These gold ammo-digging whores are getting absolutely out of control.
What’s the difference between lawyers and vampires?
One is an amoral bloodsucking parasite, the other is someone with pointy teeth and an aversion to garlic.
Speaking of lawyers. Lawyers already prescribing medicine this days. I thought covid only make people sick but it also make people dumber.
thats not fair
you have more hubby’s than i have isk
Depending on your country, you could try and get her to volunteer for one of those reality tv shows which take place before a former judge. No matter who “wins”, the show pays the costs, each participant gets a fee, and both parties have to agree to end any lawsuits or court action that specifically focus on the issue (EVE, not the divorce). However, since your ex’s lawyer was successful against SC, they might feel that CCP will also capitulate, especially with the judge’s current rulings.
I wonder if CCP would consider that good or bad press?
nice troll man
No insults… free entertainment… good laughs
If you say so.
maybe she sold the account to buy some overpriced ship in SC or bobbles in elite
How far can one stretch this ? Would repeatedly podding your significant other be considered domestic violence ? Or bumping ?
I’m glad to see a man can’t cheat his wife by laundering all his assets into outer space. Next time, maybe buy less PLEX and hire a marriage counselor.
Just guessing. Lord only knows why some threads go on indefinitely and others are locked instantaneously. I guess the Moderators are fickle (?) Sometimes they’re trying to stop a conversation that touches too close to home (?) Sometimes they don’t like the topic (?) And that’s not even counting the usual list they post again and again when they lock a thread, as if those are the real reasons
im confused, are you the one with the 86k and the judge has ordered you to share that, or are you attempting to get 36k of the other side’s stuff (im pretty sure youre the one with the 86k but just wanted to clarify)
Can imagine this man giving half of his Minecraft saves over cuz online assets lmao
Incorrect, EVE assets have zero value, not to mention, as you don’t legally own any of said assets they can’t be included, just point at the EULA which states all accounts and account assets are owned by CCP
(I know it’s a troll, but … ) Presumably both the giving and receiving accounts are now closed for numerous EULA violations, seeing as the OP admitted to creating an account with false credentials, and transferring that account and assets to a third party.
If this story was real and CCP let it go through, then the floodgates would be open for everyone to RMT using the excuse “the judge made me do it”.
Armchair legal-eagles should also consider the difference between a EULA and a court ruling. I suspect that if a court ruling is made that you have an asset, then in legal terms - you have that asset.
I am not a lawyer.
Firstly EULA’s are non binding, no agreement can detriment your statutory rights. Most states provided statutory rights in way of property both physical & conceptual. CCP claiming they own your stuff is likely incorrect even if they host it.
But in counter CCP is a private company & in no way obligated to offer you services.
Even if you obtained a judgement in your state you would need to set forth the judgement in Iceland where this game is based from CCP trading from there,
The exception being England where the eve online server is hosted, if an England & Wales court took real aversion to any actions of CCP or PA they could send bailiffs in & take the server.
The reason CCP hosts in England is because it is a very good place to do business because a) local employee talent, B) ISP quality & other required tech services, C) England has a robust legal system that would first & foremost recognise eve online as a for fun-sies computer game & base any judgements on this fact
Where CCP is a bit shady is where they advertise ‘‘eve is real’’ or pretend that in anyway this sand box is competitive or fairly administrated or moderated. They are also happy to blur lines of in game wealth equating to out of game wealth hence this thread remaining open.
I personally would love an E-sport MMO & think sooner rather than later one is going to hit the market. Monetisation & game theory of such a thing would be on another level compared to EVE online, I think CCP would be in a great position to one day bring such a product to market.
MMO kids have grown up, they are gambling on both sports & real markets, make a MMO for us. Eve online is kids play, I’m bored of the n+1 ‘‘I am very smart’’ MMO that is eve.