Do you prefer the new or old forums? [POLL]

Thanks, that does indeed work.
Now if only we had some sort of page breaks so you don’t have to scroll through potentially hundreds of threads to find something of interest.

Doesn’t even have to be actual pages but a simple page break, like threads posted to less than 24 hours ago - threads posted to 25 to 48 hours ago - then you could just skip to a week old and have weekly blocks of threads in each category.

Something like this will simplify searching and browsing the forums, especially as the number of individuals using the new forums increases.

Being able to resize the reply, preview boxes would be nice. Anything over 10 lines of text you have to scroll up and down to review what you’ve written. This is not at all user friendly


I like this forum better for three reasons:

  1. It enables and creates conversations by bringing topics to people, instead of having people seeking out topics.
  2. Its design doesn’t lead to toxic behaviour and makes it harder to derail a topic. Unlike the old one.
  3. It doesn’t flood the brain with information and colours like the old one did. Instead it’s minimalistic, again reducing possible toxidity. toxicity. whatever, it’s 30+ degree around here. vOv

Actually on the old forum it was relatively easy to keep up with fast moving threads - They were on the front page, where now it is just one page which continually loads content (wasting precious data and fukin annoying on a slow connection) - Waiting up to a minute for a list of threads in a category to load is just so BAD and will only get worse as the forum sees more use.

If the new forums can’t be optimized for those not using it as it was designed (for mobile devices) then CCP needs to look for something different.

You can optimize the old style forums to suit mobile devices, maybe that is a better option than using a design that can’t be optimized for PC/Laptop use…
Is it better for a minority to have subpar usability or the majority?

So yes while I am critical of some change it is with what I feel good reason.
If I think it will hurt the game, I will speak out.
Sometimes I will be wrong, sometimes right - Regardless I WILL speak out.


A list of threads, or a thread?

Fast moving forums on the old forums like Character Bazaar and Corp and Alliance Recruitment had threads disappear off the front page within minutes. They were hard to follow and were no easier than an infinite scroll, since the pagination didn’t help. If you didn’t remember what you were looking for, you were no better off there than here.

As for fast moving threads here, you automatically jump to the last point you reached when previously in the thread. You don’t have to wait for heaps to load. You go right to the last point you reached when you were last in the thread.

That’s exactly the same as clicking the to end of a thread on the old forum.

No data wasted at all. I just recorded a video of that:

Not a single bit of data wasted and you’d hope there wouldn’t be. They have mobile devices in mind in their development, so data usage is important and not just because of data usage (which is small), but also for speed.


@CCP_Falcon any chance to get a forum signature or something like that?? Or the notification feed of the evegate? It was quite nice to see verything at once (new mail, new replies, etc.)!


As for forum signatures, my guess is probably not, as the Discourse developers have explicitly stated that they are against supporting them. You have a “card” that people can see by clicking your portrait, that will display info from your profile. That card is meant to replace forum signatures without adding clutter.

It would be amazing if corporation/alliance affiliation could be included there though.


A very good idea, yes.
Just wondering what that “User Card Badge” is for. Can’t select anything.


It doesn’t seem to be functional for mere mortals on this forum, but from my possibly flawed memory: Badges represent both “achievements” and “roles” in Discourse, with a setting that determines whether a badge can be displayed as a user’s title tag.

If you have one or more badges that are allowed to be used as a title, you can choose which one will be shown on directly on your posts, and the rest are visible only on your card. So, let’s say, hypothetically, they give a titled badge to AT winners, and one of the members of the winning team also happens to be on the CSM, they might be able to choose between showing their CSM title or their AT title.

(Probably wouldn’t actually happen this way, but it’s just an example of how it would be used.)


I am just pleased that the old forum, dull, uninspiring grey has been replaced with a new, dull, uninspiring grey.




“New” by default is “New within the last 48 hours”, so that should help. And there is in fact a divider that remembers what you are caught up with and what you are not, everything below the “last visit” has no new posts since the last time I browsed this forum, while everything above it has something new for me to look at:

The “New” feed can be customized a bit as well, so that it handles exactly this use case of reading the forums in blocks, and in a way that’s faster and more convenient than the old forums, since I can get an overview of everything I missed without descending into each subforum one at a time.


And by muting categories and threads that are unlikely to produce anything of interest, you can create a very clean “New” feed that’s easy to stay on top of :slight_smile:


Option I want to vote for is not there.

I dont know if new forum is better but I like how it looks


Simply muting “Categories” doesn’t help, I’ve muted all languages other than “default” (for me English). Have the view preference set to “created since I was last here”.
Right now “New” has 99 new threads in as many different languages as the forums support.

While writing this reply I had a notification of a new thread, unfortunately it is in German category, so it seems - Muting categories doesn’t work. I only viewed the German category to mute it, so really shouldn’t be getting notifications for it.

It’s great to see the German and Russian sections being used so much BUT I don’t want to see notifications for them. There needs to be a “hide category” option that actually hides it. Discord is bad for this too, simply muting channels you don’t want to see doesn’t stop notifications.

NB; This site is so badly in need of a spell check (auto correct would be better), I can’t believe how badly a lot of the Eve community spell, non English speakers excluded.


This reply is a prime example of how the Eve community has no idea on self moderation. I don’t want to see this sort of spam all over the forums.
I’m sure the poster thinks he is funny, I think he just just a spammer and the forums should not allow posts containing no text


Meh. Being able to insert flashing kitties is all well and good - but the old forums were much easier to read which is really the function of “forums.”


The old forums are better than this new one. While this one has more bells and whistles, it is actually less functional. The posts take more space and it is more difficult to find posts within a given category. The old was less bells and whistles, but it was functional, to the point, and did the job it needed to do: present information.

If the motivation to move to this new forum format lies in mobile users, then the question is: how many EVE players read the forums on a mobile device (the old forums read fine on my iPad and Android phone) and how does adding images make it better for mobile users and their data plans?


Should have an option “I don’t care” too. Every few years something changes in these forums. I see no purpose for all these changes.


How the heck do i message another user on here? There use to be a mail function on the other forums. Now i can’t find anything.


for me the link is

and the keyboard shortcut is G, M


Why is it not just near the character’s portrait so i can click send message?

And when i open this, where is the compose button? All i see is a greetings message with no obvious way on how to send/delete/ sort any messages.