As “being greedy” is your #1 point here, what exactly are they doing to boost their coffers at the expense of use players?
Get out of here with your concern trolling.
If you actually cared, you’d work to get more people into the game. Instead, all you’re doing is parroting meaningless “grrr, CCP greed is killing it!” and not actually providing actual support for those claims. Can you point to any specific incident that CCP’s greed directly caused a drop in player count?
Kids like you have been worrying about “the perfect storm” for 16 years. Get over it.
So Plexing friends subs when they can’t afford it or giving away billions in ISK to keep people happy when they’re struggling doesn’t count then ?
I don’t quite give ashit about how you’re doing something. But it is hilarious to see you spending all this money and then turning around and blaming CCP for being “greedy” despite you STILL not providing a single example.
The old “Teach a man to fish…” adage comes to mind here…
I’ve been there and i’ve done that.
Well then do it again because you friends obviously did’t learn anything if you are still bailing them out.
so instead you just make up fake bs and then blame ccp for being “greedy” as the cause of dropping player numbers. got it.
And what voodoo school of economics did you attend Scoots? I debunked this specious argument in another post some time ago. “Price your stuff properly” can be defined as “what the market will bear”. Any player who frequents the market knows to check the average price paid for an item, and then list his/her item appropriately. You assume the OP is ignorant or naive, but he states clearly he’s been trading for a long time and knows what he’s doing.
“Where does it say your entitled to profit?” Do you even think or re-read what you’ve written before you post? That statement can only well up from the mind of a long time forum troll who is the laughingstock of the community. Does anyone, and I mean anyone with brains, list items to not make a profit??
Lots of stuff on the market was acquired with zero direct isk cost.
This isn’t something that carebears understand because they’ve never shot anyone. When you gank a fat hauler and need to do a payout for your crew, you don’t have the privilege of sitting on top of a market order for a month trying to eke out that extra 5%.
Lol. My gank FCs always just paid me in promises. The only FC that ever actually paid me a share was @Shadow_Cyrilus.
To be fair, you kept bringing a mining barge to the gank fleets…
Does ccp devs read this? I cannot say for sure, but I would bet that if they did then they skimmed the first post and rightly expected the forums own to handle the foolishness.
You cannot make a profit but others can and do.
You want mining barges for alpha players, why?
Malcanis’ law has been raised . . . Kind of the Godwins law of eve forums.
So you get me reading it (and responding) the hisec CSM guy. I am in favour of changes to make it tough to bot. I do not expect alpha pilots to have a ‘make isk fast’ method of plexing their accounts. I try to find a middle ground where one gameplay does not eliminate other styles. Quixotic of me, I know.
So bring a REASONABLE request, something doable that doesn’t sound like entitlement or you wanting your gameplay to be subsidized and ccp devs won’t have to read this thread. . . I will be taking the issue TO THEM.
Or not, maybe you just wanted to vent.
How about, maybe, mention that the sun glare is a problem. Please?
I have mentioned it to them before but I will do so again.
You’re the best
Curious to know how you would explain the massive middle finger CalMil got from CCP in Ichoriya, given that a great deal people use FW as a jumping off point to learning the ropes of PVP, and given that a great deal of new players choose Caldari. You seem to have the answers so I’m all ears (or eyes I guess…).
As many economists learn, supply and demand cannot be manipulated so easily, and oftentimes small actions by an interfering government have massive unintended ramifications. You want to control supply, that is perfectly fine, but this is not the best way (or even a good way) to do it. Null sec is the place to hit and there are numerous ways to do it, even if wanting to stay within the confines of this Trig narrative that they’ve cooked up. Having the trigs take some of those Null systems would be a fantastic start. The Null sec alliances could dust off their shiny caps that have been sitting there collecting dust, bring them out, lose them to trigs, and create incredible demand for supply. In addition, supply routes would be disrupted from the source, and access to precious ores restricted. Seems like a great idea but yet, here we are…
The main problem is that we the players are completely in the dark about what’s going on and what is motivating CCP with these changes. I get the secrecy, but in this context it simply does not work. For every solid point that someone comes up with to justify the trig invasion, a solid counterpoint exists.
If you have some source I am unaware of, I would love to read it.
First, though the op does certainly seem entitled and I think we can all agree on that, he is venting frustration which I have to admit is legitimate, even if misplaced.
With that being said, I’m so glad you asked for a REASONABLE request; I have a few:
Ask CCP what the plan is with the Trig Invasion. Honestly, the whole plan. As in, what is CCP’s goal here. Because, I will say, it can’t be for profit because players are dropping like flies. It can’t be to attract new players because we all know new players don’t like losing ships and if one happens to go through a trig system, say goodbye to that person. So what is their goal, as a company, by implementing the trig invasion?
Part two of the above: what is their in-game goal? If we’re going to sink time into this game, we need to know there is going to be some reward that won’t be taken away by NPCs of all bloody things. Honestly, I don’t mind losing all my stuff as a result of someone else’s actions, but to lose months of work and suffer for months more as a result of an ill-conceived invasion of non-player controlled NPCs is just disheartening, crushing, and in all honesty killed my spirit to grind on. It’s almost as if bots were now taking the form of little red icons on my overview, except those bots are godly OP.
Ask them if the collapse of CalMil was planned and if they say no, press harder because I can almost all but guarantee it was. We did exactly what we were supposed to do: we banded together, gathered up new and old players alike, and put in a massive concerted effort to push the tides of the war and, by all accounts, we were hugely successful. Then we lost Ichoriya, after fighting against NPCs for it with everything. The result: GalMil took advantage of a bad situation; we lost Ichoriya because the trigs were OP to Caldari ships at the time; the loss killed the fight of many who then moved elsewhere; CalMil is once again losing systems. So please, ask CCP to enlighten us as to why the plan was to assist, so blatantly, the GalMil at a time when CalMil had finally got itself together. As the “hisec CSM guy”, this relates to Ichoriya which was a hisec system, so should be in your bailiwick.
The short of it, people are pissed about this and, if CCP is not reading this, they should be, even if a lot of posts come off as whining, entitled, or misplaced venting/rage. These are the things that cause new players to quit and, as the game continues to evolve and become more complicated, new players will be increasingly difficult to pull in and retain.
The issue with that was the 0.01 isk bots that were proliferating, surely you ran into them in the before times