is plenty uncertainty left for explorers but waiting on a static to die is half of the pain.


It’s all good when it comes to exploration, the risk factor works for the exploration feels.

It’s a completely different story when you own a wormhole system and this is the side of things I come from with making this thread and same proposition in the QoL thread.
If you know only the solo exploration side and you have no constructive criticism for this idea then please kindly back off.

For me it’s completely terrible to wait up to 4h for a hole to collapse and it did happen even with a guy dedicated to our wh system in our corp. And this is just rolling stabbers and HS static, worst which can happen is an HS island behind some lowsec systems. Imagine this with a nullsec static or other wormhole static and using battleships to roll. I absolutely see no merit for how this looks like now with no additional warning closer to wormhole collapse time.

Thank you for your attention. BTW it doesn’t have to be exactly 15 minutes, I’m happy with whatever significant time after the 4h one.

The proposed change would also affect people interacting with WH in different ways (not just solo explorers btw). Is just rude of you to ask for them to omit their input/feedback.

And it seems to me that you are well aware that your proposal takes away a bit of uncertainty that is part of the appeal to other players.




Do you understand that living in worm holes was completely unintended?

You complain about the inconvenience of living in a worm hole like someone complaining about the inconvenience of putting on a suit to go for a walk outside the space station…

You aren’t meant to know when a hole is about to collapse. You aren’t really meant to live there.

Now, well done you for cutting a living out of wormhole space, really. And well done everyone for figuring out masses and how to roll holes. But don’t make WH space something it isn’t. Don’t take away what makes WH special in the name of convenience.

If you do, you will regret it i promise.


As someone who has been living in wh for over a decade at this point the problem is that it’s become to easy, no longer has any real risk and there is no mystery or surprises left even for brand new players.

CCP needs to shake up whs not make them simpler.

I am abs have always been in the camp that statics should be removed, whs should have nothing more than visual/ audio cues to tell you there status and being trapped should be possible (a wh should be able to go up to 4hrs before a guaranteed connection. )

WHs were best when living in them was something you had to work for. Where you did it not because it was easy, hell in the beginning it wasn’t even profitable over day tripping. You did it for the challenge.

WH today have turned into a safe haven rather than a risk filed environment.

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You don’t get the constructive criticism part. I’m not telling people to shut up, I want a thread built around valid argument instead of actually people telling me to shut up like it happened in the QoL changes thread, with my proposal completely pulled out of context. Which is the only reason I made this thread.

I’d love to hear about the different interaction part because anything different I can think of is people using wormholes for transit. Which assumes they live somewhere in w-space.

I was doing it back when I started playing this game in 2015. I was in the only corp LIVING in a C6.
There is probably around 20 corps living in w-space full time with a dedicated site measuring their activity somewhere on the web. And you are telling me it’s not meant to be? Sorry but you have no clue what you’re talking about. Would it not meant to be every wormhole would be a shattered system with no ability to anchor structures there.

No it wasn’t. When the devs created WH space it was intended to be so inhabitable they never dreamt that people would set up permanent bases. They expected people to set-up temporary bases.

It’s not that they disliked players living in them, but it was never ‘meant to be’.

Then it changed and it was years ago already.

I think there is plenty way for challenge. Unless you’re already in a high end corp like Hard Knocks in which case sir, you won the Eve in your way. You can only be evicted like it happened. Don’t mind the text below then, please.

But if you’re not think of this please:

  1. find yourself a C5 or C6. Have fun searching;
  2. move in. ships, stations, modules, everything. It’s a job on it’s own. Even more - you may be ganked while hauling your at least L sized structure. Which means you may want to start with an M sized and bring L sized as components to build on spot. Mind the skills for this;
  3. get a good chain every time you need anything T2 to buy and brig it in. Get skills and stockpile blueprints and mats otherwise;
  4. figure out your rolling math for this, good luck;
  5. become subscription independent with what you earn in w-space;
  6. skill into a FAX, Carrier and a Dreadnought, preferably on different characters to trigger different reinforcement waves in C5 sites. Also Rorquals;
  7. build these capitals or move them in otherwise;
  8. be vigilant about new connections happening, have something to kill them or watch them;
  9. do most of these steps if you get evicted.

Compare it to average Eve player who all that maybe wants is to get into a blingy ship for stuff they do or any capital, without all the other steps. For me it’s plenty of challenge and very hard to do as a solo player in my opinion, even when cutting down on the stuff.

There’s your problem… and nothing in eve should be balanced with solo in mind. If it can be done solo thats great. but very bottom of the list.

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Changed according to who?


WH life with all of their uncertainties is fine as is. I’ve spent most of my life in WH space and we got around fine. With enough activity it isn’t hard to figure out roughly how much life is left in any WH. It doesn’t need any more hand holding.

Really. I find that hard to believe. There have been dedicated WH alliances living in C6 Wormholes for longer than you have been playing EVE.

I don’t know if I should be replying to you at all. Stop pulling text out of context like you did with my previous post and you will get your answer. You said it was not meant to be, while I’ve personally been doing this years ago already and I was with people doing it, also years ago already.
And there are people who do it now.

CCP themselves even patched the game for more connections and for scanning to yield initial results quicker.
Like I said, if it was not meant to be every system would be a shattered one.

That’s the problem, enough activity. I agree. Our problem was using the system not as a main thing to do.
You have active wh corp, you have no problem. While a small guy gets a headache.

These are separated sentences. C6 thing started about 2 years after I started playing while I was in Dead Star Syndicate corp. We evicted previous owners and took the system for our own.
Then I left and then after some time DSYN got evicted themselves.
There’s even some sort Eve news guy on you tube who reported it. I could find the video I guess.
The system was J105023 C6 Wolf Rayet.

You said about challenge. In my opinion solo flying in a Dread in C5/C6 is a challenge because any sort of a fleet can kill you. They only have to find you. I can even link you a video of a subcap fleet killing a small capital fleet, and there’s multiboxing issues. If you want challenge as a group activity then with enough people you will always find things easier to do.

I think you are missing the point

What is the point then? What is your challenge? Having no static entrances?

But what has that got to do with this? Or what we’re talking about?

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If you don’t know what you’re talking about then why are you talking at all?
Wormhollers wanted to have more connections happening between systems and CCP gave it to them.
People who scan, including mainly wormhollers, wanted the scanning to be less of a pain and CCP gave it to them. If CCP responds to needs of people already living in w-space then how is CCP supposed to have living in w-space not meant to be?