Dim out MWD button when scrambled

No, I’m not arguing that either of the warp disruption effects should be removed from that bar. I’m arguing that MWD disruption should be additionally signalled on the module. ECM and sensor dampeners are not constrained to the effects bar either, they make targets disappear from your target list.


Hmmm, i see where you’re coming from. Honestly, with the way ccp these days enjoy putting flashy ui pieces in and even bell dongs on things, its not much of a stretch to imagine them putting a bright red ‘x’ over a mwd and mjd and making an awkward noise when you get scrammed…

If it does happen, can i please make one suggestion? Don’t make it a bright red ‘x’. A scram icon slowly flashing over the mwd/mjd icon will suffice.

There is a pretty big difference between losing locks and being affected by a warp scrambler. To make your idea consistent, CCP should also make modules that you don’t have capacitor to activate different from others, make weapons look different if the target you are shooting is beyond your current optimal range, etc etc.

What you are asking is to break the way modules and EWAR-effects are displayed because you cannot look at the bar, listen to the audio-cues, read the combat-text or use in-game knowledge about what you are likely facing in the current situation.

Yes, one of them results in an obvious visual change on happening is shown directly on the “thing” that it affects and has immediate feedback when you try to do something that has become impossible.

[edited inb4 “ewar icon is obvious” non-argument]

Yes, you can push this into the other extreme, at which point it becomes UX misdesign due to information overload. Also, there is a pretty big difference between a module that can’t be activated and a module that functions as designed with parameters known to you.

I still don’t understand how this would break the EWAR display. Can you please elaborate?

Yes I’m too stupid to tell the difference between the icons; I’m pretty sure there’s no audio cue for this; the combat text competes with 20 other combat texts; yes I’m a noob who can’t guess when I’m scrambled.

User interfaces are designed for the stupid user, not the 1% pro-user. If I have to take that arrow and be the stupid user, so be it. Maybe a few other noobs will enjoy the game…

I tried photoshopping that but I suck and it looks like garbage :smiley:


I still give a hard nope on that. If you cannot determined that your mwd is screwed, you shouldn’t be flying ships with a mwd on.

Your argument is that the game should be “hard” by making it hard to understand what’s happening to you. I understand your position, yet I firmly believe that games shouldn’t be “hard” by making their UI tricky.

To put it even more bluntly, you’re literally saying I should stay away from a part of the game because I cannot overcome its UI accessibility barrier.

EvE is only “hard” if you think it is.

How much effort would it be to make them different colours to distinguish them? Does it really so much work?

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