»»» Welcome to my 3rd party service! «««
Awwwww Yeah!
I am a 3rd party operator, happy to secure any transactions that you may need additional help with making sure the deal is favourable for both parties. (edit: No so new anymore after 60+ transactions totalling over 3 trillion)
Primarily I have noticed that it is a little bit more difficult for AUTZ people (Not that people of US/EU/RU TZ can’t approach me) to get hold of the generally accepted 3rd parties, so I am also going to throw my hat into the ring. I have built super carriers and titans in the past, in addition to flying them currently so I am well versed in the methods used by both scammers and by legitimate 3rd parties.
[Posted to Confirm]
Old Thread
This thread will also be used for client feedback.
3rd Party Service Pricing
Super Capitals: 300m in a Keepstar
Super Capitals: 400m in Lowsec
Super Capitals: 500m in Nullsec
Citadels: Medium: 100mil, Large 300mil, X-Large: 500mil
Other: 1%, 50mil minimum
Super Carriers: 38
Titans: 24
Stations/Sov: 1
Citadels: 9
Other: 6
Total Securely Transfered To Date: 3.282 Trillion ISK
Contact me
In-Game Channel: DJ Bismarck
EVE-Mail: DJ Bismarck (Best method)
Alternate EVE-Mail: Otto Bismarck
Twitter: @OttoBismarckEVE
The safest option is to only use the generally accepted 3rd parties: Chribba, Grendell and Wirox Crotikus … or me.
I am very well known in the Australian Community, EVE Down Under Organiser, Melbourne Pub Meet Organiser.
So I was thinking of what to write to attempt to assure people of my good intentions, and I feel that Grendell summed it up very well.
Avoiding 3rd Party Scams 101
In recent months there has been an influx of 3rd party scam attempts for super capital transfers. That does not mean they are all scams, that just means there have been more scam attempts than usual. So I will write out my recommendations to avoiding going home broke.
Using a 3rd Party not on the above list
On occasion, it may be difficult to reach these 3rd parties as they have real lives outside of Eve. Here you can choose the safe approach and wait for one of the generally accepted 3rd parties. But if you insist on trying another 3rd party that is not on that list, take some serious pre-cautions. This is all completely at YOUR OWN RISK.
Do not get rushed into a deal. Frequently the scammer will try and rush you into using his 3rd party because of some excuse that he has to log off or he will give the deal to somebody else.
A common trick is to have buyers and sellers set up a meeting with you and a legitimate 3rd party. When the meeting takes place they simply don’t show up. They wait until the generally accepted 3rd parties log off, then magically come on-line, giving you every excuse in the book why they were not there. They will then convince you to use some no name 3rd party, which will be their alt or friend.
Ask to see their feedback thread. Read every single post in that thread and look for anything suspicious.
(That could mean posters are all noob alts, or apart of the same corp/alliance)
*If there was any moderation done in the thread, check what posts were edited or removed using eve-search
A good way to make sure they are legitimate is to see if they will accept Chribba. If they say no, just close the conversation, they are scamming you. There isn’t a person in Eve that can argue Chribba isn’t reputable enough to handle Super Capital Transactions. If they don’t trust Dark, me, wirox, etc that’s fine, but I’d like to see anyone debate Chribba out as an option.
Confirming this is an alt of mine.
This guy is Brave’s Third party of choice: have used him every time, never been disappointed.
Will use again.
1 Like
Good dude, have used Otto’s services previously and will do again in the future
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+1 from me used him when buying my vendetta
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(Ariel Rin)
September 15, 2017, 5:44am
Have known Otto for many years to be an upstanding member of the community
Have used him for my personal transactions, plus trusted him with corporation and alliance assets at many points.
1 Like
December 14, 2017, 5:44am
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