I don’t think you can.

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Cough those were\are Triglavians Cough

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Drifter invasion or Player Control by developers?

What ever happened to Risk vs Reward?

This seems to be a way of controlling the big blocks. If CCP doesn’t like what we are doing, threaten our holdings with unlimited spwaning NPC, that can one shot ships and that are not held to the same mechanics as players.

Well done, CCP you have finally found a way to stop large coalitions.


It’s Crowd Control.


All that AND bot control. Curious to see just how much all these null sec botters were really affecting the economy. From what I have read on recent and old dead threads this looks like a necessary move in the right direction overall.

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They arent following up on timers so there will be no real effects from their attacks so far :confused: .

no. that’s BS. there’s no bot targeting

working as intended is just something ccp says when they dont know how to make it work, until it causes too many problems. after that they have a magic fix

I laughed so hard i had an aneurysm!!

“oh look a ball of possibly the most dangerous npc’s out there, we will just form some t1 destroyers…”

Use your capitals.


The HS drifters use doomsday whenever their shield is depleted. This doomsday deals a lot of damage, enough to kill most subcap if it hits it. So the way to reduce the DPs is to use cheap and fast ships, with lots of speed.

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In nullsec?

When the alliance asking is in the blue doughnut that can and has fielded over 1400 titans in one fleet?

Use cormorants?

I mean…
you know…


I could show you the dscan and convoes i had with the cfc that were in that fleet.

But id prefer to just point at laugh at you instead, im sure your probably used to it by now :slight_smile:

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Yes sir, this makes perfect sense sir !

Please don’t forget to hydrate yourself.

i will, on those tears that are streaming from your face.

Don’t use tears please, the salt may dehydrate yourself.
Use tap water instead.

Here is the explanation why. Wait tomorrow before you read it :slight_smile:

The interesting thing here is thats probably your life too…