Do Any CCP Developers Even Pay Attention To This?

Stringing your players along like gambling addicts is one strategy to a profitable game. It isn’t however the only one. Instead of preying on human psychology and physiology with gimmicks and tricks, you can actually try to sell a good and challenging competitive game that people really enjoy playing. Sure, even here as a game maker you are going be partly peddling the illusion of winning, but there are people who can see behind the curtain and aren’t really satisfied by a game that makes you, and everyone else, a winner by fiat.

Eve started as one of these more challenging games, aspiring to be something more than a complicated slot machine designed to extract money from people. Where success was not guaranteed and a major part of the rewards offered came from the satisfaction you were playing a cut-throat game against other humans. Then, the powers-that-be decided that these players weren’t enough, and started flirting with (and milking) the casual masses who expect constant, uninterrupted progress and don’t handle well any loss - the farmer.

They did this for years, nerfing the competitive game and driving away their previous player base and replacing them with farmers who happily bought progress, or spent hours grinding safely to feel good about themselves. But you can only devalue your game like this for so long, and we reached the point last year a decision had to be made. Even the farmers were getting bored and were realizing how meaningless their progress was as everyone had basically everything.

So CCP reversed course. They will try the same play now, but in reverse removing safety and easy rewards, and putting some challenge and competition back into the game. This will cause some churn in the player-base, but they will still keep the most OCD of the farmers, especially those prone to the sunk cost fallacy, and be able to attract a whole new generation of competitive-minded players looking for a challenge. And this isn’t a bad time to make the shift given how underserved such players are by a game market full of overly monetized games targeted at a generation of coddled gamers who expect either a guaranteed win, or at least consequence-free losing.

That’s the plan anyway. CCP no doubt would love to have the best of both worlds and will still do what they can to pander to the farmers and the whales where they can get away with it. And of course CCP could botch the whole thing and start a fail cascade. But I am more optimistic than I have been in a long time that they are actually trying to point the ship in the direction that made Eve unique in the first place, and not in the same direction every other game seems headed. For much of the last decade Eve’s development was like a rudderless ship, blindly following all the latest corrosive trends and fashions of the game industry instead of blazing a new trail and doing things differently like the first decade of Eve. Now things feel different.

So keep at it CCP. Ignore the bleating of the farmers and continue your efforts to get this game healthy again, and there still is a way to go. Most of them will stay anyway, and even benefit from a more challenging, more meaningful game.


Destroying isk making ventures turns this game into Plex to Pay to win game does it not?


You know i argue this point often on these forums but people just don’t seem to get it.

The issue is however, that ccp is listening to the csm council. The problem with this is a large amount of players do not want what the nullsec players want.

So we have this really abusive cycle > New players enter >are forced to do what null wants, effectively being pvpers even though they pve > leave because of being tired of it.

CCP badly needs to break this cycle. Whats really missed here is that after years, they think going backwards will fix this problem, but it wont, because the things that validates pvers then are invalidated now (due to passive income) so this will not fix anything.

Instead ccp will waste vital time and resources not fixing the problems, resulting in more loss of players and even less likelyhood of reversal.


go role play somewhere else, noori, you’ve already been shown to be a liar.


Oonk rip

fixed that for you

CCP just wants to kill PVE and kick PVE players off. So they intends to do so.


You left out the step where they get spam recruited into a high sec cult?


You know, I hear about spam recruiting but I have not really experienced that in EVE. I’ve had maybe 4 or 5 invites but no spam. It’s usually somebody else in a starter system wanting to group up so they ask if I want to join them and their other less than half a dozen friends. I’ve had 2 that I would count as spam since they were both from the same corp on different days. That was the only actual spam invite I ever got.

It may have been due to my time zone though. I’m in between the different tz prime times so i don’t really run into many corps. It’s why I stopped logging in. Even being in a corp I was still playing solo. No point in joining.

To many long posts I didn’t read.

The average player count for the last 6 months is 33k, for the last month it was 24k, that’s nearly a 30% drop in active players. This is at a time of year when the average player count usually starts to go back up from the summer slump.

CCP needs to pull their heads out of their arses and have a good think about what they’re doing. This isn’t a high v null v low problem. CCP are ■■■■■■■ EVERYONE over when it comes to making ISK and funding their other in game activities.

CCP may have a plan and very good reasons for what they are doing. It does appear though on the face of it, that they are doing all the recent changes to force people to buy more PLEX. Now that might be completely untrue but that’s how it looks.

That’s Gordan Gekko memo levels of bad PR CCP. You need to either explain yourselves CCP or at least alter some of these changes you’ve been making or you’re going to kill Eve.


Can you explain this a bit more?

What is the “this” that CCP is doing to “force” people to buy more PLEX? What is it that you’re looking at that makes you think “that’s how it looks”?


But if they’re white-squaring “EVERYONE” when it comes to making ISK, then isn’t the net effect merely currency deflation, and everyone’s purchasing power remains intact since the underlying goods and services will see proportionate price drops?

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…I remember this one…you should just cut n’paste your faux-outrage and threats. It would be so much more efficient for you. This one was from about a year ago…I’m sure there are more…

Ok CCP i gave you time to make a statement hoping you would explain yourself about the Incursion/Invasion situation. As you’ve not and don’t look like you give a flying ■■■■ 5 more accounts have had their subs canceled.

Which is bloody absurd, as with this expansion i was seriously considering paying the yearly subs on another two account.


Yeah! CCP need to hurry themselves up and get their head in the game

I need them to start creating some damn polarised entropic disintegrators smh CCP is so slow omghod

Am I doing it right?
I mean I know deep down we all want polarised entropic disintegrators

You can’t directly compare different time slices from eve-offline like that - there’s a bias in the way it averages that results in higher lows across a longer time slice. Basically, daily downtime (zero population) gets averaged out on a longer slice, but the daily peak is preserved.

You would have to look at 6 months worth of 1 month slices for an apples-to-apples comparison.


OP: you’ll have to wait for WAAAAAAAAAHmbulance, it’s out on another call.

What ever you say Princess.

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Well it does just seem like you throw a tantrum every so often when you aren’t getting your way…I’m sure we’ll see you back here again in 6 to 12 threatening to quit again…

Probably i’ll admit it, i am a nasty miserable old b@stard at times that likes to vent.

My post above though wasn’t me venting, it was genuine concern. I want eve to continue, i want more people to play with. There’s nothing else like Eve and it would be a crying shame if CCP killed it by being greedy.

Also there’s a world wide recession/depression possibly coming because of bloody Covid and the lockdowns. People are going to have to tighten their belts and if CCP are being Greedy peoples subs could be one of the first things to go.

I’m just worried, there’s a perfect storm coming Eve way.