Anyone know about how the “you return on a public beacon with a suspect status” works? Does it mean you will have no means to do anything against a gank fleet sitting at the retunrn beacon?
I used probably 200 unstable mutaplasmids I made off with from tier 5 sites only got a single module that i’d deem okish rest all got most stats bricked
Will there be a system to filter Abyssal modules for the stats I need? I mean it would be a pain to go through hundreds of badly rolled mods.
Afaik, they will be sold via contracts.
And yeah, I imagine they will to need to develop contract UI that accomodates searching through them.
Or they wont, and we have to check each one individually… “Intended feature: Search one by one to find the diamonds in the rough!” Or “Contract PvP”.
Rise said in his CZ interview that the contracts system will be overhauled to accommodate searching for various stats / info these mods will have, but that it won’t be done in time for release. He didn’t say when it would be done. Could be soon or a long way off. So for now expect a lot of opening contracts a lot of show info and even when you’ve gone through all that, bought some mods and have them in your hangar waiting to fit, a lot of hassle identifying which mod has which stats as they will all look the same
Half-baked. Again.
If these do become commonplace, as seems to be the general belief now after Rises’s interview, then the convenience we enjoyed of saved fits, buy all and multifit in the fitting window will become useless as we will have to purposely theory craft each individual ship and obtain the mods for it through a “not fit for purpose anymore” contracts system. Where we may have spent a lot of time pvping before, we will be spending a lot of that time designing, sourcing and building rather than fighting… not to mention grinding more to pay for it.
Can’t wait
Who wants to fight anyway when you can keep yourself busy with admin tasks ?
I feel sorry for newbros having to deal with all this, it’s going to be a PITA for vets, the learning curve that the NPE attempted to make less steep just became a nightmare
Player NS, as source of both the best DED modules and T2 modules will be uniquely positioned to take over the module market.
Mark my words, Delve will suck the plasmutids and L1 filaments dry off the market to run the pockets in their own space, and mutate their homegrown T2 modules to supplant non-NS DED and LP module market.
And at the same time, their T2 value will skyrocket, as incidental non NS-players buy them to risk a mutation on.
Yeah the price of T2 mods concerns me a bit as they will be flushed down the mutated toilet en masse
Once T2 module market starts competing with the mutated T2 market, guess what happens.
CCP will nerf the %s, as Teckos suggested, cos “oops, we didnt expect this” and Player NS runs off laughing with the profits from both.
Yup rip t2 mods better make some industry alts:)
Sell your DED/LP modules now.
They will be replaced by Mutated T2 in a matter of weeks once Delve starts churning them out.
Also forget about non-NS DED module combat exploration, or LP based activities to source modules that can be replaced by mutated T2.
You are going to lose your job.
Start finding a new one.
This seems unlikely to me. The very nature of this mechanic is going to increase consumption of modules through the failed rolls stimulating demand at all levels. The only thing better than a mutated T2 module is a mutated faction/deadspace/office module. People will want to roll on the more expensive ones as well, creating a large new source of consumption for the market.
I agree it’s all interconnected, complicated and some modules may benefit more than others, and probably indeed some specific modules will crash in price as mutated T2 become available, but I think the net effect overall will be increased consumption and thus generally higher prices for modules at all levels. Certainly, it is far from certain that all higher end modules will go down in price.
This will also result in power creep and favour the richer players who can take the best from this new market for themselves, but I think those making/farming the base modules are going to be seeing increased demand/profits for their efforts, not less.
Law of averages makes it expedient/cheaper to only apply plasmutids to T2, not DED or LP modules. Especially if you “mine your own T2 for free.” The effort/time/risk required to produce T2 modules is far less than that for DED/LP modules, and involves no RNG.
Mutated T2 modules will replace low-mid tier DED/LP modules.
Rate of mutated T2 modules will depend on % chance of a desirable mutation (of which ther are many depending on what the consumer wants) and cost of plasmutids.
Meanwhile rate of DED/LP module introduction will not increase (spawn rates are not increased in the expansion) and will infact decrease the more mutated T2 modules show up, as DED/LP runners realize thei drops are not in demand.
There will be a niche that tries to mutate officer/top tier DED mods for the super rich, but it will be tiny.
We’ll see. It will depend of a bunch of factors, some which haven’t been finalized or announced yet. However, cheaper prices for the better modules will just stimulate their consumption by those looking to RNG which will serve as a brake on too large a price drop. There may be some homogenization in prices at the new equillibrium - increasing T2 value and decreasing the current high-end depending on the specific application, but in the end I still expect overall this will massively increase consumption of mods at all levels, and be a good thing overall for the economy.
This will come with its own costs to game balance, but it is a way to increase effective destruction and thus demand for material in the Eve universe. And if it does prove addictive to a small subset of the player base, the additional PLEX seeded on the market so these whales can take their turns at the slot machine will lower PLEX prices for the rest of us. If I was playing the PLEX market, I might expect it take a bit of a downturn after the expansion release.
Low tier dead space will always be better than mutated stuff
And cheaper too
You need to look at the numbers again mate, mutated T2 can far outstrip officer at this point.
I dont agree, or see that as the outcome as things are atm.
Mutated T2 modules will largely kill the DED/LP module market.
As Ive said before, when it comes to RNG, as mutations are, you want to run as many mutations as possible, to draw closer to the average.
You would be an idiot to buy DED/LP modules off the market to mutate, when instead you can use T2 modules to mutate a result that competes with DED/LP module stats, and at a better price.
The market is for super T2 modules that compete with DED/LP modules, not for super DED/LP modules.
If you get god rolls
On certain mods only
North worth spending I. E. 10b only to get a god roll x-type 500mn mwd when a regular one is still pretty good lol
It’s all rng at that point
Not really
Because only the can you sell mods for obscene amounts of isk if you get any decent roll lol
E1: Hmmm
What was I trying to say here?
Seems the phone didn’t follow