Does anyone else feel shame when flying back to a trading hub in a capsule?

I hadn’t noticed the difference in warp speed between capsules and shuttles.
Thank you for pointing it out!


And Leopard shuttles are the fastest!! But watch out for gankers! They love killing them.

I don’t need to be flying at 20 AU/s! I would get seasick and toss up my breakfast.
And it’s kind of an ugly ship, even for Minmatar.

I feel like everyone loves me… doesn’t mean it’s true.

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Frosty doesn’t know if your pilot yet

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I’m not pilot.
I clean the barn from horsepoop.

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Would you like to feel real shame and roleplay with me?

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I am not capable of feeling shame.
My best friend is shovel for horsepoop.

I read it like “horseplay with me”, but sure-sure, you Frostpacker is best poster in the forum… but can you pilot a ship? Because I don’t know what I am doing… see this button there?
I don’t know what it does!


I promise you I will be wholesome

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They all say that at first but then I end up shoveling horsepoop and feeding piggies.
Maybe it is my manifest destiny, horsepoop and strange buttons.

You are Amarrian, yea?
Not filthy Minmatar or degenerate Caldari?

People who undock anything less than a Mammoth with at least one Large Skill Injector in its cargohold should feel ashamed for being poor.

I’m so poor I can’t even pay attention.
But I am not ashamed because soon everybody will be poor. We will own nothing and be happy :blush:

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Why you feel poor when you can open up a conversation

Because I can’t have my own station in space and be able to pay mercenaries to protect it :disappointed_relieved:
Also, I don’t have a house, just an apartment :cry: and don’t have a car, just a scooter.

You are so silly. Many people don’t have a roof over their head and have to walk everywhere.

About your own station, most capsuleers don’t own one.

Get off the cross, somebody needs the wood!

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Well, when you put it like that…

Something I’ve never actually thought about.

Questioning why it would be seen as shamefull.

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