Drones are Questioning my Authority

The moment an npc warps in while out on a belt and also being at the controls at the time I decide to target lock the incoming belt rat NPC to then show that nasty pirate who’s boss out here and so I then give my order to my drones to attack by engaging the NPC belt rat.

The next thing I am watching is the delay that seems way longer than two seconds before my drone gets their act together to engage.

Question do all drones do this or had some of them become so lazy that they don’t quite understand how urgent my command is for them?

Also I am not able to find any information on if the drone will first lock up the target before they move towards the target.

Taking into consideration that my drones are orbiting my ship and it would take a second to align yet I am not seeing them change their trajectory until well into the third second.

Thus is not good enough and something needs to be done.

Lazy drones in question were Warriors.


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Heavier drones take longer to move.

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Warriors are light drones, if I remember correctly

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Drones are not lazy. If you do right by them, they’ll do right by you.

Try incorporating frozen corpses into their daily feeding. It worked wonders for me. Also, I found that personally hand polishing them will create the special bond needed for them to instantly do anything you require.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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There used to be an ‘aggressive mode’ for drones whereby they would automatically attack any hostile that you have locked. In fact I think I recall they’d engage even if you didn’t have the rats locked. They’d just scoot off and defend you. Now there can be a delay before this happens…I have noticed this a number of times. The solution is to actively tell the drones to ‘engage target’.

If you’re looking to make your point about frozen corpses more appealing then I wouldn’t suggest rubbing them as they could defrost and start to stink up the hanger.