Does Gate-Camping Add Value To EVE?

If being a space hero doesn’t work out I can always run for congress/parliament.

One could suggest that without ‘gate camping’, then producing the strategic choke points that so often define alliance boundaries would become an altogether more difficult task.

Gate camping defines boundaries, much in the same way as Lions patrolling a boundary does.


Don’t be stupid it is stupid players wanting easy kills be honest!

Is that why you sound butt hurt, you were killed by stupid players?


Are we talking about gate camping or your poor attempt at trolling?

maybe you are too scared to post on your main or is this your main?

2016 so last year!

Oh I’m scared…

Don’t give me your pixel macho crapola :rofl:

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Many years ago a pirate corp called Tundragon funded their first supercarrier from what they had earned in gatecamps, so yes, for them at the time it was worth it.
This was ages ago btw, when such ships were rare.

Gate camping in itself does add value to the game, depending on where you do it. If your in Low Sec or Null I would argue that Gate-Camping does add value to the game. It can be a very social activity if you’re within an active corp. If you’re running around in Low Sec or Null and you do not have a scout than you totally deserve what you get. Also you should always remember that having a scout doesn’t make what you’re doing much safer.

This is Eve after all.

However if you’re an active ganker and love to multi box along High Sec gates awaiting helpless newbies, freighters and transports you’re going to hate this sudden change in my perspective. After learning about the sale of the game recently to another corporation I’ve become more concerned about its longevity and believe gate camping should be reevaluated where High Sec is concerned. If you love the game and want it to survive through the generation of new member blood than you may actually agree, reluctantly, to some extent. But if you’re a member of CODE, for example, this idea sucks.

Unlike other games, Eve is extremely complicated and the things you can do in this game are vast. Its the only game of its kind and as a result all new players need to understand that it’s all about time. The time it takes to skill into something, the time it takes to become an accomplished pvper, the time it takes to build something, the time it takes to acquire the resources just to do the build or get those fighting skills, not to mention the time it takes to actually learn the game. This requires, not only, a learning curve but also an ample amount of patience. New players, in general, ( who are in High Sec specifically and not at war ) are not very patient learners. The instant gratification you get from other games isn’t really there where Eve is concerned and as a result it lends itself more to those of us who are more sci-fi oriented or easily bored by the simplicity of other games. In fact I find the complexity of the game to be one of its greatest assets but for the new play it is more likely than not that the need to build and nurture that patience and appreciation of time is greatly needed in this game and high sec should be that area if any.

All that being said: Taking the time to learn and do these things only to find yourself getting ganked in high security space a single jump from Jita is tailor made to make someone quit. So I would simply make two suggestions.

  1. CCP’s response time should be almost instant in its highest security systems.

  2. A ganker who’s using their ship to ram into other ships, especially freighters, should see their ship taking on damage with each collision.

Is this a total answer to the issue? No.


99% of ganks in 0.8-1.0 use alpha ships like Nados already lol :rofl:

Isn’t There The Invisibility Cloaking Thing?

This question has to be placed on the market department. Each action also has its own reaction. Also, Gate Camping has positive results on the game, but it also causes damage to the game.
It would be correct to calculate the total amount of positive and negative impacts and see if that summ helps or damages the game.
This is the only way to properly assess how individual factors affect the game.

I love to gate camp :slight_smile:

Gate campers can typically decide whether they want to take a fight or not but they are completely vincible and can be destroyed.

Umm so what did you try to write originally: they are invincible and can’t be destroyed or that they aren’t completely invincible and can be destroyed? I assume the former but better ask than assume.

Gate-Camping is clearly a problematic subject in EVE, alongside High-Sec, FW, Carriers, Cloacky-Campers, etc…

And like each one of those subjects, it can be boiled down to two things: Commitment and Counterplay.

The best way to see what should or could be done about Gate-Camps is to get what they are about and what they are trying to accomplish.

From what I see, a gatecamp is essentially about denying access to a space through the use of violence. That simple.

So from there, what they need to have is pretty straightforward to get:

  • Gatecamps need to ask for commitment. If you start a fight, you can’t just have a free bail out at the first sign of trouble.
  • Gatecamps need to offer counterplay to the people involuntarily interacting with them.

On the commitment side, for me the solution has always been simple. Make the Gate point the Agressors for a sizeable amount of time.

This way you make sure the gatecamp has a clear meaning: the people doing them are committed to refuse access to the space for a time, willing to risk a fight to protect access to that space.

If they are efficient they will deny said access, if they are not they become content for others.

As for Counterplay, I like the observation @Abaris_Fagimasad made on the subject of Alts.
For now the only decent counterplay is to use a scout, and this is not good.
The game overreliance on alts make the barrier of entry unnecessarily high and participate in the whole N+1 that is stifling competition in it.
I daresay, a solo player should be able to counter a gatecamp through strategy and planning, and with the convenience of a single screen.

What I can see allowing that is a sort of probe players could send through the gate that would give informations on what is happening on the other side after minutes, or more, of monitoring.
The probe could be simple and be ready after minutes or ask to be put there for hours before starting to monitor things.

The gatecampers would be able to get info on the sender from the probe, but also destroy/reinforce the probe which would drop some mats as a reward. But by doing so they would send an obvious signal to the guy on the other side (or just mess with his mind), and also commit themselves to this gate.


People would have the choice of organizing to crash a gatecamp they have monitored, or lose the probe.
And Gatecampers would have to choose to commit or let go some people depending on who is scanning them, and also tend the gate so that not too many probes are there warning people on the other side.

I’m a PvE / PI guy, and so personally, I look at gate campers the same way I might regard something unpleasant that I stepped in.

That said, I think this activity adds flavor and value to the game experience. Obstacles, tensions, opportunity for loss & gain, brief drama–all good as far as I’m concerned.

Is it balanced? Damned if I know. And I suspect, that outside of the few folks who can view all of the game data–no one else does either.

It’s balanced because you have every opportunity to avoid it and to stop it. In cases where it would not be balanced is where you had no way to avoid it and could not stop it.

Pilots often get confused and think it’s not balanced because when you get caught, it’s often 20 versus 1. You may not be able to beat all 20 pilots nor survive the encounter. This does not make it unbalanced because you still jumped and still put yourself in that situation just like there is nothing stopping you from popping a cyno or having 20 + 1 members warp to you from the other gate to fight them off.

CCP has made many changes over the years to help pilots survive gate camps though. They removed all the 10KM gates. This means, when you jump into the system from the gate, you are no longer 10KM from the gate. If you could believe, it was extremely easy to warp scram targets back in the day because you would only be 10KM from a tackler.

They also changed the web stacking mechanics. Along with being 10KM away from the gate when you decloaked, you could be webbed to a point of single digits. Thus, crashing the gate or ABing to safety was not possible. You were stuck and you could not go anywhere but straight to your death.

Then they buffed the hulls of many ships and changed mechanics around. Sniping 100KM away was not instant death. Now the biggest thing to fear is getting smartbombed on warp in a pod or low tanking frig.

@Uriel_the_Flame thanks for catching that

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