Would it be too much to ask if the mining ledger would do a little math…?
Moon goo lasts two or three days. Always three ores to mine.
Everything gets dumped in the Refinery and has to be divided up afterwards.
Our system is that a %age is kept for the refinery owning corp to buy fuel (tax).
So I either have to deduct that %age tax from the total ore mined…
… then work out from that the %age owed to each contributing player…
… then divide that remaining ore between them…
… for each ore, I might add…
… Or …
… I have to individually measure out each ore …for each player …for each session, deducting the tax …for each entry in the ledger… usually three, six, nine or twelve separate calculations per player.
Corpies mine for two, three, four hours per session and then rest and return. The ledger then logs those sessions as separate amounts, separate ores and separate times for each attendance.
So, I then have to add the ore amounts together for each ore, remove a %age for fuel tax and return the remainder into a safe spot in the item hangar for each individual attendance… oh and hangar storage could do with a look at too… (Arkonor has an odd habit of merging itself to itself once separated for too long!).
It would be a lot easier if you could select each players contribution per ore, per player and per session and have the ledger add them together as required, so as you can do a quick deduction for tax and give them back the right amount, tax deducted.
I think I’m making this sound simpler than it is… but I do it every week for the alliance and it is killing Goo mining for me.
Is it me …or does someone have an easier way of doing this using the ledger as it is?
(Found the cause of my consternation: One entry on the ledger was for an alliance mate who was on a different op in the same system earlier on the date… so there was an extra 8433m3 of ore, that threw all the calculations. However it brings up another flaw… there is no time on the timestamp, just date and there is no location for each player/ore/amount… so it was impossible to tell where and when that ore was mined… that could be easy fixed.)