[Discussion] PLEX and Omega price changes feedback thread

For me and like many others are not happy with A 30% price increase considering the current cost of living in the UK at this time. Food/Heat vs Game time, I believe you are going to lose out here.

I found this neat Indy game called Empyrean. It’s a bit buggy but I like it.

what Q and A? where is this?

CCP Paragon: “We want to discount subs for people who have multiple accounts, but we don’t know how. In order to expand, we need funding”.

How hard can that be when you already have an option to have all accounts at same email, surely they would figure out, but does not want to.

CCP Paragon: “Selling skins is not something we can scale infinitely”

Just need to hire competent people that has talent for it. CCP released skins are bland AF and that is why no one buying them. Just look at reddit, talented people can make awesome skins. If only there was a way for those people to submit them to CCP for maybe some share of PLEX income from NES sales. CCP would make money, talented people would earn PLEX.
Last good skin CCP managed to make is for god damn Dr. Who event.

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33% extra of zero content is still zero content. So technically, I’m quite sure CCP can come up with 33% more of their recent content.

There is actually LESS to do in the nullsec my group lives in than there was 2 years ago. I’m not sure I’ve ever heard of a gaming company removing content without adding any, but here we are.

Obligatory unsubbed 3 accounts.

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■■■■ you CCP, 25% increase? You better get your ■■■■ together.

The problem with the skins isn’t just being ugly. They are over priced and ugly.

:rofl: :rofl: :joy:

yeaaaahhh…suuuure :rofl:

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that is the Problem. it was done on some Discord. CCP should publish this - Props to Paragon who saved many from a ragequit

*you can find the link to the Q&A on soundcloud somewhere in this thread

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Moving to Twitter probably a good Idea… Do in both places and faceplant

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I’ll speak for French players, earning the little social helps from state.
1 month sub will be = to 4% of theire monthly help.
Don’t forget that in France, a lot of EVE players are in this situation, by choice or not…
You’ll loose a large amount of players from there.
Just sayin

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If you really think that, you clearly weren’t on the EVE discord.


his “statement” which basically was “sorry but we want the money, wait for fanfest maybe something gud there lol” made me rage even more.


You remind me of my long dead Grandmother that used to say: It’s not because I WANT to be right, I just always am… Keep going Dark Magni it’s a fun read - it really is.

What people totally not mentioned yet. There are players who earn so less that they can only afford to pay monthly. Those people are now very badly hurt by you CCP. I know for a company from island where that low of an income might not be the case this is unimagenable. But it’s true for nearlly the rest of the world.

at leased i wasnt a “Eve is the best so pay more money” statement.
at leased he sayed SOMETHING that was understandable


I was wondering when such a move would take place. I recently came back to start fresh, after a really long period of absence. You can say I have an overview from 2005, 2008, 2012, maybe a month in 2019, and – well – a week today. So, I’m not here to nag as I’m literally losing nothing. Other people are losing a lot.

Dear CCP,

From the day you announced the first graphics update and you put a poor guy on camera to say “if one man sat down to make all those ships, it would take them 18 man-months (or something like that),” I thought something was wrong. I trust you’re familiar with task breakdown and delegations.

Then you put a teenager in charge. I got nothing against the kid, but that showed the world that your strategists are somewhere out there, floating on a veldspar asteroid. They’re definitely not on planet Earth. For years, you have a confined player base, and you’ve been unable to keep new players in. Then you introduced skill-point transfers, at an extreme premium, to offer the illusion of “hey, you too can be part of cool things.”

Long story short, you have no casual player base. And now you’re taxing your only source of revenue. Smart, really smart. Note, that was irony. What are you expecting? To have people rush in and buy a heck of a lot of stuff so that you get a cash injection, and – once the peanut butter hits the fan – do an 180 and say “we’re listening to you, the players, so we are rolling back our price increases”?

Dear CCP, you’re a company that works internationally, not a local village. Yet, you seem to be unaware of how the rest of the world functions. There are many ways to ensure viability, but what you just announced isn’t one of them. Again, I’ve got nothing to lose, so I can finally offer my out-of-the-box perspective. You could run with at least a million subscribers, and not having to rely on ~20,000 multi-account people, whom you’re taxing into extinction.

Again, it isn’t just this move. It’s a series of moves over the course of a decade that brought you guys here. You need business strategists who know how the world works. Those you have are giving you really bad advice.

Thank you so much CCP, last year you added the core requirement to stations. I lost a lot of ships etc due to that change. Then as life had it real life stepped in and many of my corp mates myself included had to deal with the issues. Now you raise the price of playing as an omega. This increase will not only cost you more players, it may very well be the beginning of the end for EVE. There are far too many games out there that have unlimited gameplay for free.
If money is the issue, why not offer advertising through the billboards near stations to real-world business? It is bad enough as a miner/industrialist that I have to deal with gankers. But to have you all gank my wallet is more than I can take, I live on a fixed income and play eve to pass time. So looks like I will need to figure a way to play for free from ow on.

I am open to anyone quitting gifting me things. Thanks!