Double Training Weekend Feedback Thread!

when will I finally be able to just pay $4.99 for 50k sp?

I feel obligated to remind you that your efforts on “shoot 1 rat daily for 50k SP boost” was a failure and I don’t really see the reason why these efforts will not share same fate.
If you really wish to introduce the daily rewards, at least do it the right way. And the right way is tiered system ensuring not only a login, but actually some sort of engagement with the game.

How do you do it? Well, you have number of chains generated each day, attributed to different gameplay areas, from PVE rat shooting to killing somebody. Each tier of the chain gives you Nth tier token, which expire in 24 hours. However, you can redeem only one token per tier per day.

Let’s say we have 5 tiers (Skills have them, missions have them, why not?).

First tier will give small amount of ISKs.
Second tier will give you some weak booster (So it’s market price would be bad, but using it would make sense for minor performance boost).
Third tier gives bigger amount of ISKs.
Fourth tier gives a lottery ticket you can open for random stuff (which might differ from joke item to something really cool)
Fifth tier gives you SP boost.

Here’s the example:
1 Tier mining - gather venture load of ore for 250-600k ISKs on top.
2 Tier mining - pop 3 rocks for “Mooncracker” booster dose (3% miner/strip miner cycle reduction for 1 hour)
3 Tier mining - Transfer 25k+ m3 ore to station or fleet hangar (Requires you to actually mine 25k m3 ore as secondary to prevent you from just dropping the bought/hoarded ore from indie and picking it up) for 1-3M ISK reward.
4 Tier mining - Compress or reprocess 30k+ m3 ore to get the ticket (Well, totally luck streak again, we wanted that Pax Amarria 9123784519034857th copy)
5 Tier mining - Sell (Ores) or spend (Minerals) 4M ISK (estimate) worth of materials for SP boost (I don’t know which value you find comfortable to give to players, duh!).

This way:
Older players will need prolonged engagement with a game to get SP boost, so they don’t just login and call it a day.
Newer players get some free stuff which gives them more generous margin of error they can recover easily from.


Ever hear of a skill injector?

Unreal how you proto-renters are upset about this. Not everybody has to get SP refunded from learning skills to be a person in eve, eat spod


Players getting excited for something you can buy for next to nothing.


Have at it people.


Not really different from some of the christmas events in past years.

So much hostility…did I roll over you at some point in the past and you are still holding a grudge?

No? I’m not blue to you so I’m not at risk of being shot by 2018 PLboys.

Ahhhh Freeness!!! /me starts break-dancing then moonwalks

oh lol you are in TNT, carry on



You are just too complicated :laughing:

Annoying ingrates *mutter mutter
I’ll be glad when they’re all gone…


Let’s be honest about it - CCP want returning players, not offline guys switching skills once in a while.
It’s a complicated stuff. There are NO simple solutions and previous efforts (Like mentioned shoot 1 rat for 50k SP daily!) failed miserably, giving more logins with no player-hours attached.


Thank you so much CCP! This is funtastic and should be done more often! :star_struck:


I was joking but you are right. :+1:

You’re just a bit too fast, this is just the first quick field test. :sunglasses:

And as it was expected, old players are anal about CCP giving out some tiny amount of SP to new players… Pathetic whiners


New owners are yanking CCP’s chain already. This is indeed just another milestone in EvE’s slow decline into mainstream mediocrity. Having SP used to mean something.

Except everyone is right. We’d rather have a good game with a bit of healthy exclusivity than “free stuff” and decisions that water down the core game. It’s nobodies fault at CCP most likely, but it still stings.

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Well, the kneejerk reaction to anything beneficial is that it’s in all likelihood a scam. You really shouldn’t be surprised this is the initial reaction to anything.

… but yeah, in my case I just loathe it when game devs (or anyone else for that matter) cynically try to manipulate me for their own benefit. It’s just the principle of the thing. I’ll give you guys my money, I’ll even whale on the skins if they’re good and all, but when you try to manipulate me into logging in x, y or z times a week, or try to manipulate me into doing Fad Activity #13523: RetardedPvEBullshitTypeB etc etc I start not wanting to pay you guys.

Don’t try to manipulate or cajole me. Make the game worth logging into without that. Or at least make the effort at it, you don’t even have to succeed. Just show you’re still about making the game better, instead of minimum required effort needed to milk and exploit us.


This is good, I like this. I have nothing to put these skill points into but I like this.


Eve Online and free stuff in the same sentence. The first reflex is to add you in contacts with terrible standing.