Drifter Crisis Event Site : The Field Rescue

I tried running the Field Rescue site solo in a Algos with drones. I had marginal success at taking out three or four frigates by turn the MWD on and off while pulling the NPC’s away from the salvage cans. With my MWD turned on and NPC’s all engaging my drones behind me at greater than 40km, I burned back past the slower Drifters and began salvaging the wrecks. The first one took forever, but on my out, because my drones had been left behind and were returning, the NPC’s were well within range to do extreme DPS if they switched their locks, the salvaged yielded me one stasis unit at the cost of maybe 10 T2’ Hobs. With a little practice, the above soloing in an Algos can yield a lot in returns from the Field Rescue.

As a Sea Guller, it’s great. With most everyone else running the site in the recommend ships that do not have drones, the drones give you an added advantage of being able to say, “Hey, I’m not sea gullying. I have five drones attacking Drifter frigates.” Then proceed to salvage the cans.

Reverse Sea Gullying is when you burn out and away from wrecks, get the drones to follow your drones and when all Drifter frigates are engaging your drones, you can say with confidence, " Hey, are they attacking any of you? Get to salvaging and stop whining about Sea Gullying!"

Unrelated: Where is this fitting window from?

Looks like the ‘Fitting’ tab of the new Ship Info screen.


The Mamba is good in larger sites as well when seagulling the NPC’s and the occasional station wreck as the Ospreys will be fit for repping primarily.