Does Gate-Camping Add Value To EVE?

You’re assuming I don’t care about players just because I tell them they should play something else. That’s a mistake that you are making. I do care, otherwise I wouldn’t say ■■■■. What I don’t care about here is your moral outrage at my choice to do the right thing by people and explain that they can’t change this game to cater to them, so if they don’t like it, they should move on to something they do like.

I really don’t care if you think I’m nice or not, nothing you say from a moral standpoint is going to convince me to change this. If you have a real reason for me to not do this, one that doesn’t depend on your subjective moral evaluation, then I’m all ears. If you’re only problem is that you think I’m an arsehole, then I submit to you that it is a personal problem, and not mine or one with the game. This makes it your problem alone, and why should I care about your problems?

He’s got a gun, you don’t, you die. Where is the flaw?

He doesn’t have a gun, he has a glitch called bumping, if I use a gun concord kills me.

Bumping is not a glitch

Is not a real thing either. Space pool with spaceships is not more plausible than space Dragoons spilling flames… :sweat_smile:

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It’s a very real thing that people do all the time, and the developers condone, so I suggest you get used to it, because EVE isn’t real life. It’s a game. That means the rules of reality don’t apply to EVE, it has its own rules, and it’s up to you to figure out how to play by them. If your objective is to change them, then you’re up a certain creek without a certain implement.

Blah blah… Is not a Fiction game, is a Science Fiction game. So no flying pets or fancy spells… or other things who contradict the basics physics of the reality :sunglasses:

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I see you have nothing but a non-response to my points, so I accept your (however reluctant and childish) deference to them.

Is there a way for a thread owner to close their own thread or are we just all cursed to this rapid descent into madness as if two months is enough to slip from sanity into total dementia?

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You have no real points, just a strong compulsion to reply to any idea who does not fit in your narrative.

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Your ignorance of my points does not mean I don’t have any, it just means you’re ignorant.

Good advice in EVE is often like good advice from medical practitioners. The nice ones will tell you what you want to hear but won’t save you from serious harm you do to yourself. The good ones will tell you what you don’t want to hear but listening to them will save you a lot of trouble.


Both suicide ganking and gate camping are just fine, mechanically speaking. Neither ganking nor camping, nor mining or hauling takes a lot of “skill”. But in terms of “effort”, ganking and camping requires significantly more than to avoid being ganked or caught in a camp:

To suicide gank something worthwhile you need to bring and coordinate a lot of people who will all lose their ships, and whose profit depends on the loot fairy alone. And all one needs to do to prevent them from making any profit is a sensible fit and reasonable amount of cargo. To avoid them ganking at all, usually it suffices to bring just one friend or alt in a webber. The effort required to gank something by far outweights the effort required to avoid being ganked. I consider that more than fair for the “victim”.

To effectively camp a gate, you again need to bring and coordinate a whole bunch of people, and you risk being hotdropped or otherwise overrun sooner or later. To avoid a gate camp, all that’s required is either a single ship designed to avoid gatecamps (Covops-Cloaks, Interdiction-Nullifiers and Interceptors work well, depending on the security status of the system) or bring a scout. This can even be a bloody newbie with an alpha clone, flying a Corvette who will be more than happy to get a little cut of the profit of whatever it is that you are doing. So, again, the effort required to camp a gate usually far outweighs the effort required to not get caught in a camp.

Bumping is kind of silly, admittedly. But it’s the best mechanic we currently have to keep someone in place in High Sec. The harder CCP makes it to mess with other players, the sillier the methods will become. This is a sandbox after all. And at least I can say that bumping does take some skill at least, and can again easily be avoided with the right fit and a bit of help.

Discussions of whether any of the game mechanics are “realistic” or fit the lore or whatever are completely pointless. Whatever exists in the game universe is both real and part of the lore as far as the game is concerned.

Now, personally I think that especially suicide ganking has indeed gotten a bit out of hand, but that’s not because suicide ganking is broken, but because everything else is. Most other means of messing with people in highsec have been nerfed so much that they are not feasible anymore. I do not consider the prevalence of suicide ganking unfair, but I find it a bit boring.

You can call for an @ISD_[NAME] to close it. Usually they are fairly quick to respond.

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Gate camps are only a problem early on. Once you gain a bit of experience they won’t seem so bad.

There is the counter argument that you can just find someone who suicide ganks for fun and not for profit, but the point of making it financially impractical to suicide gank you is to limit the pool of available gankers down to as few players as possible. A suicide ganker who ganks for profit but can’t make a profit off you is one less ganker to worry about.

There is also the counter argument that not all gate camps are in low-sec regions where a roaming fleet might catch the gate campers off guard. Niarja and Uedama are prime examples of this. Constant bumping and suicide gank fleets are reported on a minute-by-minute basis via the intel channels I use and those systems are in high-sec space.

This thread is now about suicide ganking, as it always rightfully was, as are all threads.

New Order!

Most relevant alliance in the game!

Not a single kill. The guy must be scared of other pilots coming after him and his real toon in a Contest Fest.

Come out with your real characters name.

There are trillions of ISK of value sitting on the gates in NC and PL space. What is the excuse again of why all of these wonderfully talented Blob Pilots don’t gank Titans and Supers with their Death Blob fleets like they do the freighter in High Sec?

So many more tears to be harvested, so many more…let they only grind on helpless freighters in High Sec and then hoop and holler…“Look at me…look at me.”

zKill is currently broken - well re-parsing all the killmails.

He does has a killboard with at least something on it that will reappear when zKill is back to normal:

But from his talk, most of his PvP is of the non-violent variety involving the bumping of ships. That doesn’t generate any kill mails, although it is the cause of copious tears, maybe rivaling that of gate camping.

In many games, the lesser stakes involved in a bumping competition might even be an intended feature - a non-violent form of PvP competition over moving something or harvesting something in the safer area of the game. But carebears seem to cry over it as much, or even more than actual ganking.

Ah well, bumping, suicide ganking, gate camping, it’s all good. Players competing and interacting for stuff - and killmails! - in the shared universe.