Do wormholes need balancing?


I’m surprised this bears crying thread has not yet locked tbh…

In fairness wormholes do need balancing though, c1 and c2’s arent really even worth bothering to crab, even for a newbro.
And personally id like to see some other, new random stuff going on in wh’s; get a bit more people actually in them.
I mean sure the sites in low class have easier rats in, but the space itself is just as hostile? It is not like it is nullsec with free local chat intel tool to keep you safe.

I think it’s fine. When I first started the game I immediately was hooked on WH space. So much so that 4 months after starting the game I took myself and my alt into a C1. I could barely fly anything able to kill the C1 rats. In fact I was so new that when I found an empty C1 I rolled a second toon on my account, put him in a fitted scan ship with skillbooks then logged him off in a safe spot while he trained the skills to fly and scan the way back out. Then I had to train the skills to anchor a pos.
Yes it was dangerous. It was also some of the most fun I’ve had in EVE. From there I grew into larger class WH’s and a larger corp.


When i first started wormholes weren’t even in the game.

Yea while I started around 2011 I’m not as old of a player as some.

Don’t worry mate… We’ve got to reduce the number of Super-carriers in the game anyway. Seems like the WH people have found a way to do exactly that.

Learn, adapt, and overcome. Please stop crying.

Seems like the casualisation of Eve conundrum.
Insta action instead of hunting around looking for fights which takes time.
Blizzard broken their game WoW with flying mounts & insta battlegrounds.
Surely CCP can see sense and not go down this route?

Shoot CCP started screwing their game up when capital ships and Player made structures were introduce. Eve and 0.0 was allot more interesting and dangerous before these were introduced and there were daily fleet fights everywhere in 0.0 with systems constantly changing. Now all this crap they introduced has matured into something even more carebear 0.0 has become too safe.

before actual upwell structures it was just grinding POSes. Null was not safer with SOV timers proliferating all the sov space. I mean you can make timers all day but can you take them?

SOV was significantly harder before FOZZY touched it.

Looking at recent developments (instanced pvp and login rewards spam) I’m a little worried.

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The worst thing about wormholes is really the inhabitant that has all the stuff figured out, mechanics wise it doesn’t feel like anything changed… sadly. The highclass rolling changes have been reverted and you’re back to rolling like you used to. There are more holes that generally just inconvenience you for 10 minutes, putting aside…

really, how I hate those things. Can’t roll them, can’t use them unless you’ve got considerable numbers anything you might want to engage on the other side, you end up engaging with like an enyo and a kiki. Even worse, the moment there’s a frig hole on your map, you can count on everyone just doing other stuff until you got rid of it.

So the sane, knowledgable person of course will join some of the established groups if possible, and with Q-Cores upcoming, logging out 4 Shaks to kill structures off will be a gauranteed reward. Before, you used to have the defense of being too unimportant to bother with, so worst case I can kiss those gankable targets populating the space around me a goodbye in the near future. Best case… there is no best case.

We currently have WH alliances with up to a thousand characters in them, like hell, when AHARM was exploiting c6s, they were a fraction of that. When HK became known as one of the first sizeable groups to fly well-coordinated fleets, they were the boogeyman for being excellent AND having 300 members, contrasting previous boogeymen like CRIT and Verge and their 15 man gangs.
Clearly, people have become too good at organizing, consolidating power and generally playing the game.

I do miss the times when you could self-isolate and poke ‘one’ connection open to search for content you can handle, without finding a new frig hole, a K162 and a random c1 connecting straight to the Forge 20 minutes later when you want to reship to bigger stuff.

Right now, refusing to join a mass corp, trying to snatch a kill from another group, it’s gotten quite pointless. You used to do well just playing rock-paper-sleipnir, but that’s just… dead. There’s like a dozen groups left (excluding the c2→null/c5 folks), and the rest can either leave or join those.

Tl;dr: Frigholes are ■■■■■■■■. People are too good at this game right now. Give wormhole mass reducer to get rid of random c1s.

So just out of curiousity, Do WH folks see this as something that will be a big thing? I mean sure it is a guaranteed drop, however dropping an online astrahus will tie up those 4 shaks for basically 3 days, once you factor in the timers plus the getting in and getting home, for a 600m drop. That’s like what, an hour using them in a C5, or hell probably even 2 hours in a crappy C4?

I mean if it didn’t seem worth popping one before, just for the potential ship drops, does the core really make it that much more worthwhile use of time?

I doubt it will increase the numbers of evictions by a lot. The headache of hole controlling that long for the pay out is probably not worth it.

My biggest complaint is that it doesn’t really help the structure spamming in null space and it hurts starting wormhole corps a lot… and wormhole space seems to be getting emptier… which is bad.

The only other change this patch is going to cause is an increase in hi sec war decs…

That’s my real complaint about this patch… if the idea was to reduce the structure proliferation in null sec, it fails at that while hurting new wormhole corps… if they want more hi sec war decs, it likely succeeded, but even that’s a maybe.

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I went overboard on that, but plenty groups sit around with astra, rait, athanor. That’s a decent set for something a single person can clean up, and much more incentive than previously.

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