Drifters vs Capsuleer's news as 10?

I don’t have an opinion on the topic, sorry.
More precisely I think it depends on a lot of parameters, like what level of security, stability, rewards, is correct in NS - and I don’t have those values for CCP devs. I personally think that making nullsec control require active defense rather than diplomacy is a good thing to make sure there is not ONE alliance that controls all. I however believe that this comes a bit too late, or too early to let goons rejoice of having won Eve.

Now people will adapt and use the drifters to bring war in constellations, I guess. But as any mechanism it will be understood, adapted to, and used, unless CCP gives it an evolving nature.

Your argument lacks of basis. How is botting a proof that the content is “broken” ? If it did not bring iskies, people would not participate in it - and there would not be PVP related to it.

I also made a suggestion to limit isk generation in Eve : Inflation tax - #12 by Anderson_Geten
With this suggestion, the production of isks would be indexed on the total amount of iskies in game, so that it could not reach a maximum value ever. IF the inflation is really an issue, that is.